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Forever Babra

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Everything posted by Forever Babra

  1. Okay, it has been years and years (and some more years) since I read William Craig's Enemy at the Gates, but I seem to recall Zaitzev having a romantic involvement during the battle. Am I correct, or am I mistaking him for someone else? If I remember rightly, she was gravely wounded. ------------------ My P-47 is a pretty good ship And she took a round coming 'cross the Channel last trip I was thinking 'bout my baby and letting her rip Always got me through so far...
  2. I hereby present Mirage2K with his honourary "old guy" cane, pacemaker, and lifetime supply of Geritol. Welcome to the club, my man
  3. Well, our delicate western movie-going sensibilities probably won't take well to the notion of "as beautiful as a woman who never bathes could be" ------------------ My P-47 is a pretty good ship And she took a round coming 'cross the Channel last trip I was thinking 'bout my baby and letting her rip Always got me through so far...
  4. Roger that. With the release of the official TCP/IP patch and the elimination of a number of minor bugs, CMBO is as refined as it's likely to get. Time to get busy on those reds... ------------------ My P-47 is a pretty good ship And she took a round coming 'cross the Channel last trip I was thinking 'bout my baby and letting her rip Always got me through so far...
  5. BTS has seen the light and restored full squad capacity to the M3A1 and M5A1 half-tracks, the only vehicles which were the subject of the controversy. No need to open that old can of worms ------------------ My P-47 is a pretty good ship And she took a round coming 'cross the Channel last trip I was thinking 'bout my baby and letting her rip Always got me through so far...
  6. All right, you huddled masses and wretched refuse. Matches against Bastables & JD are gearing up. Topplements to follow. Herr Oberst and I will never finish ours unless he can up the file returns to more than one every two weeks. A month into our game and I'm ready to view the first movie... ------------------ \\''||''// ( .) ( .) -----ooOOo---( )---oOOoo----- Kilroy was here
  7. I'm sure the 50mm will make a reappearance in CM2. Perhaps limited Tungsten will be available then.
  8. You haven't seen Kitty's Hamster mod then?
  9. From the battlefield to the sky.... sounds like a Bader bio...
  10. I always use recon by fire. It absolutely works.
  11. Lorak, you suck. 42 is not the meaning of life. 42 is the answer to the question life the universe and everything. Clearly you've had one too many Ouisgian sodas. ------------------ Is "patheti-sad" a word?
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd: Next a Walgren's I suppose or a themepak<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ugh. You must be one of them "New Englanders" we so dearly love to mock. Shut up and go pahk ye cah. Send me a setup while you're at it (if the Kennedys will let you come out and play).
  13. This is a deliberate change in 1.1 By turning the hull, the turret can be brought onto target faster. This is not a bug.
  14. Hi res terrain mods (buildings excepted) can cause a slowdown. I've never heard of anyone complaining of slowdowns from vehicles or buildings.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>A closely related weapon family to the Nebelhandgranaten were the Blendkörper ("blinding devices"), although the latter were intended as a designated AT weapon. Introduced in 1943, the first model Blendkörper 1 H or BK 1H weighed 370g and was a little unwieldy at a diameter of 6cm and a length of 15cm. Therefore, after 225,200 BK 1H production was switched over to the second model, the BK 2H. This was a glass bottle with a length of 12.8cm. It contained 290g of a mixture of calcium chloride / titan tetrachloride / siliciumterachloride which were separated from each other with by a disc. The whole device weighed 400g. The idea behind the Blendkörper was that when thrown, the explosion blinded the crews of enemy tanks. Then, the ensuing smoke cloud with irritant was to make the crew exit their vehicle. Despite appearing to be a bizarre weapon, the Blendkörper were rather common in use. 5,142,800 of the BK 2H were produced and practically all were used up until the end of the war<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> From the Panzerfaust website
  16. Check this link http://www.pacificcoast.net/~dlynn/ [This message has been edited by Forever Babra (edited 01-09-2001).]
  17. I had an enjoyable BBQ yesterday, using three crocodiles to spearhead an assault scenario. Only two of them made it to the enemy's MLR where they proceeded to thoroughly unhinge the defences, greatly reducing casualties among the friendly infantry. By scenario's end, each claimed over dozen infantry kills, but their "assists" were far greater. Wouldn't do an assault without 'em.
  18. Whether Sherman or Uberpanzer, it helps to treat every tank like an eggshell armed with a hammer. Use them cautiously.
  19. I've tried using the fire and maneuver technique with limited success. Its drawbacks were a decrease in global morale due to splitting the squads, and what seemed like a loss of firepower. I haven't tried it since because I'm a lazy gamer -- I just point my lads toward the enemy and don't get too fancy most times.
  20. LOL... I'll bet they have their hands twitchin' toward the ban key by now... You don't have to find ALL the faults y'know
  21. Which version are you using? As of 1.05 (I think) Halftracks will definitely evade mortar fire.
  22. rvalle, mac or pc? For a PC: Set up the screenshot you want to take. Hit "Print Screen" on your keyboard. The image is saved to your clipboard. Open "Paint" or other bitmap editor. The hit "paste" from the edit menu. The image will be pasted. You can then modify it to your heart's content. [This message has been edited by Forever Babra (edited 01-08-2001).]
  23. My German isn't that good, but the OKW appears to claim there is some sort of "Jewish Conspiracy". You may all send me money now
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