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Everything posted by Marlow

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: YOU on the other hand, applied AND WERE ACCEPTED! As to proof, well, I have my proof. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It all depends on what the definition of "accepted" is. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Comrade Jo Xia: Yes, we seem to have a sufficiency of suspects for our investigation, you see, squires CAN be useful. As to the investigations Marlow, you may rest assured that there WILL be investigations, oh yes, investigations aplenty. The Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool NEVER RESTS! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This whole sham of an investigation is nothing more than some vast communist conspiracy started by you, Jo Xia, and you, his rabid attack dog lackey. I mean, really, with a name like Xia and being from Utah and all, how can he be trusted (where is Senator McCarthy when you need him). And, you MrSqkr, an Okie in Texas? What next? Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria? I fear that this whole thing it was initiated by the office of the Cesspool prosecutor to drum up business. I ask the 'Pool at large whether we are going to put up with these vicious attacks. We must stop this practice of the politics of personal destruction. Besides, the prize is Booze. What else need be said?
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: I note with approval that none of the current crop of CessPoolers are to be involved in the disgusting WILD BILL RUMBLINGS of WAR Tourney being promoted on the outerboard. It is possible, I suppose, that one or more DID sign up but were wise enough to use aliases. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Your post shows the danger of typing with only half a brain. If you examined the list for the tournament in question you would have notices: 3) one John Morse AKA jdmorse {a} one Deke Fentle. There may also be others appearing by pseudonym. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: I do wonder why Sir Marlow of all people not only joined the tournament, but was accepted amongst the grogsters? Obviously, he feared repercussions from the Poolers - why else would he apply under his *GASP* REAL LIFE name?!? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> MrSphnctr, I plead not guilty to the charges above. Obviously some foul person is trying to clean up my reputation by signing me up for a respectful GROGGY tournament. I will not stand for such slander. I am the victim here, and yet you want to investigate and persecute me? I demand and investigation of the investigation.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Username: They have some kind of canvas ammo holder and use the weapon as a single man type.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This isn't anything unique to the seals. Inside the metal ammo cans, M60 ammo comes packaged in cardboard boxes that are placed in cloth bandoleers. these can be attached to the feed tray of the gun. This keeps the belt from dangling in the dirt, and does a pretty good job of feeding the belt without causing stoppages.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brian: What is a "belt boy"? Your inexperience betrays you - the correct term is No.2 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As much as it truely pains me to defend username, the term "No. 2" is probably nation specific. In the U.S., the second member of the MG crew is the "assistant gunner" or "AG." The third member of the crew (if there is one) is the "ammunition bearer."
  5. Gentlemen, Gentlemen, What is with all this bickering about nationalities? Of course Joe started this whole thing as a mechanism to divide us in preparation for the takeover of the world by aliens from Deserat. I mean the people of Utah must be from another planet. They don't drink, marry Mormon Wives {shudder}, and have a Porn Tsar who is a 40 year old virgin. The rest of the English speaking world must band together in the face of this insidious threat. After all aren't we all really just Americans, or wanna be Americans, when it comes down to it? The population of Great Britain is really made up of people who longed in their hearts to seek adventure and fortune in the New World, but were too drunk, stupid, or cowardly to leave England (can you imagine anyone staying there for any other reason?). And the Auzzies, like the Americans, are the best and the brightest from Merry Old England who were probably heading for America, but got lost on the way. And as for the Canadians, they really are part of the States, they just haven't figured it out yet. As for the New Zealanders, hmmmm … they are sort of strange. Probably aliens like the Utes. [Editted to correct an inadvertent bolding of the word "Ute"] [ 08-24-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon: I think the confusion is that the MAG-58 manual says "no more than 20 rounds shall be fired in a long burst" and M-60 manual for the Marine Corps in the middle 1960s says that "no more than 20 rounds should be fired in a burst". In addition, the great book "Guns Up" by two M-60 gunners mentions repeatedly the Marine Corps saying of the late 1960s "20" which they remind each other all the time to keep there weapons from jamming. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't know anything about Marine Corp MG practices, but in the Army the standard was 6 to 9 round bursts for the M60. I would fire longer bursts when I was goofing around, but rarely more than about 15 (unless I had a runnaway gun, which happened a couple of times), and I have put A LOT of rounds down range from M60s.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis: but seeings as you're even worse, what with you being a lawyer and all, well, I feel honored. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, No, No. He still has his training wheels on. He won't be fully ready to decipher the infinite complexities of the American legal system until he passes the Bar (something that I am surprised that Jake can do, and know that Pa Iskander can't).
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: You Freaking Idiot I DON'T have an Enigma machine with which to decypher your drunken, coded messages. No doubt you found it indescribably droll to equate Lawyer with a barracuda but the reference escaped EVERYONE. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This is only true if use of the word "EVERYONE" is limited to slow-witted mortgage bankers from Utah.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: Sir Marlow? Is that you? I'm a little surprised to see YOU here, what with the thrashing I am currently giving you and your apparent legal problems (that IS you they are talking about, isn't it?) [ 08-23-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> LOL. Not me, I'm afraid, it happened in Washington state. Say, maybe that is why we haven't heard from jd in a while … As far as the thrashing you are giving me? Only a flesh wound. How about those two burning assault guns? There would have been four of them if my idiot Churchill gunners would figure out that HE is not going to kill a Stug, and that those C rounds aren't going to do any good sitting in the ammo bin. BTS, FIX OR DO SOMEFINK! Other Updates: Dale Evans, I call you out you low down, yellow bellied, earless cur. Where is the file that you promised to fling in my direction? Shandy Duncan is demonstrating the fine art of advancing to the rear in a rainy little night battle. I hold all VLs, and his tanks and remaining men are heading in the wrong direction. Left behind are the hulks of four halftracks, and the bodies of about a company of Motorized SS Hamstertruppen. Up the Ox and Bucks! Also in a gentle night rain, Pa Iskander leads his band of Hillbillies against my Evil SS hordes. Revenge will be mine. Cheap Flannel have just started, and he is already busy dropping an entire Panzer Corp worth of artillery on two half-squads and a Bazooka. Keep it up, I'm sure you won't need that Arty later. "What is the body count?" "Two Chickens and a Duck Sir." Jake the Snake returns soon. Maybe he picked up a few pointers over in the Ardennes. Not that it is going to help him at this point. The only thing that is slowing down my advance is letting my infantry rest from all that running. Long Lost Nijis and I are working on a glacial paced game of rune's "Night of the Engineers." For those in need of a battle, this one is just twisted enough to suit the Pool. Lots of Flames and rubble. Berli would approve. So far, Nijis has not been the motor Sgt.'s best friend, with four wrecked halftracks. He also has about a platoon and a half of dead pioneers with little to show for it. Speedy and I have also started a rune special, "the Caen Mutiny." If I don't win, I'm blaming the undermodeled SMLE firepower. SteveTheGit and I should be wrapping up a battle soon. My turns are currently very easy. It doesn't take long to give orders to my three remaining troops. Last, and certainly not least, Wildboy has done an absolutely magnificent job of trying to give me a victory. At one point in the game, he had killed three of my four tanks, driven me off the VL, and killed about one half my troops. This with taking only light casualties. Since then, I have managed to remove all his armor from the game (four Shermans, and two Greyhounds), kill about half of his guys, and evict him from the VL. He still has a few more men than I do, but has no heavy firepower left, and had to cross open ground to get me. MUHAHAHA.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: BEEEEEP! At 9:56 a.m. today, the National Command Center observed the imminent signs of the return of the Barracuda<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> About time he got back. I've got a whole case of whoop-ass saved up for his few remaining cowering braut munchers.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: Sigh. You were doing SO well, too. While I agree that warding off SSN's is a good and noble thing; and that insuring that Try-up-my-pants is incable of further pollution of the gene pool is downright commendable, the crudity manner in which you portray it is unnecessary, and crass. You were doing SO well.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Come, come, Mr. Spankey, dangling nads, are as much a time-honored practice in the MBT as pointy sticks and topplements. Crass as it might be, there is something to be said for family tradition. Also, what is this "Triumpants" thing that your new boy toy is challenging anyway? Is your moron lackey actually using the Cesspool to challenge on outerborder? He is obviously an idiot, and you are welcome to him. I'm sure you two will be happy together.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: Just a minor point old chap, but there is some meaning to a "Loss to Peng" if you recall, there is nothing more humiliating in life than that, so before you go passing bad information, shut your filthy little vowelless pie hole, ok? Thanks for your support. Peng<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> "Loss to Peng" is not quite the worst form of humiliation, oh one of many pods. "Loss to Croda" is still the greatest badge of shame that can be worn by a Pooler. This dishonor is owned by several current inmates, namely the earless one, Mensch the Addled, The French, and Her Ovaries. While I recognize the historic significance of "Loss to Peng," you did beat him. [ 08-22-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brian: I might have been a bit harsh but he did say, "holding the trigger and not letting go". This implies continious, automatic fire which is not how an MG is used. Even in WWI, when extremely long machine gun "barrages" were fired, they were fired in bursts, not continiously. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wow. And you complain about others not reading what you post? What David said was: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> The main asset of the Vickers was its non-stop firing ability. This would not mean you hold the trigger and don't let go, but it does mean that you can fire longer and more often. Restricting it to the short, intermittant bursts of the air-cooled machineguns in CM is arguably unfair. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What part of " This would not mean you hold the trigger and don't let go" confused you?
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brian: I've never denied that semi-automatic weapons allow a higher rate of fire to be attained. I just question if the M1 Garand is the wonder weapon its portrayed to be by most Americans.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Brian, besides your gratuitous and unfounded bashing of the U. S. Army (which you probably observed at one of its lowest points in history, the mid 70s), the biggest problem with arguing with you is that you constantly change your position, and then insist that you have been consistent all along. That the SMLE could achieve an effective ROF that is comparable to the Garand is exactly what you were saying initially. I would post the quote, but what's the use, you would just ignore what you said previously. You could post that it was raining one minute, and that it was sunny the next, and see no contradiction. I see no point in even reading your posts any further, as you have no credibility.
  15. Brave Sir Lorak, it would appear that you missed this anouncement in the false MBT. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sppedy: Lorak let it be known throughout the MBT that Marlow, first of that name, is in fact an honourary Australian. It is the only possible explanation for his defeating me, and his gamey use of computer selected, massed assault halftracks. Final tally: Marlow- 70 Speedy- 30<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander: And be sure to use your "stock tactics", too; that way even the Earless One can finish you off in two or three turns... snicker, snort<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'll make sure I'm fully modded up when I play our turns, so that I can watch you die in full technicolor glory.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: You got it, punk! You think I don't have the yarbles to lose to you a third time? When I get home from work I will answer the challenge.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As much as it pains me to remind you, our first battle was a draw. Me hates you lots.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: The community HAS realized that the stock graphics sucked and we have created some really nice replacements. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> While some of the mods are nice, to say that the game as it was designed sucks is going way too far. I remember the first time I booted it up and played the tutorial. As I watched my Shermans roll down the road, spot the Mark IV, watched the turrets rotate, and the shoot-out begin, I was in heaven. I watched my first CM kill a dozen times. I still think that original graphics are more than good enough. I do use a few of the mods, but it is definitely not a big deal to me. One thing I have noticed is that many of the mods are not really any better than the stock graphics, just different. For example, many people like the subdued terrain, and think that it is more realistic. But have you ever seen rural France on a sunny spring day? The colors can be so vivid and bright that they are almost fluorescent.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: Maybe I'm just overly pissy today.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why don't you work off some of that repressed anger, and send me one of Der Kessel's microbattles my way. I promise to play using stock graphics.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Gentles All! Our little village here needs an idiot, and Mensch seems well qualified. What say you?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I recommended Pee El for the job weeks ago, but had no takers.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brian: Many the time I caught the fact the preceeding digger who'd been issued with an M60 GPMG had turned the gas piston around the wrong way when he'd reinserted it into the gas cylinder. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Must be because of that high quality of Australian infantry training that you have been talking constantly about. I have never, in many years as a 60 gunner, checked a misassembled MG out of the arms room. [ 08-21-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]
  22. I told you this was a bad idea: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: {Stick Around Damn It, we're tired of people who wander in and waste our time and then never show up again ... Joe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now it has come back to haunt you: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer: But you see, Joe, it's like this: "I gotta be Me, I gotta be Me, I gotta be Me, oh woah, yeah got ta be MEEEEEEEEE." That means: "I can't be another Joe, No not another Joe, No I can't be no Joe, no, no no, woah woah uh-oh." (Sorry for disappointing your newly-awakened paternal feelings) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sort of like a (particularly ugly) puppy that followed you home, and soiled the carpet. He's yours now, we expect you to feed him, take him for walks, and generally take care of him. That or you could take him out an shoot him.
  23. My question is why do the Jerries get to have all the fun? I want my M12.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Be it Know to One and All Sundry that this is The One The True CessPool, The Mutha Beautiful Thread, the PENG CHALLENGE THREAD returned from it's ignominious tenure under the handle of a Squire and back under the control of a True Knight of the CessPool.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Even one started by a Knight from Utah is preferable to the last abomination. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> (1.43) There are SIX (6) kinds of people in the world, Old Ones, Seniour Knights, Knights, Squires ... Serfs ... and Scum Sucking Newbies (SSNs). All but the last of these are relatively worthy, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Joe, you once again demonstrate the dangers of trying to think. None of you knobs is worth the spit hanging from the corner of Peng's chin. Certainly not anybody beneath the rank of Knight of the Cesspool. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> [Challenge someone of your own stature, which is non-existant, by choosing another SSN, a Serf or perhaps, PERHAPS a squire. How do you find these people you ask ... mostly because you're an idiot ... you find them here: Lorak's CessPool Page<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You should be shot for giving away MBT State secrets. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> {Stick Around Damn It, we're tired of people who wander in and waste our time and then never show up again ... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Stick Around!?! You idiot. Didn't we just finish sending the Bard off to the gulag for inviting the Boardies in? And now you want them to stay!?! Stoning is too good for you. [ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis: [serious mode on] Before I get into calling you guys Wankers, it would be swell if all cesspoolers who pray and others who can provide good thoughts would say a payer or have a nice thought for Mike Raber/Hiram/Philly Phans family today because they are going through something pretty heavy. I know my thoughts are with him and hope everything turns out well. [erious mode off[ Wankers.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Will do.
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