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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. Shooting at the front or to the sides? Most SP guns have very little side armor. Good shooting in any case! Gyrene
  2. There are quite a few here that would like to see the PTO represented in CM, but I think we'll have to wait a while untile the more mainstream WWII settings get handled first. Gyrene
  3. Yes Joe, it is so. Faking a Harvard shingle is forgivable, but claiming to be one of the Misguided Children is a very serious matter. Gyrene
  4. I usually try to stay away from the cesspool, but this is an emergency that requires the attention of the Evil One In this thread Combat General has claimed to be a Marine (A "marine" no less, lower case and all) I thought Berli would like to know. Gyrene
  5. CG was a Marine? Ok, let me ask you a couple of questions for mine and the other forum jarhead's sake:(Any Marine would know this, so don't worry) What are your last 4? Which Training Battalion in Parris Island is the most renowned for harsher discipline? How can you tell a Senior from the other DI's? What happens on thursday nights in most USMC barracks? (Fridays in some). Who's got the most Medals of Honor? Smedley or Lewis B.? Who's ranked higher? A Gunner or a Gunny? What's a Pizza Box medal? What is a FireWatch ribbon? What is a Butterbar? What is the proper Rifle Range signal for "No rounds hit target"? What is the nickname for that? When you are doing target duty in the rilfe range, what is it called? (Hint: "You are pulling _____") In running cadences, who always steals you girlfriend when you are away? What are "Black Cadillacs"? What is "**** on a Shingle"? What is an 03? A score of 11 out 14 or higher is required to pass this test. Gyrene
  6. I thought the neutral steer system was copied from Churchill tanks captured from the aborted Dieppe raid. Could be mistaken though. I'm sure someone will correct me if I am. Regards Jim R.</font>
  7. If I'm not mistaken this type of track system was a British development that was copied by the Germans from Brit tanks captured in the Desert Campaigns. I don't think any of the Russian tanks used it, but the T34 was capable of very tight turns around one track. (There was a very neat clip of one doing high speed turns like that) Gyrene
  8. [shameless plug]Tank's bunkers are very nice, but there's also my wooden bunker alternative:[/shameless plug] It used to be at Manx's CM site, so email me if needed. Gyrene
  9. I agree it should be a Russian tune. The Germans were the bad guys after all. (Despite of what many misguided wargamers think) Gyrene
  10. Does this scare anyone else or just me? Gyrene
  11. I'm afraid all we're going to get here is the lock. It took BTS some 2 years to finish CM and another 2 or so to finish CMBB. This is not Macsoft or Macplay we're talking about here, regardless of MacDX I don't think we'll see CM on OS X in any form until the re-write another 2 or 3 years from now. By then CM & CMBB will be just curious OS9 relics to most Mac users. I don't think it's fair to blame Apple for this either, as seemingly every other Mac publisher has managed to convert their Glide & RAVE games to OpenGL. I'll buy CMBB and boot into 9 to use it, but I'll not be happy about it. I've already banned from my wallet any company that does not support OS X, but unfortunatly there are no direct substitutes for CM right now. Now, imagine if CMBB needed a considerable rewrite to work with Windows XP. Do you think BTS's answer would as cavalier as "Blame Microsoft"? Gyrene
  12. A lot of you will jump on the new guy for bringing this up for the 230th time but he does have a point. Why would an HQ unit readily lose troops under fire except for the very last überdude? Sole survivors in CM are ridiculously hard to kill, and when controlled by the AI have a tendency to keep running back into the fight - Regardless of whether they are in woods, foxholes or what have you. Yes, there'll be no more patches for CM, but that's one of the few things that do need to be looked at. Btw - I don't think AT teams are included in this as my bazooka teams seldom ever get a second shot. Gyrene
  13. Any man who claims to enjoy the neon green astro turf look and those giant sequoias used for trees is a sick, sick man. Gyrene
  14. Yup, that must have been it. I looked up some pics of M45's and it looks about right. Thanks! Gyrene
  15. Er...Make that "Fire and Ice" Gyrene
  16. I was watching the History Channel's "Ice and Fire" Korean War documentary and in one of the scenes a tank that looked very much like a Pershing with a short barrelled gun rolled by (Too big to be a M24, there were troops in the scene) The gun was maybe 1/4 the lenght of the Pershing's 90mm gun with no muzzle brake. Any ideas of what it might have been? Gyrene
  17. Frakking excellent idea! This goes to show that even after all this time there are still innovations to be made in modding! Brilliant work! I look forward to stealing your idea! Gyrene
  18. What else would there be to talk about in the Main Forum? Release date rumors and begging for bones? Gyrene
  19. The previously mentioned Ministry songs would be good, but I think that "Hero" would be a more proper choice. For PBEM there's always "Just one fix" Gyrene
  20. Not right now. I'm saving myself for a wrestling match 2 months from now. Wacky: "If it wasn't for these meddling CM'ers I'd have gotten away with it too!" Gyrene
  21. I have nothing constructive to add to this thread, I'm just here to introduce Mr. Johnny Cash, after a long absence from the CM forum: o/` "And I fell into a burning ring of fire" o/` o/` "Down, down, down, with the flames getting higher" o/` o/` "And it burns, that ring of fire, that ring of fire" o/` Thank you Mr. Cash, we now return to our thread, already in progress. Gyrene
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