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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. Don't turn rarity off. That will shaft him. If he complains, call him a gamey slut and play against one of the other 12,500 CMers on the forum.
  2. Well, holy shock horror. You didn't get your turns out. That must be by way of a calendar event. Goodale - are you, by any chance, a quadraplegic who has to do his turns by means of a small straw stuck to his forehead? This is the only possible explanation for: a) Your pace of turn sending; Your astonishing fliditude at actually playing the game.
  3. And lo, the Mikey has spoken. Yes, I'm here. I'm just building some groovy new scenarios for you poor bastards to suffer and die on. I have a mini-game available and am just putting the finishing touches to another couple. All my turns went out today, except to Keke and WhydoIbotherGoodale.
  4. I find it hard to believe that enough of you wierdos have been allowed to relate to the opposite sex. Actually, I find it disturbing that even the most backwards, deranged, alcoholic, halitosis-ridden nonces in the whole of creation can find more comfort in their lives than Madam Palm and her Five Lovely Daughters. I'm also concerned that MG-42 is starting to sound rather alot like MasterGoodale, who, although he clearly has time to post and has been allowed to play on the computer by the all-powerful MrsGoodale, is too traumatised by the "can-'o-whoopass" I have opened up to send me a turn!! As for my wenchlet, she tolerates my CM habit and now makes sure she brings a book when she comes over to see me, which I think is a good sign. She shows not the slightest interest in the game, describing me as 'sad', 'spod', 'wierdo', and my co-members of MasterGoodale's Thread of Cheery Waffle as "that bunch of friendless nitwits" - and it would be wrong to tell her how right she is.
  5. It's a fair point about losing LOS, MrSpkr, but without a bugfix for this problem, what's the alternative?
  6. M3 GMC? Is that a halftrack with an AT gun on it? Any links to pictures or info - I've been wondering about those things since reading a book on the Tunisian campaign and wondered where to find out about them.
  7. Alert!! :mad: Alert!! A picture of Prinz Eugen taking a well-earned rest from CM:BB: Don't you go around complaining about men wearing women's undies when this is what you get up to!! (N.B. Link taken from Soddball's Private Collection)
  8. The solution to that is as follows: Let's say your arty drops 100m too far west and 40m too far north of the point where you specified it. You then retarget the spotter 100m east and 40m south. The arty then magically appears bang on target. It's called readjustment, and it works flawlessly for me every time. Give it a go.
  9. You guys make it sound as though there isn't any rain, snow or mud in North Africa! A book I've been reading about the Tunisian campaign talks about knee-deep mud, heavy rains and snow-capped mountains.
  10. GARGAHGRAGRHARGAHRARGARAGGARGAGR!!!!! I'm back from a brief holiday from all you cretins. It's nice to get away from the mongy unibrow spasticity of this thread and into the real world for a change. I'm short of a turn from Kinky. Other than that, my up-and-coming bitches have received their turns. Oh, and MindlessScumball hasn't sent a turn for 4 days - but hey, who's counting?? Congrats to Mrs Goodale for keeping the evil MasterGoodale in some sort of secure institution. I'm glad that the Kneiber Dam playtesters enjoyed themselves - I will be posting the finished product at The Scenario Depot today which means it should appear on there on Wednesday. I have a couple more scenarios being prepped. Unfortunately the campaign I was doing - named "Backs to the Wall" in honour of Mike the Wino and Snarker and their happy little shower get-togethers has become corrupted (much like Mike and Snarker, actually) so that 44,000 point, 6km monstrosity has been lost to the ether. However, I have some further treats available for willing volunteers - a small game and a hugely hugely monster one.
  11. What about the Ghurkas? I hope they're modelled, because close-assaulting an enemy position with crack Ghurkas will be the most enjoyable part of the game. Berserker-tastic!
  12. MasterGoodale has sent me another turn! That's three this month and if he's not careful he may go over quota. I continue to whup him like a rented mule. Mike the Wino - I am prepared to offer you a chance to redeem your wifedom. I find your requisite parts distressingly slack, as though you have been used and abused frequently by large groups of men. Pick a groovetastic map, and lo, we will go at it like bitches, my little wife. Teddy Windsor - my Sig looks like a running sore with comments about hot white coconuts in it. Now that I have turned your PanzerGrenadiere into whining nancies in the SEPTIC cup, how's about a little rematch to free my Sig from pervdom? Keke and I are just setting to in our night-time hog of a scenario - random damage has left the centre of the map 90% full of craters. Nevermind has played dirty from the word go, taking unpleasant and spiteful pot-shots at my harmless holidaying mortars. Boo hiss to the monkey love slut. I don't seem to have anything from Snarker. It could be that I deleted his email, accidently, in a fit of todger-lubricating pique. If this is so, please resend and I will accomodate as much of you as I can.
  13. My one and only North African campaign book states that towards the end of the campaign in Tunisia, units stopped using bagpipes in combat because, at £80 per set, they were too expensive to replace. This suggests to me regular appearance of such ghastly musical monstrosities in combat. Whether or not they should be included in the CM:AK game, though, is quite another matter.
  14. I'd like to see the inclusion of blinding effects from the sun. If you're launching a dawn attack against an opponent to your west (assuming you're north of the equator) the sun will rise in your opponent's eyes. This will reduce their ability to spot you and would be a most groovy thing to be included in the new engine. Increased/reduced visibility according to whether it's a moonlit/moonless night, cloudy etc would also be good.
  15. All my turns have gone out. If you ain't 'ad one, it means you ain't sent one.
  16. For my birthday a chum bought me a book to get me in the mood for the Afrika Korps game - Rick Atkinson's "An Army at Dawn". I've read about half of it in five days and it's jolly good fun. One thing that caught my eye was the following paragraph about an ambush by German "anti-tank" guns against American tanks. Firstly, the dust walls from low-flying shells would be cool, and by cool I mean totally sweet. Secondly, and more importantly, green tracer? Is that correct? Would you have seen 'green fireballs' (quote from later in the book) from anti-tank guns?
  17. I can see the arguments for not having random fitness, but random casualties don't bother me.
  18. Try reading the FAQ. That should answer your most obvious questions.
  19. Hey! Some sumbitch has reduced the maximum length of sigs to 250 characters!! Arsebiscuits.
  20. Tee hee hee!! Wait till Axe's parachuted King Tigers turn up!! Whoops. Spoiler.
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