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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. Wolfe, bright green isn't exactly what I meant...It's a bit to the blue side, Leprechuanish if you get what I'm trying to say. Not OD or military enough, I guess. Gyrene
  2. Flesh, thanks for the reply, but I think BFC takes a dim view of someone dissassembling their code, matter of fact it's a no-no according to their EULA. I still think that the rubble doodad shares a texture with the small brown building. Gyrene
  3. Call me blind, but i just can't find the bmp that is used for the rubble doodad. I'd like to mod it, but I need to find it first. Is it shared with the small wooden building? Anyone know? Thanks Gyrene
  4. A - Not sure, I think so. B- Nope, sorry. Gyrene
  5. Wow, it looks like i could've ordered first. My order number is one lower than Gyrenes. Do i get a prize now?</font>
  6. Tom, I'm fairly sure that either me, Mr. Spkr or Panzererfer42 were the firsts to order the game last night and my order number is 80363. I think that the order number system includes whichever non CMBB sales BFC had for this tracking period, so by the time order #80611 roilled around they were up to 248 copies sold, which might be a lower number if anyone ordered anything different like AA. $11k + is not a bad take for a day in any case! Gyrene
  7. Who did you blow, or are you dyslexic? The price was $65 for the bundle.... :confused: </font>
  8. Shouldn't the first 3 people to pre-order get a prize or somefink? Gyrene Edited again, because. [ September 07, 2002, 03:10 AM: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  9. Done and paid for...Does this mean I got to pre-order before Seanachai??? Mwahahahaha! My shallow and meaningless life has been given a small bright ray of hope! Gyrene Edited because. [ September 07, 2002, 03:03 AM: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  10. A little too bright green, but it's a start. Gyrene [ September 07, 2002, 01:43 AM: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  11. My favorite is when he claimed to be a Marine. Gyrene
  12. Spoiled with ASL were you? Back in my day all we had was SL. Kids these days...</font>
  13. 333mhz iMac with an 8mb Rage Pro? The 333mhz iMac (Rev D. "5 flavors") has a 6mb Rage Pro card. Are you sure you don't have a 350mhz "slot loader" iMac? They had the 8mb card. Sorry for the Mac-grog attack. Gyrene
  14. Double post [ September 03, 2002, 12:49 AM: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  15. Citadel - Draw as the Russians (All games played with default settings) Tutorial - Total Victory as the Russians on the first try (94 to 6 or something like that) Tutorial - 84 to 16 victory as the Germans after 3 tries. Citadel will be a tough one to beat as the Russians Gyrene [ September 03, 2002, 12:50 AM: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
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