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Doug Williams

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Everything posted by Doug Williams

  1. Hister, I recently upgraded my MB, CPU, RAM, and GPU. I currently have a 3.5 GHz I7, 16 gig of DDR3, and a GTX 680. I have yet to notice any slow down in CM, with the caveat that I am not the type of person who keeps a FPS meter going while I play, and I don't tend to play Huge maps or scenarios. One word of warning.....I don't know if your old card is like this, because I upgraded from a Radeon card to my current 680.....but the 680 (and I assume 690 and the 700 series) is freaking HUGE, so make sure you have room for it in your case. I have a full tower Antec case and the 680 was giving me fits trying to fit it in the case. It was about one CM too long to fit. I thought I was going to have to buy a new case, until I removed the outer metal shell of the 680, exposing the heatsinks and pipes, which shaved just enough off the end that I barely got it to fit in the case. Probably voided the warranty.
  2. In QBs I tend to just delete them and use the extra points to upgrade a sniper or AT team.
  3. What ian said. In order to have a decent game against the AI in a QB, the map must been made with QBs in mind, meaning that it has (more than one) AI setup locations and AI plans. If you try to use a scenario map or a H2H only map for a QB against the AI, the AIs troops will just sit there in some random spot. Scenario maps can, however, make good QB maps for H2H play.
  4. Another victory for GaJ, and, by association, WeBoB. :-) Thanks Martin.
  5. There is one called "crap cleaner" that I used to use. Perhaps I'll download the latest version.
  6. All right, GaJ, I just checked again and found 60 folders in the appdata temp directory that all have 24kb H2HH files in them. All sixty folders start with the letters "tmp" then a bunch of random letters and numbers. All sixty folders were dated 2l21 and 2/22. This is with H2HH version 2.11.0.
  7. GaJ, Yesterday I deleted the entire temp folder that is being discussed in this thread. Since then, I have sent several H2HH chat messages, and exchanged several PBEM turns via H2HH. The version of H2HH I currently have installed is 2.11.0. Just now, I checked that temp folder and found no H2HH folders or any evidence of H2HH chat files.
  8. Then I guess you and I will never be playing.
  9. In general, I don't have a problem with my opponent using the map edges. As was pointed out, using large enough maps so the attacker has several approach choices should eleminate this issue.
  10. Good thread, Gunhappy. I agree that QBs can sometimes devolve into a slaughter because of the inability of the losing side to withdraw. It would be nice to see solution to this in the game engine. Of course, the gentleman's way to deal with it is to Cease Fire. If I'm the one losing the game, I try to move all my men out of any victory locations and then ask for a cease fire. If I'm winning, I always agree to a cease fire if my opponent asks for one.
  11. I'm glad you cleared that up GaJ. It's gratifying to know that I've been doing it right for the last four years.
  12. GaJ, I checked that folder on my Windows 7 PC and did find some H2HH chat folders, some empty, some with about 15 kb of data in them. I also found a bunch of other folders that didn't look they have anything to do with H2HH. The entire folder only totals 340MB, and since I have 1.65 terrabytes free on my 2 TB hard drive, I just left it there. :-) H2HH chat works fine for me, and always has. I much prefer it over sending e-mails.
  13. That's interesting. I thought H2HH only placed the chat files in the dropbox folder associated with the games. I've never had a problem like you describe, and I've been using H2HH (with Dropbox) since it's first release, and I almost always have multiple PBEMs going.
  14. I don't see any point in this thread, other than to enable more pontificating from the usual offenders. The only reason I even replied was since I read what has been written so far, I might as well up my post count by one.
  15. Thanks for bringing this up. I'll check when I get home. HMGs, especially 50 cals, can make mince meat out of halftracks. Would suck to not be able to order them to target HTs.
  16. If you want reliable opponents, your best bet is to join a gaming club. Posting for opponents on these forums is like going to a bar looking for women. You might "get lucky", but then again you might get Lola. ;-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5Jzdkgj-XI
  17. Re: the subject of free time and playing H2H vs against the AI Ah, now I understand what is being said. It's the same reason I quit playing MMOs. I didn't have enough free time to do well (raid, etc). My own situation is probably similar to most of you. I work full time and have perhaps an hour or so to play games after work on week days and larger chunks of time on weekends. Now my solution is, instead of using my hour to play against the AI (yawn), I almost always have 4 to 6 PBEMs going with opponents who have a good return rate. So, when I get home from work, I usually have at least three files waiting for me, which can take me close to an hour to go through. Now, on weekends, when I tend to have a larger chunk of free time, I can use up my turns and still have time left, so that's when I might play against the AI or might try the new TCP/IP WEGO system being implemented. @Steve "Refresh your inbox." Dude.....learn to use Dropbox and check out GAJ's HH2H program. With one mouse click I can see how many PBEM turns I have waiting and have them all sorted into the correct folders.
  18. I'm not sure I understand your point. You can either choose to spend your available gaming hours playing against the AI or against a human opponent. I do both, but I would say 80% of my CM time is against human opponents. Why bother playing the AI when you can play against an opponent that is much less predictable? The AI does ok on defend, is barely passable in meeting engagements, and is pathetic on attack.
  19. You guys who only play against the AI are really missing out.
  20. I wish that all air support worked like BFC said it would for the Soviets in Red Thunder. You buy the air support at the purchase screen, then it is completely out of your hands after that.
  21. No, I don't believe they do in Quick Battles. However, in scenarios I believe the scenario designer can award points for eliminating HQ units.
  22. Could be that my one simple test produced a result that was so close (0.5 vs 0.8) as to not make a single point difference in the final score. Anyone else is welcome to continue testing.
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