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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. Which damn email address are you sending it to? I received nine turns last night, and yours wasn't one of them. Either you are sending to the wrong address or you just plain suck, because nobody else is having problems. I hereby call upon The Brood to adjudicate in this matter. Trial by Tedium.
  2. You're lucky. I'm still waiting for the great hairy twat to ship me 67 - which I've never had and which I've been waiting on for a fortnight.
  3. Happens to me too. The control bar at the bottom of the screen is 2D, the combat screen is 3D. Why it should affect it like that I don't know, but I think that's why the problem affects the control bar and not the combat screen.
  4. "Spot and the Big Blue Ball" 'See Spot Run' 'Run Spot Run'. Classic.
  5. My name being taken in vain again, is it? We of the Cheery Waffle thread know our place. Ours is not the witty banter, the incessant, screamingly dull Monty Python references. Ours is the fresh, copulating, steaming horse-poo joke. Less funny, but more :mad: If you're not nice to us, we'll tell MasterGoodale in here to talk to you.
  6. Perhaps, but just think of the mods. You could have stuff written on the t-shirts, like "I joined the West Side Boys to eat babies and all I got was this lousy Kalashnikov." [ May 22, 2003, 04:37 PM: Message edited by: Soddball ]
  7. Actually, Chad, I think you must just suck. Pop into the cheery waffle thread and challenge me good - I'm looking for a fresh wife. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  8. There is always a chance of 'bogging' - even if it's very low. Not only that, but 'fast' move increases the chances of bogging by a significant amount. Furthermore, don't think of bogging as getting stuck in mud. Tanks have a propensity to get stuck in steppe. I think of it as having a high number of weasels jammed in the running gear. More weasels in steppe, you see. Engy is absolutely right (AFAICR) about mechanical breakdown being left out. Otherwise there's a good chance that King Tiger you paid 350 points for wouldn't make it onto the battlefield.
  9. Still no turn, MasterG. What's the matter? Head so far up your arse your hands can't reach the 'surrender' button? :mad: :mad: Turns going out because I am in "The Zone". This is also a good time to start loading hot, FUMING FACE-MELTING MOLTEN TNT into the groovy scenario of death that is Cheery Waffle. Massabackondeoleplantation gets to play a conscript tea boy.
  10. Still waiting for my turn MasterG. What's today's excuse? Turns all out tomorrow morning (GMT), because I am far too pissed to play CM at the moment.
  11. And you're going to be the person who picks up the soap in the men's showers.
  12. PBEM helper says that I'm waiting for 67 you worthless piece of fly-ridden turd. How's about you ship it on over?? Jesus, you're thicker than a whale omlette.
  13. Lucky bidge. I still haven't received the next turn from Goodale. Come on, Goodale, you cock. I've resent the turn twice now. Stop pretending you haven't received it and surrender.
  14. Which side, idiot? You're not going in the new scenario until we finish our game - so shortly after Christmas.
  15. It may delight you all to learn that in honour of this thread, I have this very day commenced creation of the ultimate in scenarios: CHEERY WAFFLE. I intend this to be unspeakably evil, worse even in its horror than Inferno. To make it extra-special-evil, I will be including the forum names of willing volunteers. So if you want to be included in Cheery Waffle, post here and tell me what side you want to be (Krauts or Russkies) and whether you want to be in infantry, support, vehicles, tanks or artillery. After literally an hour's ceaseless map creation, the dark spawn begins to take shape. Expect flames, huge explodikons, and gamey hoorishness.
  16. I posted the entire reply from MadMatt on this matter. FWIW, I'd like to see more action to resolve this but I consider it to be a minor inconvenience rather than a game killing bug, since it clearly affects both sides. You can use it to your advantage, granted - but then so can your opponent.
  17. Reply from MadMatt when I emailed him with this query and a copy of the test scenario:
  18. Naw, he's gone all MasterGoodale or sumfink on us. As soon as he does, you'll be the first to know maggot. :mad: Jas :mad: n </font>
  19. Good question. I reran the test and at no point did the Marder's experience pop up - as one would expect in EFOW. If you'd like to try this test scenario yourselves, please email me and I will pass a copy over to you. It does seem possible that the computer is evaluating its targets on the basis of risk - but if that's the case, then why would it be targetting HQ vehicles? I would like to hear commentary from someone in BFC on this matter (if they have time).
  20. Try this on for size, MasterCockMuncher: SoddballvsMasterGoodale: Game commenced: 23rd JANUARY 2003 - that's 20 TURNS IN FOUR MONTHS. Furious describes only my feelings at waiting for your ****e to dribble into my inbox. Fascinating. Does this include turns for games (such as the one against me) where your arse is being minced like burgermeat?
  21. Well, I wanted to see this in action for myself, so I ran a test. I went into the Scenario Editor, and placed a patch of woods on an otherwise entirely bare map. I then placed a Russian 37mm AA gun in the woods - I wanted something that was fast firing. I then picked a platoon of Marders (nice and vulnerable to the AA gun), and removed all their ammunition. I left the HQ as Regular, but I set one Marder to Conscript, one to Regular, and one to Crack. Then I proceeded to line the Marders up, with the Conscript marder 75m away from the hidden AA gun, the Regular (non-HQ) 175m away, the Crack Marder 275m away, and the HQ Marder 375m away. I then hotseated the game, letting the AI do the targetting. First to get busted was the Crack Marder (275m), then the HQ(375m), then the Regular(175m), then the Conscript Marder(75m). I ran the test 10 times, and the AI followed this pattern every single time. Whilst this might not be 'gamey' because it works both for and against you, I don't like it and would like to see it changed. Edited to add: This test was carried out under Extreme Fog of War, and the AA gun was able to see all four Marder tanks at the beginning of turn 1. [ May 19, 2003, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: Soddball ]
  22. The last turn I sent was 066. Are you telling me that you have sent 067 back, cos I aint got nuffink.
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