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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. Well, as of now, it is spelled correctly! *whips out brand new Lloyd's of London insurance certificate granting full domestic and international spelling coverage* However, I do appreciate the fact that you actually read my posts. </font>
  2. So, if I understand correctly, if you were to play a hotseat game against yourself, the suck that would be created would rival a Black Hole? [edited to insure Soddball's approval of spelling form] </font>
  3. Ha, ha. I laughed 'til I stopped. Last time I looked at weather.com, we are supposed to have thunderstorms every day for two weeks. My computer stays off during storms. I've been in a house struck by lightning once, and it fried every appliance plugged in. You don't want me to lose my CMBB CD and all of my CMBB turns, do you? Maggot! GRRRR!!! :mad: :mad: </font>
  4. BWAhahahahaahah!! All my turns have gone out as of this morning. Death sucks the face off all of you and turns it into a light pastry dish with whipped cream. Mike the Wino has picked a rather jolly-looking all-city fight. Mmmm. Tasty. Teddy Windsor is busy removing the surviving soldiers from his scout platoon from the mess of a full company of enemy infantry. Hardy-har-har. Nevermind has had his turn back, the whining girl. He seems to be amused that my artillery is dropping on my own forces. Didn't anyone tell you that I'm so good, I have to give myself penalties so that you stand a chance? MasterGoodale continues to receive an industrial-strength pasting at the hands of my dug-in PanzerGrenadiere. Wifedom is but a few turns away, Goodale.
  5. You'd better get used to being my Wife, Goodale. It's a long-standing commitment for someone as inept as you are.
  6. Don't worry, Dave H. Goodale's troops are as capable as he is - a bunch of worthless cock-knockers with more potatoes than brains. Feel free to open up the requisite "Can 'o Whoopass" on him with my blessings. In my latest turn against Goodale, he is discovering than Russian SMG infantry, whilst they are very effective at ranges under 40m, are jackall use when facing off against a StuG and a platoon of dug in Panzergrenadiere at 120m. ho, ho, ho.
  7. Promises, promises. This thread has become quite upsetting - mold, maggots, mold, ants, mold and now a wannabe bunch of lawyers. Could things sink any lower? Teddy </font>
  8. I hate to say it, but that's the most flawless piece of logic since the Enron case. Mike_the_Wino, you suck goats for being unable to conjure up a useful argument. Congrats, DaveH. Your sig is safe with me.
  9. Does they have lots of explosion producing units? We loves explosions! And fire? We loves the smoke and bright colors. Vehicles burning, clouds of noxious vapors, the shrill cries of mercey eminating from the various nooks and crannies. *Sniff* Well, Do they? </font>
  10. As self-appointed arbiter and producer of stoopid rulez, I say that DaveH is a weedy pigeon, and 54-46 is the kind of feeble, slack-arsed weasel-beating excuse for a victory that I'm not surprised, at all, to see. So well done for trying to weasel out of it, Dave. Now put it right back. :mad: :mad: Nothing from Massabackondeoleplantashun, but I did have three turns in five days, so I'm not complaining. I have a couple of rough-and-ready scenarios for any volunteers.
  11. We'll find out Mr. Boggs. I took Dave's advice and posted over in the GF. Now that the war in Iraq is over I hope it's safe to go over there again. The GF, that is, not Iraq. Jas :mad: n </font>
  12. and of course from the sig line: Oh how cute. It's springtime and love is in the air. :eek: </font>
  13. Fair dinkum. I had a feeling it was a ridge too far. Still, no-one can accuse me of being afraid to push the boundaries of poor taste beyond the call of duty. As for pride - well, I was feeling in a mischevious mood. I promise to be on much better behaviour next time. Maybe a crueller and more satisfying penalty would be for you to have to drink a bottle of "Blue Nun". Goodale is returning turns at a savage and furious rate - one every day - which gives me the trouser-dampening satisfaction of knowing that I will destroy at least one tank each day. Good news: I have received an email from "Valrie" telling me how to get a penis enlargement. To find out, go here. I'm too scared. As it is, I'm on the verge of overbalancing. Teddy Windows and I are just getting to grips with each other in our all-infantry set-to.
  14. My God, it sounds like you're in full seizure. Try not to bite off your tongue. </font>
  15. Hmm, now what shall be the punishment for you if I win this one? How about an addition to your sig line: "My mother says that Soddball is the finest shag in the Northern Hemisphere - and she would know."
  16. Roight. When you tire of the embrace of your favorite goat, purty please send a feckin' TNT slathered turn!!!! No excuses about bounce backs. :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  17. I think it's hilarious, and I wish I had thought of it first. If I wasn't so busy collecting wives, my punishment to those who lose against me would be to force them to leave the letter 'A' out of all of their posts for the next 30 days.
  18. Rexford, I'd like to post this information in the FAQ thread. Is that OK? Would you also consider doing a bit of info (just a line or two) on the other ammo types for me to include?
  19. Gee, did someone piss in your cornflakes? Take a walk around Auschwitz and see how objective you feel then, Mr Amatuer (sic) Historian. What you see here is the thin end of the wedge for the Nazi apologists. Emotional freedom from their work is for physicists. Historians have to have an empathy for the people they're dealing with. No-one forced you to be so offensive, but you're doing a fine job. Pardon me if I don't revel in revisionist neo-nazi propaganda like you do. Edited to remove some of the bile - it's not worth it. Edited again to remove the bits that people were grizzling about. [ April 30, 2003, 12:16 PM: Message edited by: Soddball ]
  20. Your point being what, exactly? Numbers of heavy tanks mean nothing. The crews sucked, production quality was dire. What about the logistical ability to move them around? What about tactical and strategic deployment? What about medium and light tanks to support them? As for your Nazi Propaganda claptrap about a million paratroopers - please. You're living in a neo-nazi fantasy world. Transporting tanks by aeroplane in 1942? Yeah, there was a lot of that going on. I expect they had flat-pack KV-1s all just-a-ready for the evil Communist invasion of the free-thinking, cruelly oppressed Germany who under no circumstances killed and butchered millions of people. Do you have your blood group tatooed on your body yet?
  21. MightyGrumbleGuts is on the end of a serious piece of arse-whooping. This turn he lost another SU-152, a T34 and a T-60. His infantry have just come into range of my big guns and he plays like the AI. I pasted 2 T-34s in a narrow valley, so, if that were you, would you roll an SU-152 into same valley and proceed to turn it sideways? Would you hell! Goodale has just successfully carried out a flanking maneuver, directly into the flank which I had specifically prepared against flanking maneuvers. I can read this boy like a book, and the outcome is not going to be pretty. I had a metric buttload of red wine last night - a rather nice bottle of Koonunga Hill followed by a bottle of Lindeman's, which seems to have enabled me to clench for longer. Thanks for all your cheery waffle on the matter. Plus, the corks come in extra handy when clenching is no longer an option. Teddy Windsor and I are having a smashing set-to, 1000 points of infantry on a pretty, shiny QB map. I know, I need to download Biltong's maps, and I will do, if I can find the biatches. We are only on turn 5 but I can sense the slaughterous potential throbbing away.
  22. Sing a song of Nazis.... You people make me retch. Lock this one up, please. It belongs in the bin, with all the neo-nazi filth that it seems to summon in.
  23. ARAGRGARHAAARRRRGHHHH! Yes, I live, although only just. In between long hours at work the world is falling out of my bottom with a particularly nasty bug. I have several scenarios on the brew for you monkeys, but nothing hot and ready just yet. Kinky is still awaiting his turn, soz. Snockarock's email address keeps rejecting my email for fear that the MOLTEN TNT will melt the face off the recipient. MightyBadWhale sent me a turn, whence I opened up a Can-'o-Whoopass 'pon his M-17 halftrack. It died. Not content with this, he rolled up a fat, podgy T-34 close to where I had earlier pasted another fat, podgy T-34. It, too, will die. Also, some other hoors have had turns. Yes.
  24. Yuck. Captain Pies and I have a night battle ahead of us - mmm, yum - with a groovy looking map. As for Tigers - I'm not worried, because I have also bought Tigers, at 1,000,000% rarity. Yes. Mmmm.
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