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Doug Williams

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Everything posted by Doug Williams

  1. It introduced several bugs, that were not present before the patch.
  2. The repository is crap. I never look at it. Needs a major overhaul, and/or fan sites need to take up the slack. @DLaurier This is a niche market. Some concessions have to be made. As for me, I don't care about CM not being sold in stores. Online is the new purchase model. No one buys software in brick&mortar stores these days. Yes, I agree that BFC needs to make the whole process easier. BFC, quit releasing half-assed patches like the latest CMFI patch.
  3. Judging by the fact that I'm currently playing in two CMBN PBEM tourneys, and have another CMBN and a CMFI casual PBEM going, and I could probably have several other casual games going if only I had the time to do the turns every day, I would say no, CM is not dead. I rarely download scenarios, because, to be honest, I haven't played half the ones that came with the games. Not enough free time. IMO, if you want to get the most out of CM, join a club and participate in tourneys and casual games.
  4. Yes, that is exactly what happened. The HMG teams started the scenario already deployed, and were already firing volleys at distant enemy units, then all of a sudden they decided to pack up and shift their positions within the building, which basically leaves them rather useless for however long it takes them to redeploy, which is seemingly longer than two minutes. No, their morale did not break. They haven't even received any return fire yet. Hopefully they will get them redeployed on the next turn and perhaps my covered arc orders will keep them in place.
  5. I am currently involved in a PBEM with the Market Garden scenario "Bridge Number Seven", playing the Axis side. The Axis side starts out with, among other resources, two MG34 heavy machineguns deployed in a heavy building. After a few turns, my Allied opponent has split his forces two ways, in order to make (I assume) a two pronged attack on my island. Unfortunately, after a few initial volleys, my HMG teams, who started out with their machine guns deployed, have now decided to shift around in the building, and now refuse to deploy their main weapon. After two full turns, they still have not deployed their machine guns, even after being given "coverered arc" orders. I'm sure this is my death knell, regarding this PBEM. If I cannot employ my main defense, which is two HMGs in a heavy building three stories high, then my opponent will just waltz up and overcome my forces with superior firepower. So, BFC, why can't my HMGs deploy in the heavy building? This is an official scenario that shipped with the Market Garden module.
  6. I'll keep this short and sweet. I am the assistant tournament organizer in a gaming club dedicated to the WW2 aspect of combat mission. We are soon to start an elimination tourney using CMBN and the Market Garden module. I have heard rumors of a soon to be released patch. If this patch is indeed "soon to be released", we can postpone the tourney for a short time. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks.
  7. My solution to the lack of a "Combined Arms" type of QB setting in CM2 is I only play "MIX" QBs with opponents (in my case, members of WeBoB) who I know will make a somewhat realistic force selection. That is, unless we both agree to play a "gamey" game. The Combined Arms setting would be a welcome addition to CM2. It was a bad idea to leave it out, IMO. "MIX" is no substitute for Combined Arms. "MIX" should just be a fun "wild card" option.
  8. Ho now! Strength to post here and yet dare not face me on WeBoB? Your turn Sir, or I will taunt you a second time, both here and "back home". C.A.
  9. Hi Chad. I agree with you. The QB "Combined Arms" setting from CM1 should never have been left out of CM2. This was a total "Duh" moment for BFC. Does BFC think that the "Mix" setting in CM2 in any way equals the old "Combined Arms" from CM1? If so, they are sadly mistaken. The "Mix" setting in CM2 allows the players, or the AI, to select an all infantry, all armor, or anything in between, force. To put it bluntly, this sucks, unless you are playing an opponent that you know will select a balanced "combined arms" force.....OR.....you just want to have a "go wild" battle. I would LOVE to see, and would pay money to see, the return of the old "Combined Arms" setting for CM2 quick battles. It should never have been removed. Edit: Oh, and keep the Mix setting also. Really, how hard could this be?
  10. No longer worth worrying about, men. BFC is silent, and it really isn't an issue for anyone with average or above intelligence. Hey, how about we turn this thread into something constructive? Girl fight?
  11. Sorry, I can no longer contain myself. Thanks guys. At least I have chicken. Leeroy Jenkins!!!!!
  12. Yes, it is all four. Do your disks have a purple tint? That is DVD-R media.
  13. Hi Michael. Take a look at the data side of the disks. Are yours purple? This suggests DVD-R media that was produced by a burning process VS a commercial pressing process, which is far more stable. Again, easily remedied by saving to USB stick, cloud drive, or other options. It wasn't my intention to cause a disturbance. Just be aware that the physical media you purchased probably has a shelf life of 10 years, give or take several years....all in my opinion, and experience, of course. It's all just fluff, really. Those of us who purchase the physical media just want a "shelf trophy", in reality. Hate to see BFC "cheap out" on the trophy, however.
  14. Hi. I am the OP of the thread that was closed that Redwolf is referring to. To make a long story short, the appearance of my CMBN, CW, CMFI, and GL disks suggests that they were produced by a DVD-R and/or CD-R burner rather than a commercial stamping method. This would give them a limited shelf life as compared to a commercially produced CD audio or DVD Video disk. BFC is welcome to comment on the methods they use. This doesn't need to become a "tempest in a teapot". Just be aware that DVD-R and CD-R media has a finite shelf life and make backups onto USB sticks and/or cloud drives. I understand why BFC went this route. It is less expensive to burn DVD-R media. However, when you buy the physical media expecting it to last the rest of your lifetime, it would be nice to know the truth. http://www.archives.gov/records-mgmt/initiatives/temp-opmedia-faq.html
  15. Some of you seemingly don't understand what I am talking about. Commercially produced CDs and DVDs have a shelf life that is probably longer than any of us will live. All the CDs that I bought way back in the 1980s, when CDs were a new format, still play just fine. CD-R and DVD-R media is different. It only has a finite shelf life. Like I said in my OP, we already have CD-R media at work that is becoming unreadable after ten years. Up until Gustav Line, the media I have received from Big Time Software/Battlefront.com has appeared to be commercially produced media (I always buy physical product). With Gustav Line, the appearance of the media I received suggests it is DVD-R. This means it will have a finite shelf life. This lessens the value of buying the physical product, and just seems el-cheapo to me.
  16. DVD-R has a finite life. At work, we already have DVD-R media from 2003+ that is no longer readable. Compare this with the earliest commercially produced compact disks from the 1980s, which are still playable. CD-R and DVD-R media has a very finite shelf life as compared to commercially produced media. Look it up. BFC has "gone cheap" since Gustav Line, with their disks. DVD-R.....really? IMO, BFC should probably just abandon their physical product and only offer "download only" options. Man up, BFC. Either offer a real physical product, or just go download only.
  17. Not many. I usually just come here and do a search for what Steve (Battlefront.com) posted over the past week. That way I get to skip over most of the bloatificating and complaining about BFC's pricing policies. Occasionally, I'll find an interesting thread and read most of it. I seldom post here, as you can see by my low post count considering I registered on 1/2001.
  18. Bulletpoint, the real game begins when you start playing human opponents using Dropbox and H2HH.
  19. Blah, blah, blah, Bil, blah, blah. My advice to Martin is to be aggressive. Quit holding back. Kick Bil in the balls. Kill Bil.
  20. Here in the USA (may vary from state to state, I'm not sure, but this is true for Tennessee) most beer that you buy in the grocery stores/gas stations/convenience stores is around 3 to 5% alcohol. All that is needed to sell it is a "beer license", which are fairly easy to get, judging from the number of stores that sell beer (pretty much every grocery store and gas station that I know of). There is beer that is much higher in alcohol, approaching or exceeding the alcohol content of wine, but you have to buy it in package stores here in TN. Not sure about other states that allow grocery stores to sell wine. There have been several attempts in TN to pass laws that would allow grocery stores to sell wine, but they are always strongly opposed by the "liquor lobby" (owners of package stores), for the obvious reason that wine sales make up a large percentage (40% is the number I recall) of their sales. If we're going to derail a thread, at least let's make it about something interesting, like alcohol. ;-)
  21. ^^^ this. Pretty much why I quit MMOs years ago.
  22. If you and your opponent have Dropbox and H2HHelper, and you coordinate so that you both have a couple of free hours at the same time, you can play something very similar to WeGo live.
  23. This thread has diverged into two separate discussions, both interesting. The original discussion of this thread was about whether or not halftrack gunners (and unbuttoned tank commanders) have or have not become more vulnerable to small arms fire since CMBN version 2.0. My "feel" is they have, based on my game experience, but Baneman has given us some very well done extensive testing, which I hope he and others (hello, BFC?) will continue. The secondary discussion that developed is whether or not halftracks were historically used for anything other than troop transportation. While I find this as interesting as the rest of you, and have learned a good deal by reading this thread, I hope we don't let the original point of this thread (a possible game bug) get buried under this derailment.
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