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Everything posted by Marlow

  1. There is also that one battle in the game where in the real battle the lone .50 cal gunner kills a heap and a bunch o Jerries, and I have never been able to come close to repeating his score with CM.
  2. Examples of single machineguns causing significant casualties (granted these guys are CMH winners, but …) BERTOLDO, VITO R. (Master Sergeant) …He moved back inside the command post, strapped his machinegun to a table and covered the main approach to the building by firing through a window, remaining steadfast even in the face of 88-mm. fire from tanks only 75 yards away. One shell blasted him across the room, but he returned to his weapon. When 2 enemy personnel carriers led by a tank moved toward his position, he calmly waited for the troops to dismount and then, with the tank firing directly at him, leaned out of the window and mowed down the entire group of more than 20 Germans… In the morning he carried his machinegun to an adjacent building used as the command post of another battalion and began a day-long defense of that position. He broke up a heavy attack, launched by a self-propelled 88-mm. gun covered by a tank and about 15 infantrymen… With inspiring bravery and intrepidity M/Sgt. Bertoldo withstood the attack of vastly superior forces for more than 48 hours without rest or relief, time after time escaping death only by the slightest margin while killing at least 40 hostile soldiers and wounding many more during his grim battle against the enemy hordes *COWAN, RICHARD ELLER (PFC) … He maintained his position, holding off the Germans until the rest of the shattered force had set up a new line along a firebreak. Then, unaided, he moved his machinegun and ammunition to the second position. At the approach of a Royal Tiger tank, he held his fire until about 80 enemy infantrymen supporting the tank appeared at a distance of about 150 yards. His first burst killed or wounded about half of these infantrymen. And of course Ol' Audie …2d Lt. Murphy climbed on the burning tank destroyer, which was in danger of blowing up at any moment, and employed its .50 caliber machinegun against the enemy. He was alone and exposed to German fire from 3 sides, but his deadly fire killed dozens of Germans and caused their infantry attack to waver. The enemy tanks, losing infantry support, began to fall back. For an hour the Germans tried every available weapon to eliminate 2d Lt. Murphy, but he continued to hold his position and wiped out a squad which was trying to creep up unnoticed on his right flank. Germans reached as close as 10 yards, only to be mowed down by his fire. I have a fair bit of experience with the M-60, and I do think that CM dramatically underestimates MG (all small arms for that matter) effectiveness against moving targets. Maybe units given move or sneak commands are using appropriate movement under fire techniques, but at the very least, close range MG fire against a fast moving unit should be more effective. [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 04-05-2001).]
  3. Check out this thread: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/010911.html ------------------ And one more thing...can someone explain the cesspool to me? I'd go myself, but I may have another psychotic episode and beat the hell out of everyone in there too! - Ancient query from an infant Croda
  4. In the U.S. Dentistry is a graduate level 4 year degree, that earns the title DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery). Maybe the jokes about British Teeth has some basis
  5. "One of the serious problems in planning against American doctrine is that the Americans do not read their manuals, nor do they feel any obligation to follow their doctrine." - anon. (from a Soviet military document)
  6. whats with all these bloody stupid questions about the peng threads eh?
  7. Speaking of challenges, we never did get around to finishing that little night/mechanized battle. Seems like you had some sort of Computer problem (probably nothing a few whacks to the operator's head couldn't fix). Since that game is apparently lost in version conversion Limbo, send me your worst. Oh, and when I am done gutting you're rodent/squire, I'll make sure to send you what's left . ------------------ And one more thing...can someone explain the cesspool to me? I'd go myself, but I may have another psychotic episode and beat the hell out of everyone in there too! - Ancient query from an infant Croda [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 04-03-2001).]
  8. They are closer than you think whelp. [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 04-03-2001).]
  9. What the hell is going on. We're being evicted before our 10 page lease is up.
  10. Hi Mom. ------------------ And one more thing...can someone explain the cesspool to me? I'd go myself, but I may have another psychotic episode and beat the hell out of everyone in there too! - Ancient query from an infant Croda
  11. Just a question, what the hell happened to the standards we used to have around here. Usta-be we would drive off halfwit poolsplashers like Leeo, DishWater and DekeFentle (not to mention the Federal Sponge that fancies himself a real Lawyer) with great big pointy sticks, and now we make them squires for Peng's sake. I know things have gone to hell when one of jd's squires actually starts winning games. Ah, for the days of Peng rants and Hiram pseudo-taunts. I think it began when we let in SteveThePlaguecarrier and WildWoman in with far too little grief. That and the departure of the French (can't have a good CessPool without the French). Of course I blame the Meeks/Hamsters/Sybil for this rift in the space-time continuum. The vermin started showing up shortly after that lump of polar bear excrement returned from whatever frozen wasteland he was visiting. I think he brought them back as parasites in his lower gut. In other news, jd continues to defend his title as the gamiest of all, with his use of the completely a-historical ass-end-first rabid attack Stug. Only the valiant efforts of my brave anti-tank-thingy lads saved the day with a PIAT shot from 130 m. SteveTheGit is learning that leading with your tanks is a highly effective technique if your primary objective is to have lots of dead tanks. WildChild displayed dazzling incompetence in losing the newbie challenge against the afore mentioned SteveTheMouse, but has the audacity to make some small display of tactical ability against his Kannigget, and killed most of my armor. No matter, I have decided to go WWI on his ass. ------------------ And one more thing...can someone explain the cesspool to me? I'd go myself, but I may have another psychotic episode and beat the hell out of everyone in there too! - Ancient query from an infant Croda [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 04-03-2001).]
  12. If I had to put a qualifications statement on any general discussion of political philosophy, it would read like a legal contract (the term "P.C. liberal left" as used hereinafter shall only apply to the members of said left that ascribe to the … ). In any event my generalization is not far off. Those of you on the left who actually value a difference of opinion are very few IMHO. Most on the left, while giving lip-service to valuing free-speech, only are truly respectful of opinions that do not deviate from their narrow world-view. Your statement is a case in point. While the "a bible-thumping gay-bashing segregationist" members of the right are a small minority, many on the left seriously attribute those characteristics to a large number of (read most) conservatives, or anyone else who does not believe that gender/race should create special rights or preferences, or that any mention of religion in public life is a per se violation of the Establishment clause. Edited to add that I wrote this in haste, and that I fully recognize that any broad political catagorization has a wide variaty of people with very diverse views. The right certainly has its share of close-minded idiots, I am just of the belief that the left has far more. [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 04-02-2001).]
  13. j-gamey bastard-d, I have few illusions about the ultimate outcome of my valiant struggle against your unending horde of legaltruppen, and the indistructable Mark IV. But it did warm the cockles of my stony heart to watch the surprised look on the face of your Panther's commander (who knew BTS modeled a TC pissing his pants) when he crested the hill and found that 95mm cannon pointing strait between the eyes. Also, I am enjoying your feeble attempt at ultragamey edgehugging. Maybe you should take lessons from Shandy Duncan who is managing to actually pull it off. Hiram, I would be most pleased to continue our little tete-a-tete amongst the snowy hills of Chuppy's little winter wonderland should you be so inclined. I have saved a special little place in my computer for our game. dalem threatened a game, but as I have seen no file, I must assume that he has sunk further into the depths of despair after again suffering at the hands of the lesion of Croda. We are Croda and I are having a contest to see if he runs out of men before I run out of HE shells for my Tigers and Stugs. SteveTheRunt has executed a perfectly timed movement into my kill zone. WildFlower is sadly lacking in necessary squire skills, as he is currently refusing to die in an appropriately servile fashion. Speedy, Nijis and Sir Alphabet have already lost, they just don't know it yet. Goanna is gamely putting up with playtesting a little battle for me. If this wasn’t the Cesspool, I would thank him, but since it is, I'll curse him as a gamey bastard instead. If I forgot anyone, Tough Titty. ------------------ And one more thing...can someone explain the cesspool to me? I'd go myself, but I may have another psychotic episode and beat the hell out of everyone in there too! - Ancient query from an infant Croda
  14. I hate to beat a dead horse, but I couldn't let this go. in response to "I blame the Democrats-them and their touchy feely PC crap" Oh, please. The proposition that the ideas of the P.C. "liberal" left have anything to do with true equality is laughable. The modern left has take the idea of "equality" that fueled the civil rights movement of the 50s and 60s, and completely corrupted it. The original noble premise was to judge people not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character (as Dr. King so eloquently put it). Civil rights originally stood for equal opportunity, in that minorities should have the same rights as any other citizen, and not be excluded on the basis of skin color/gender. At that time,it didn't matter how smart or motivated a black college/job applicant was, he/she wasn't going to get a chance to prove him/herself. By and large, that is no longer true. A well qualified person that is by chance also a member of a minority group can do anything he/she wants to. However, this is not enough for some. Over time the leftist elites have pushed the idea that opportunity is not enough. It is no longer adequate to allow equally qualified candidates to compete, we must now guarantee equal results. As a result we have a society where one of the first questions asked in any situation where some sort of limited resource, over which the government has any control at all, is distributed (federal jobs, college admission, government contracts, cabinet appointments) is not "is the person the best candidate," but rather "is the person a member of a 'disadvantaged' minority." God help the person who believes that merit should matter more than race, ethnicity or gender, the P.C. establishment will immediately label you a bigot irrespective of your actual record. The true inheritors of the ideas of equality as envisioned by the Mason and Madison are conservative. The progressive ideas of individual rights, liberties and their attendant responsibilities (i.e. the philosophy of classical liberals) are far more evident in the conservative/libertarian movement (I exclude the southern conservatives that have roots in the DixieCrat movement from this group) than in the quasi-socialist views of the P.C. modern liberals.
  15. Audie, not Autie. A good cite for U.S. Medal of Honor winners is: http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/Moh1.htm
  16. Isn't that essentially what happened when during the artillery duel before Picket's charge, the Federal artillery stopped firing, and gave the impression that they had been put out of action or run out of ammo?
  17. Sniff. Sniff. Question - Does a well beaten dead horse smell gamey? [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 03-23-2001).]
  18. Nice Sig, Doo-Doo head. I don't see much in the way of Pulitzer material from you either. Think you can just waltz in here like some kind of la-di-dah poofta? Well, bugger you ya fairy. I need revenge on your sorry ass for our last battle you shifty no-account bastage. Send a file or forever be branded a Gamey Ass Coward. [edited to emphasize that my battle with the no-account gamey ass bastage ended in a draw, as there is no way in the seven levels of hell that the earless wonder would ever defeat me.] [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 03-23-2001).]
  19. Oh, Sir Alphabet, Your post reminds me. Somehow I never got around to giving you the Thrrrashing that you so richly deserve. Prepare to be vanquished you skirt wearing, small-balled bastard.
  20. Stupid/gamey defense that works GREAT: I was amazed how well the following combination works for newbie Gits: 15% points - lesion of Croda 40% points - Maces (best Ass Kisser!?!) 45% points - Stukas In 700 points game you should be able buy about 3 Crodas, Maces, and over 30 Stukas. This combination seems to stop cold 90% of Aqua PerDildos There is so much units that even heavy 70's Elvis don't take enought of them. You can position Stukas in every forest, house, outhouse and doghouse! Maces can also cover 99% of all sheep with multiple deviant innuendoes! Crodasshould be positioned to take out possible pissboyconcentrations in front of your Stukas Brains, tactics, Seanachi-a-pet is not needed.* *All grammatical errors in original
  21. I've got a new scenerio "The black Forest" ready for use. It is not really fit for a serious joust between Kaniggets; however, if anyone needs somefink for a bitchfight between two squires or serfs, it would be just the ticket.
  22. (beats Wildflower over the head with Croda's (AKA Infected Lesion or some such tripe) other leg) You brainless git! How dare you address a Knight of the One True Cesspool in such a manner! You who are not worthy to clean the sores where dalem once had ears; who would be honored to be shat upon by jd (gamey no-account bastard that he is). I shall have to teach you proper etiquette. You called him "Sir. Speedy" when the wanker's proper title is "Gamey Freak Boy." Get it right or I shall have to beat you about the head and neck once more. [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 03-22-2001).]
  23. Hey Crodachu, what's with this lesion or legion or whatever crap. Do you think you are Rexford or somefink? Going around with all of this "we" do this and "we" say that and "we" have group sex etc… After I'm done kicking you ass in all over the "River of death" I'm going to round up your schizocrodia clones, and drown them like so many unwanted kittens.
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