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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. Is there an echo in the forum??? Why are you still here??? :confused: :mad: :confused: </font>
  2. I can live with a 3 week wait. Maybe Mike: I need a slogan that will read correctly in Russian and also means something in English when read backwards. Lots of A's, T's & those reverse R's Gyrene
  3. Chance Encounter is even? Roxy just handed me my ass in that one, due to unimaginative use of my StuGs, and a bit of luck in her...his...part...</font>
  4. First off: Don't get me wrong, the Demo is great, but I feel that there's is something missing... I think what's missing is an even scenario like "A Chance Encounter". The scenarios in the demo are fairly lopsided and while they do show the improvements in Defense it makes for more limited replay value. C'mon, how many times did you play Vallet of Trouble or Chance Encounter? Dozens in my case Wait for the game I guess. Gyrene
  5. No speeke de russkie! Get me some slogans and I'll throw them on there. Kwazydog, it's just a matter of time. Tweaking the originals is a whole lot quicker. Gyrene
  6. Panzer Boxb, I'll put this up in my small earthlink site while freeserves get their heads out of the @$$e$, but thanks anyway, I might still need your space. If you want it, you can get it here We need the final game so me and Tiger will have different vehicles to mod. Gyrene
  7. Is the picture coming showing up alright? It does look kind of dark when I import the screen capture into Photoshop. Gyrene</font>
  8. Is the picture coming showing up alright? It does look kind of dark when I import the screen capture into Photoshop. Gyrene
  9. I reposted a new picture. This one will look lighter than the mod actually is, but hopefully at least you'll be able to see it. Gyrene
  10. Finally my first tank mod! It's the basic T34 texture from the demo but after many tweaks and some "dirtyfying" I'll have it up for download after I sort my FTP trouble to my web space (Or if someone wants to host this in a better place I'm all for it.) -Edited to fix the picture link. Gyrene [ September 02, 2002, 05:49 AM: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  11. I like the new tank sounds much more than the old ones, it doesn't sound like so much dronning anymore. The 45mm AT guns don't sound all that great though. Gyrene
  12. A Sunday bump for this lowly mod. Let the modding begin. Gyrene
  13. How about you DP Mac(s) & your Cinema Display(s)? Funny enough CMBB runs even better than CMBO on my Mac. Gyrene
  14. Yes, as far as I can tell many, if not most .bmp's will be interchangeable as long as you figure out the right names for the files. Gyrene [ September 01, 2002, 11:51 AM: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  15. Not a big mod, but a mod in any case. When I first saw the very early rubble preview pictures I threatened to make a new rubble texture as soon as the game was out; well I couldn't go to sleep before I did, so here it is: If you like it, you can download it here . I'll do one for the rubble doodad as soon as I figure out how. Btw, thank you BFC for ditiching the Resource File ball and chain from the Mac version! Previewing each new fix on the mod was a breeze this time! Gyrene [ September 01, 2002, 06:14 AM: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  16. I beat the Germans 96 to 4 on the default settings. The tutorial was very easy. Citadel as the Russians has proven to be harder than I thought... Gyrene
  17. Argie, go get Speed Download from Versiontracker.com, it makes a huge difference. Gyrene
  18. Mike, you are probably correct about the single track issue, and I remember reading in a couple of places that the Germans adapted their rail cars to the Russian gauge, until they could convert the Russian tracks to the German gauge. Here's a quote from US Army history site: This seems to support the German replacing of Russian track. On a side note, here's a funny quote on why US rail track is the gauge it is: So maybe I won't re-do my tracks for CMBB after all. Gyrene
  19. Phillippe, did you email me a while back about a double track rail mod? I never did get into converting my existing mod... I'll see what of it can be used for CMBB or even if it's need there at all. Gyrene
  20. Isnt the RPG-6 (rocket propelled grenade??) the shoulder fired anti tank round that is used today? I assume that the above stated RPG-6 is different. Chad :confused: </font>
  21. If your system is capable of running Linux or XFree86 (Includes OSX Macs!) you can run GIMP for free and it is a very decent Photoshop alternative for mod level stuff. Photoshop Elements is a very viable commercial alternative and at $99 (Minus $30 in rebates) it's a very good deal for both the Windows & Mac crowd. Can't help you there, but you'd be surprised at what you can do with a bit of practice. Gyrene [ August 26, 2002, 12:04 AM: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  22. The Partisan 3-3-7 recommend by ASL in 18.3 wouldn't quite do justice to the early Korean War Chinese forces, something like a Russian 6-2-8, reducing the E rating to 1 or 2 and the broken side morale to 7 or even 6. Sprinkle a few Commissars and add Human Waves to taste. Gyrene
  23. Very very nice buildings Tanks, you've sure come a long way since your first building mod! This is the only building mod I've seen that beats Panzertruppen's mod, excellent work! Gyrene
  24. I read somewhere that the KV2 had trouble turning it's turret in uneven terrain - Was this true? Obviously this feature will not make it into CMBB Gyrene
  25. Bah, he'll be completely over it and down to only 2 or 3 PBEMs at time in 2 years. Gyrene
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