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Everything posted by Marlow

  1. OK, this looks like a good place for this question. I just finished reading the section of MacDonald's A Time for Trumpets, that discusses a fight on the southern shoulder of the Bulge. On Dec. 22, a force from Combat Command B of the 4th Armored Division is driving to relieve Bastogne, and encounters elements of the 5th Parachute Division at a town called Chaumont. After driving the parachutists out of the town, the Germans counter attack supported by "ten German assault guns and what the Americans took to be five Tiger tanks." The book then goes on to describe what those "Tigers" were: "That morning at headquarters of the 26th Volksgrenadier Division near Bastogne, five Ferdinand tank destroyers, which have long-barreled 88mm. Guns mounted on a Tiger chassis, had arrived. They were part of the 653d Heavy Panzerjager Battalion, which had recently come from Italy and was scheduled for commitment in Alsace; but somehow those five Ferdinands had been diverted to the Ardennes" In contrast, Achtung Panzer states that: " In Autumn of 1944, all existing Elephants were grouped into newly created unit - schwere Heeres Panzerjager Kompanie 614, sPzJagAbt 653 was re-equipped with Jagdtigers." So, is there any credence to MacDonald's version where Elefants were used at the Bulge? I found a couple of inaccuracies in his book, but nothing really significant, but then again, I'm not an expert. In any event, it appears that either five elefants or jagdtigers say action at Chaumont. Has anybody done a battle for this action?
  2. This posted in the OuterBoards: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by He Who Shall Not Be Named: You have all the charm of a stalker. Anyone ever tell you that? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh the irony. [ 05-31-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]
  3. Heer 44 patern rifle squads. A dime a dozen during the war, but very scarce in the QB world.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: Now where is Burt Lancaster when you need him? Ok figure out THAT reference Pengoids! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Go Tell the Spartans. Perhaps one of the best Vietnam movies made. Gonna have to try harder than that O one of great Madness.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Olle Petersson: Another possibly overused unit is Sherman(76)/Firefly when used in quantities of more than two per full (on map) Sherman platoon. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Depends on the unit. Some had all 75s, some a few 76s, and some almost exclusively 76s.
  6. OK, time for a bag full O updates: First with the good news (in case you missed it, as apparently the Keeper of the Tome did): Marlow: Conquering Hero Speedy: Scurvy Dog Loser We've now started a random force selection rematch where Sir Speed-a-Lot has lived up to his name. Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward, All in the valley of Hetzer Rode the five Daimlers. "Forward, the Recce Troop!"Charge for the Gun!" he said: … 251/9s to right of them, Assault Guns to left of them, Hetzer in front of them Volley'd and thunder'd; Storm'd at with shot and shell, Boldly they rode and well, Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of Hell Rode the five Daimlers. … Then they rode back, but not Not the five Daimlers. But four then three then two All that was left of them, Left of five Daimlers… Then the bad News: j-lowercase-d Empty victory Marlow Defeated but not bowed My Brave Canadians gave a good account of themselves against an assault by the overwhelming forces of the vicious Hun. His Tanks a smoking ruin, it was only the ineffectiveness of my Lee-Enfields that cost me the sweet taste of victory. (That and an assault QB instead of the promised attack). A rematch is in the offing. I think something by my former sponser rune (something for Jefe by rune as well). EyeScanDork is shelling me with the entire artillery complement of the First Army. Too bad he's not hitting much. Plus I got the flank shot on his Sherman all lined up. I wish could see the look on his face when it goes BOOM. dalem is dying-a-lot now in the face of assorted machine guns and tanks. Nijis claims computer troubles to spare his men further participation as the guests of honor at a "Night of the Engineers" Bar-BQ. In one truly beautiful exchange, an entire platoon of pioneers was flushed from a building by my flame-thrower boys, and gunned down in the street like the dogs they are. BGL(AKA Big Gub'ment Lawyer) has a flank that is about to collapse. His infantry dead or in retreat, his armor skittering away like a dog with its tail between its legs, and one big bad 88 about to go bye-bye with no armor kills. So sad. Steve-the-Git, WildWoman, and BleeterNZ are still AWOL. I am also keeping a warm spot on my hard (down Bauhaus) drive for Here-I-Am-Beat-Me and Crodachoo, but without much hope. [ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF: Marlow as slower an'Mensch ain a spellin' contest - nae turns fer months. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Its you that owes me a turn you addle brained git. You've had it for a couple o' weeks, I just figured you were afraid to open the file. I'll resend it tonight.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Just wanted to pop in and say, after checking cnn.com: "Thank god for Jeffords! Disaster narrowly averted by the good guys once again!" [ 05-24-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Piss Off.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: I violate me hen.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  10. I would like to take this opportunity to post the first Victory of the new Cess: MarlowConquering hero SpeedyBloody Pulp My valiant Red Devils did in Herr von der Speedy's Fallingguys in a bloody close quarters night battle. In other news, I am either losing or winning. Of particular note, my battle against Lawyer is off to a nice start as I prepare to turn his flank.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: So, just what is so much better about the .50 cal? I mean, I know that in game turns, it can take out vehicles and just seems to be a better MG, but what are its benefits in reality?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In addition to killing light armor, the 50 can make short work of cover that a rifle calibre MG can't deal with (valuable in urban fighting). The drawback is heavy ammo weight and low rate of fire.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted on hte netherboard by WildWoman:
  13. In well balanced scenarios, the sides should be equal. In QBs, the Germans do, in my opinion, have an advantage over the Allies. I base this on my experience against both the AI and human opponents. I tend to play Allies (particularly American) more often than Axis, and thus am more familiar with use of Allied units. Nevertheless, my record as Axis is significantly better than that as the Allies. Against the AI, the closest QBs have almost always been when I am playing Allies, and against humans my record is: Allies W-6, L-6, D-1 Axis W-5, L-0, D-0 This record does not reflect use of any German "system" as I try to the best of my ability to purchase somewhat realistic orders of battle for QBs. What should be done about this? On a whole, nothing. In armor, the superiority of many German tanks in the anti-armor role is historical fact, and as players of an accurate historical simulation, we have to deal with it much like out real world predecessors (of course without the real world consequences). I would like to see some reevaluation of infantry (rifle and SMG) firepower and cost, as well as the availability of expanded informal TOE for allied infantry squads to balance the huge number of available German infantry types, but even these concerns are not that great in my book.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gen-x87: Is there anyway that we can have the ability to pit Allied vs Allied or Axis vs Axis in a multiplayer setting or setting up scenarios? I understand we are trying to keep this historical but I would love to play somebody else when they are the Germans. Gen<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This was discussed in excruciating detail previously, and the answer (with which I still disagree) was (in CM2 terms) NYET! That said, if you want to know what it is like facing the Germans, pull off your jackboots, live a little and try playing from the Allied side. Variety is the spice of life, and if you only play Axis, you are only enjoying half the game.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by armornut: Peng-e-poo eater this is for you lad, may your eyes explode, and the air that occupies your braincase leak out!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just one question: Peng-e-poo eater? Have you had an aneurysm that has eliminated all mental function above the brain stem? Now to more important things … To all my un-esteemed opponents: This message does hereby provide notice that I consider you all to be no-account, shifty-eyed, small-balled bastages. Except for you, Hiram. Instead you are fickle little slut that is trolloping around with the likes of Markey Mark IV but not sending a turn for that game that I have so carefully saved in your absence. This message also provides notice that my corporate masters are sending me off to the CM-less hinterlands for the rest of the week and that I will not be able to maintain my heretofore rapid return rate on PBEM files. I hate you all, Go suck rocks. [ 04-30-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer: Good, then you can pick up the tab when the Washington area CM crowd meets at Grevey's.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, No, No, I don't have any, just my greedy corporate masters. You're not passing the tab that easy. So when is this meet anyway.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer: Well, well, Mr. Marlow[/b You K Street Mongrel of Money. Evil Jake<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Surprisingly, you got that one right.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: "Peng Challengeville"? "Peng Challengeville"? Geez lawboy, I knew you were lame, but I didn't think you were THAT lame . . . <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Is this what you want to become? Seeing BGL (Big Gub'ment Lawyer) in action should be enough to scare you away from law school. Drop out of school and find a field that provides more benefit to society, like Pimp to a stable of crack whores. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander: It's said "The second, sober, thought of the people is seldom wrong." Thus, we need not fret about ever being right around here...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ironic to see you use the term "sober" in a post. Send me a set-up you wretched sot, after Hiram Wanabee left, I don't have anymore inebriated opponents to play. And as far as you go BGL (AKA Big Gub'ment Lawyer) Besides coming up with least interesting thread title in months (must be your bureaucratic training in action) you posted AFTER I DID. I demand the chance to pluck out your eyeballs, stretchyour optic nerves out of you head, and tie them together across the bridge of your nose. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BGL: So think again before risking all by taunting the Law. Are you slug enough to face the REAL Lawyer?? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> REAL lawyer? What is a "REAL lawyer"? Is that sort of like "certified" dog ****. I mean you already know that the steaming pile on the side of the road is crap, do you really need to know that what kind of dog it came from. [ 04-27-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]
  19. Welcome to Peng Challengeville? What kind of lame ass crap is that? Seems that once again the voice of the people has been ignored by the powers that be.
  20. Standing Orders, Peng's Poolers (With a plea for forgiveness from Major Rogers) - Don't forget the doughnuts - Keep your Lorak loathed, Inner Croda scoured, Berli smoking in the eternal fire, and be ready to taunt at a minutes warning - When you're challenging a 'Pooler, always carefully choose a specific target, and challenge him with a challenge that will singe the hair on Wildman's ass, and above all SOUND OFF LIKE YOU GOT A PAIR! - Lie about what you see and what you do. You can tell the truth to the rest of the board all you please when you call jd a Gamey Bastage Bitch, but always lie to a 'Pooler. - Don't never take a Mensch if you don't have to. - When we're on the march, we march single file, far apart so improperly modeled Machinegun Grazing Fire can't go through two men. - If we strike swamps or soft ground, step on the squires so you don't get your boots wet. - When we fight, use SMGs in the dark to give Speedy the least possible chance at us. - When we camp, half party while the other half DOES A SEARCH. - If we see a Scum Sucking Newbie Git, we keep 'em in the wading pool till we have time to examine them, then we cook'em up with a nice garlic sauce and hot peppers. - Don't ever run with a Machinegun. - No matter whether you attack on a large map or small, always keep a scout 20 yards from each flank, so you can be called a gamey Meeksian edge-hugging manoooverist. - No Pooftas - Don't sit down to eat without posting insults. - Don't sleep on your stomach, that’s when Bauhaus likes to attack. - Don't cross a river by a regular Ford, always use a Gamey Recon Jeep. - If SteveTheMouse trailing you, make a circle, come back on your own tracks and club him with your Panzerfaust. - Don't stand up when the OGSF coming against you. Kneel down, lie down, hide behind a Quercus stuka. - Let the sheep come till he's almost close enough to touch. Then let him have it and jump out and finish him up with your Mace. Standing Orders, Roger's Rangers [ 04-27-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]
  21. Lorak, while you are updating the Sacred Tome, please record my utter defeat at the hands of my own squire Wildwoman. WildChild Giddy with excitement over this unexpected upset victory Marlow Hangs head in shame He can provide the ugly details. Other updates: jd "where did all my panzers go" morse is gunning my poor little Canknuckleheads down without mercy. Doesn't look good for the Maple Leaf; however, he lost an entire Panzer regiment in the process. Shandy Baby continues to waltz obliviously into my trap. The VT falls next turn. Don't tell him, OK SteveTheTurd sent me the most lopsided random force selection battle ever created. He has an entire Cav. Squadron, while I get one paper armored TD, and an assortment of tin-eared, toothless old men. Nevertheless, his armor is dying by panzerfaust and grenade. Love the up close and personal stuff. Nijis is still hiding in the dark, while Speedy is busy dying in it. OBGYN is busy shooting at my boys with his FlakPanzers-O-Death, too bad he's not hitting much. Body count: three chickens and a duck. Crodachoo, where are you? Finally, Mr. Big Shot Gub'ment Lawyer, seeing as we are both employed in the True Cesspool AKA N.W. Washington DC, a place crawling with corporate whores, slicked-back lobbyist, lazy GS scale lawyers, scum bag pols, etc… I believe that a battle for mastery of this den of inequity is in order. Send me your worst.
  22. Mr. Mac, I don't know what you are beefing about, the search function works fine. In fact, I used it to find this: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JMcGuire: I just got my hands on a *perfect* condition 28-year-old Mercedes 280SE (and at about a third of book value). Since I'm rapidly becoming addicted to CM, my friend and I thought it would be kewl to get a personalized tag with some kind of wargame-geek tie-in. Hell, at 4000 pounds, the car FEELS like a tank when you drive it... My current favorite is "PZKPFW" or "PZKPFW38". My friend's favorite is "HETZER" but I think people would just assume it was a surname. In FL personalized tags can be (I think) 6 letters, plus one space, or 7 letters with no spaces. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now you characterize the Cesspool as moronic and deserving of banishment. By comparison to your little "I got this really cool car, isn't everybody green with envy" thread, the Peng Challenge Threads are high art. If you don't like the Cesspool, don't read it.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wildman: Right now I need another game and I think that pathetic spittle-boy Iskander should be my next victim. I call upon his knigget and mine to prepare a suitable file-of-honor for me to kill him with. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Honor? I have no honor. However, I would be happy to supply you with a suitable game (sans honor of course). I will consult with the knave's Knight so that an appropriate punishment may be devised. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Marlow, my beloved knigget apparently thought that CM was a WWI game and rushed a full two platoon, who were then killed to the last man. It amazing how annoyed he was when he lost his entire armor in one turn. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I was, of course, only upholding the long-standing 'Pool tradition of letting my lowly squire have but a brief taste of victory, so that future defeats will be that much more bitter. How can you truly agonize over the crushing humiliation that I will inflict in all future battles, when you have not first seen what it is like to win. Enjoy your moment in the sun Wildmook, for your future will be filled with much wailing and gnashing of teeth. I will send your new File-O-Death shortly.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Swede: No Japanese in Russia...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not that I'm advocating their inclusion in CM2, but what about the little dust-up between the Japanese and Soviets on the Siberia-Manchuria border in 1939?
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Now, now, now Marlow, let's not be making fun of the poor unfortunates of the outer board.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think that we should show how sportsman-like the 'Poolers are, and provide old KiwiJoey with lots of games, just like we did for Lizard Boy after his trip. [ 04-20-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]
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