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Forever Babra

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Everything posted by Forever Babra

  1. LOL Blackhorse. Wow, that's an incredible find. I just turned out the lights, lit a candle, shut off my monitor and listened to that for a while. "This is Berlin calling..." Quite an eerie experience.
  2. My Topplement is at hand. Lorak, you may carve it in stone: D. Aitken - Win Babra - Loss High points: Knocking out a JgPz IV from 532m with a 2 pdr. Low points: Everything else. 173 friendly casualties versus 13 bad guys. Topplements don't come more topplementy than that ------------------ Is "patheti-sad" a word?
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kverdon: Xavier, They thought themselves pretty safe... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Among the killed was the General commanding Syrian forces in Lebanon. I'm not a real big fan of American gunboat diplomacy, but if you're gonna practice it, ya better make sure you've got a gunboat!
  4. 8 Feb, 1984. USS New Jersey fired almost 300 rounds of 16" at Druze and Syrian positions in the Beqa'a. Syria calls for cease fire. Kick ass and take names
  5. I recently noticed the immense speed with which these units can reduce even heavy buildings to rubble. I did a small pseudo-test and noted that a one-storey heavy building will not last more than 40 seconds under fire from a 40mm. A one-storey light building has less than 20 seconds before it crumbles. A pair of 40mm firing together can level any building more effectively than a 290mm mortar in an AVRE. I didn't perform any tests against infantry in the open, so I pose the question: Is the effectiveness of this weapon due to its high rate of fire, or is it perhaps a case of the blast effect not being modelled correctly? I am loathe to use the "B" word....
  6. Downloading now, thanks! I scanned the pic at highest quality to be sure of a good image. It's just over 400K right now, which is as small as I could get without degrading the image. Apologies for the long load time.
  7. Righteous! You may need to mod the upper legs too so it appears to drape. I noticed this when I was toying with the mod myself.
  8. Hull down means the hull (bottom part) of a vehicle is hidden behind terrain. Thus, only the turret or upper superstructure is visible. This confers a defensive advantage on the vehicle deployed like this.
  9. 254 M4A3E2 Assault Tanks were initially contracted for. At first, all were armed with the 75. There is considerable debate as to how many were retrofitted to 76mm.
  10. I wouldn't rate bunker crews in the same class as vehicle crews. Of the two bunkers currently included in CM, the MG bunker is at least an "infantry" type, even if only second line types in some cases. The PaK bunker would be manned by artillerists, who may or may not know a rifle from a hole in the ground, depending on how generous you feel.
  11. Givin' this one the ol' heave ho back to the top...
  12. The Grizzly also has different tracks. The return idler is also different.
  13. You will no doubt encounter the various spam posts over the next few pages. Do NOT reply to them. Some good folks have pushed them off page one for a reason. ------------------ Is "patheti-sad" a word?
  14. The images have been uploaded onto the internet. I use the HTML image tag to post them here. UBB code also works. If you hit the "reply with quote" button you should see the UBB version of the code.
  15. Why, that's none other than our beloved Capt Manieri, who is now in a world of hurt. I always suspected he was a gay lover...
  16. I scanned this pic of Canadian Troops in Hameln Germany. It's the clearest pic I can find of the leather jerkin frequently worn by Commonwealth troops in the ETO. Would anyone care to try and mod it? I tried myself, but I suck Here's another pic (from the Dragon Miniatures Box). The Bren Gunner is wearing the jerkin. [This message has been edited by Forever Babra (edited 01-08-2001).]
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Zaffod: Im sure alot of you have listened to Pink Floyd's 'The Wall'...After the first song where he flash backs to his father in the Dieppe Raid...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It was just before dawn One miserable morning In black 'forty-four When the forward commander Was told to sit tight When he asked that his men be withdrawn And the Generals gave thanks As the other ranks Held back the enemy tanks For a while And the Anzio bridgehead Was held for the price Of a few hundred ordinary lives Good old King George sent mother a note When he heard that father was gone It was, I recall, in the form of a scroll With gold leaf and all And I found it one day In a drawer of old photographs Hidden away And my eyes still grow damp to remember His Majesty signed it with his own rubber stamp It was dark all around There was frost on the ground When the tigers broke free And no one survived from the Royal Fusiliers Company "C" There were all left behind Most of them dead The rest of them dying And that's how the high command Took my Daddy from me.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally Posted by BTS Those of you who have been here for a while will remember that people FREAKED when they thought this system would not be OPTIONAL, even though I used the word OPTIONAL in every single post...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Babs is freakin' out! ------------------ Is "patheti-sad" a word?
  19. What da heck is dat? Why it's your very own bottle of Loctite 242 Threadlock of course! Says Loctite: "LOCTITE® Product 242 is a single component anaerobic threadlocking material, which is thixotropic and develops medium strength." Just the thing you need, I'm thinkin' ------------------ Is "patheti-sad" a word?
  20. I look at QBs as a sort of fantasy scenario, so the proliferation of rare vehicles doesn't bother me overmuch. More thoroughly researched canned scenarios are more fun to play though.
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