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Forever Babra

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Everything posted by Forever Babra

  1. Just a reminder that the FlaK doesn't have to hit to be effective. If the enemy can't fly straight and level, he'll have a harder time hitting you. ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  2. Heheh... I remember gawkin at that model as a kid. Never did get it. ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  3. Some of the flaws of the German TD designs are not modelled in CM. For instance, the gun on most TDs are too low to the ground, which kicks up too much dirt when they fire, obscuring the target and revealing the TD much quicker. In the case of the JgPz IV/70, moving over rough terrain could be a problem as the gun could easily bury itself. Their only real benefit was in production. They were cheaper and simpler to build, and larger guns could be crammed into smaller chassis. However, if you're going to go to the expense of building turretted TDs like the Amis, you might as well build tanks. ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  4. I've started using them for all types of battles. If LOS is limited, they go into a defensive role. If LOS is good they do some town wrecking, which they are VERY good at. ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  5. Not sure if the bitmap is shared, but is it possible to correct the suspension to earlier M3 Lee type? Looks good though. ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  6. The narrow mantlet was used on all the early Shermans. Without a pic it's impossible to say. Chassis: M4 = Sherman I M4A1 = Sherman II M4A2 = Sherman III M4A3 = Sherman IV M4A4 = Sherman V Armament: American 76mm gun = "A" 105mm = "B" 17 pdr = "C" Suspension: HVSS = Y So an M4A2 with 76mm HVSS in Commonwealth service is a Sherman IIIAY Here's a Sherman V of the Calgary Regiment getting an engine overhaul in Italy. Note the narrow gun mantlet. ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit [This message has been edited by Forever Babra (edited 01-20-2001).]
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panther131: I did not know that 'zooks and schrecks' are recoiless rifles. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> They aren't. ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  8. In CM I have had zooks and schrecks set their own cover on fire. I have also had them pin friendly units in a building with them. So the effects of the backblast are modelled. ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Urban Shocker: CM could be bad because... (1) it could cause people to forget or miss things/events/happenings that are more important in the long run. (2) it could lead people to think that war is intellectually or otherwise fun! (3) it contributes to global warmimg unless you're running on solar power.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And it makes me smoke like a Frenchman ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  10. Regarding Soviet POW casualties, I've heard as few as 3% survived German camps. I haven't seen that figure repeated though. ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  11. The first time I loaded up the "Reisberg" beta demo scenario, over a year ago, and got my ass handed to me within ten turns, I knew I'd be buying this game... ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu: You could just as well moved your squad deeper into enemy territory if you wanted them to scout.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I really had no way of knowing my men weren't spotted. At the time, I was certain that they were. If I had known then all the nuances of the sneak command I might have tried to slip away. Nawwww, prolly not ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  13. The girl in pink had nice sweater-puppies, but I don't know if they were real ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  14. I would not call it realistic. Actors cannot do "limp" unless you actually knock them on the head, which the actor's union frowns on I think. ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  15. Wimmins is like tornados. When they come they're wet and wild, but when they leave they take the house and car. Congratulations anyway ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  16. Yeah, yeah, and I cried at the end of Old Yeller too. It's a movie. Get over it. ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit [This message has been edited by Forever Babra (edited 01-19-2001).]
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Subvet: Ok, now I'm confused. Wouldn't what you describe be a proximity fuse??? Variable time fuses used time didn't they? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, a VT fuze is a proximity fuze. It is called Variable Time as opposed to a mechanical "fixed time" fuze, which uses a timer to detonate. The gunner calculates the flight time to the point where he wants it to detonate and then sets the time. Not nearly as precise as VT. ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stefan Fredriksson: I take it "VT" is some kind of airburst-fusing? But what does "VT" really mean?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> VT stands for "Variable Time". It is a small radio emitter/receiver fitted to the shell's fuze. The emitter transmits a signal which is then picked up by the receiver after bouncing off the target. Using the Doppler Effect to determine distance, the device ignites the fuze and detonates the shell at a pre-determined range from the target. ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Was that a 1.24b Beta or the full 1.1 Babs?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It was one of the later betas, but I don't recall which one. As I understand the way it transpired, since my units were not spotted and certainly weren't fired upon, they did not cease their sneaking to engage the enemy forces a few metres away. They just kept right on sneaking, passing right through the enemy platoon at right angles. It was rather a bizarre <s>ocurrence</s> <s>occurren</s> event ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  20. My God... someone who actually remembers WW2... Well, assuming you're using Windows on a PC and not a Mac, to change the file name just right-click on the file in question. You should get a drop-down menu, on which will be the option "rename". Just click on that and type in the new file name, or edit the existing name. I'm not familiar with the mod you are installing, so I can't help more than that, sorry. ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: Babra, how do you know your platoon wasn't spotted? If the enemy was Sneaking their spotting ability should have been good. David<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Because my opponent's very emphatic "WTF..." when the playback started tipped me off Until that point he had no idea I had units as close as 3m to his. I didn't ask him if his troops were sneaking or not. Mine were. ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  22. More specifically, self propelled artillery is mounted on a vehicle while regular artillery needs another vehicle to tow it. ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  23. Stuka, I haven't examined this in depth, but a recent PBEM experience makes me think that's not correct. I had a platoon sneak right through an enemy platoon at a range of under 5m during a playback. Not only did no one open fire, my platoon was not even spotted. They massacred the enemy platoon the next turn. This was in a TCP/IP game using one of the more recent betas. ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  24. I don't use guns in attack or meeting engagements. These are not really front line units. ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
  25. And how will learning nothing about the reality, pushing history under the carpet, make it better? One of the good things about wargames is they encourage one to do a little historical research of their own. ------------------ Massada Lo Tipol Shenit
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