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    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to George MC in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    BMP Thunder Run - RPGS to the left of us, ATGMS to the right!
    The two BMPs made it - just - and their guys debussed. It went to poop a few seconds later...

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    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Dmytro Gadomskyi in UA In Unity is Power   
    We really appreciate you sharing these relevant and very interesting looking scenarios with the community.
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    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Dmytro Gadomskyi in The battle for Lozove   
    The map is out, and now you can play it.
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    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Dmytro Gadomskyi in UA In Unity is Power   
    The Ukrainian 79th Air Assault Brigade in unity with National Guard are liquidating the enemy helicopter landing party in North Mykolaiv 464×416 (PBEM or Blue vs AI only)
    27th February 2022
    Time 17.15 hrs
    Mission time 55 minutes.
    Weather Light Fog
    Wind Medium, From South
    Ground Condition Dry
    The Russian army approached Mykolaiv with the main forces. To disrupt Ukrainian defense, the Russian command decided to make limited helicopter landings with special forces around the city.
    Ukrainian mixed company needs to liquidate Russian special forces and liberate the Ukrainian Shipbuilding University 
    Friendly Forces
    Battalion HQ Team
    1x 82mm mortar team
    1x Sniper team
    1x Special Forces Platoon
    1x Company Command Squad on BTR-70s
    1x Air Assault platoon on BTR-70s
    1x National guard platoon on Ural's
    1x National guard breach platoon on Ural's.
    Enemy Forces
    Unknown, the only we know that 5 Russian Mi-8 are landed near an old Fire Station.

    Try to spot the enemy, you can try to capture the building yard and use it for a better view. You need to be careful, Russian special forces are well-trained and well-equipped. But
    don't lose de time, because Russian forces will approach Mykolaiv this night, and you need to liquidate the enemy fast as you can.
    The scenario is a recreation of how the Ukrainian units from the 79th Air Assault Brigade and National Guard destroyed enemy special forces north of Mykolaiv. The scenario 
    is not 100% historically accurate, but I tried my best to speak with some people who fought in this battle, more I study it from internet resources.
    Created by Dmytro Gadomskiy
  6. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to George MC in Red-do of TV98-3 “Attack in Brandenburg” as REDFOR vs OPFOR   
    This is a re-do of my original TV98-3 “Attack in Brandenburg” but as REDFOR (Syrian regulars) versus OPFOR (Syrian fighters and combatants). It uses CMSF2 game version 2.05 9BFC) gane engine 4. Unfortunately, if you are on Steam the linked version of the scenario will not work as at the moment your version has not been patched.
    This scenario concept is based on the one of the excellent Tactical Vignette series titled 
    TACTICAL VIGNETTE 98-3 “Attack in Brandenburg”
    You can download the actual brief at the link above.
    This revised revised scenario has had the built-up area and surroundings heavily reworked to make the terrain more complex and confined.
    I've posted it here for some testing as not sure with the change of force from US heavy mech to Syrian tin cans re difficulty etc. Its probably one more suited to play H2H than aginst the AI.
    Play as Blue (Syrian regular army) versus Red (Syrian fighters and combatants).

    TV 98-3 Attack in Brandenburg REDFOR_v5.btt
  7. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Tank Machine Guns   
    With an armor covered arc, the tank will typically ignore infantry and bailed crews unless they get very close to the tank and are perceived as a threat.
    The best reason to use an armor arc imho, is to keep your tanks from firing on bailed crews and then have other enemy tanks come into LOS and get the drop on you.
  8. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to kohlenklau in CMFI FRANCE 1940 MOD now in progress   
    I just wanted to reach out to CMFI players that I am working on this mod. Anybody who wants to be involved can PM me. We can always use modders to help or folks who want to write scenarios for France 1940.
    I am keeping progress posts over in the general discussion mod tips subforum.
  9. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to kohlenklau in Annual look at the year to come - 2023   
    Looking back at Steve's posts, I see he remarked that other software developers make 5 times more than what he makes or has made. If I ever win Powerball Steve...
    Kohlenklau: Hi Steve, did you get the check?
    Steve: Yes Mr. Kohlenklau, I got it. Thank you sir. Charles is here...he says we'll have Early War ready very soon. Come on up to view the beta and we'll go out for lobster.
  10. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Combatintman in Morale and Teams   
    My morale always drops when I get a Teams call invite if that helps ... 😉
  11. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Paper Tiger in Help please. Road to Dinas   
    That's brilliant. Thanks. I've downloaded the dynamic version and have unpacked it. It really is a monster. Redoing that will be a lot of work, but FUN work.
    I'm going to have to be careful and not get too carried away and take on too much at the start. I want to get 'Montebourg' redone and also work on my smallest campaign, Gung Ho! before I start work on this project. But now that I have the whole thing, minus the core units file, it's a definite project for this year. It will be a CMSF2 rework so I'll be able to add water and bridges as well as wire fences to replace the rural walls I used on my early maps.
  12. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Ultradave in Combat Mission Cold War - British Army On the Rhine   
    My father is 90 now and some time after retirement, he once said something along the lines of "I'm so busy now that I never get anything done" (wish I could remember it exactly as it was much funnier).
  13. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Paper Tiger in Revising The Road to Montebourg campaign   
    Some of you may have noticed that I've poked my head up again after a very long absence. I've just been very busy with real life and wanted to spend some time playing games rather than designing content. But this game is a bit like crack for me, it's just so addictive and watching Usually Hapless play this campaign on Youtube got me back into it. (Yes, it's ALL your fault Hapless  )
    I've done a bit of work fixing things and now want to turn my attention to my first campaign for CMBN, the Montebourg campaign. It's the oldest and was made using v1.0 of the engine meaning that there are only 8 AI groups and no air support. There have also been a number of changes to the game which mean that I can experiment with some of the new stuff while reworking this one.
    It's not going to be a total overhaul but it will no longer work for players with only the CMBN base game so it's a Repository jobbie. I'll let you guys know what you'll need but it will probably require the full Monty as I want flamethrowers in it. It's also worth saying that anything new in it will be historically accurate and not just added in for the laughs. So no SS with JgPZIVs. Pity.
    So, I'll keep you up to date with my progress on this. I'm not looking to do a LOT of work. It's mainly to reacquaint myself with the scenario designer and writing AI plans.
    Mission 1
    I have no plans to change anything at all about the opening mission at all. It's fine as is.
    Mission 2
    There is a 'new' short 'Brecourt' mission. It's not really new though as it was in the revised version on the Repository. I'll need to tweak this one as the game seems to have become more lethal since I last played it but otherwise, it's good to go.
    Mission 3
    The first mission to get a full rework is Turnbull's Stand. I'm reworking the AI attack as there were only two AI plans and they were terrible. I've made a number of revisions to the map itself to reflect the reality of the day so it's a bit more open with less bocage and more hedges.
    I've spent pretty much all morning and most of the afternoon learning how to script an AI attack using the new tools and the first AI plan is almost done. I want a second one with an entirely different focus but it should be much faster to do as I'm not 'learning' anymore. Then, I'll mix it up so that there's four attack plans.
    And that's where I'm up to. There's no timetable on this. I'm not in any hurry but by posting about it here, I've kind of declared my intentions and am far more likely to stick with it.
  14. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Ultradave in Combat Mission Cold War - British Army On the Rhine   
    I've been retired now for about a year and a half and I'm absolutely loving it. But I can't play CM all day. There are too many other things I'm really interested in. For example (not in order):
    * I'm 66 and been a competitive runner since I was 18. Lymphoma took a bite out of that but I'm back at it again and feeling good. But at this age I'm much slower and need more rest after pushing myself.
    * My model railroad
    * Amateur radio
    * Reading
    * Piano
    * Guitar
    * Things my wife and I like to do together (she's retired and has her own interests too). This should really be higher up the list 😀
    * Other games (yes, there are others, haha)
    You guys wait until you retire. You'll see. I mean, still not having time for everything is a good problem because now "everything" is only stuff you WANT to do. The good news is I won't be bored in retirement!
  15. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Jim Pyle in Annual look at the year to come - 2023   
    Had to chuckle when I read this.  My last 15 years at work was in a chemical plant automating the different processes.  Getting pumps, valves, scales, agitators to do what we wanted was the easy part.  The hard part was to figure out how the operators could screw it up.  😀
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    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Mr.X in Preview: First FanMade BattlePack for CM Red Thunder   
    The BattlePack will have the title "Summer of Destruction" . Players will command Axis Forces of Army Group Central from
    June 1944 to July 1944. Currently (see below) the pack includes the following stuff:
    Chapter I
    Mini-Campaign "Partisans Land"

    The Player is commanding a mixed, reinforced German "Kampfgruppe" in June 1944 , attacking a wooded area west of Mogilew where strong partisan units are expected to have built a fortified strongpoint. 3 single Missions.
  18. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Mr.X in Preview: First FanMade BattlePack for CM Red Thunder   
    Chapter II
    Mini Campaign "Into Hell"
    The Player is commanding parts of the German 252.Infantry-Division of the IX. Corps/3rd Panzer Army north of Witebsk  at the very beginning of the Soviet Operation "Bagration". Your units will be directed to block one of the main Soviet Corridors of advance - you will have to stand or die in the centre of a massive assault.
    4 Single missions.

  19. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Mr.X in Preview: First FanMade BattlePack for CM Red Thunder   
    Chapter III
    Campaign "Five Bridges"
    The Player is commanding parts of the German 383.Infantry-Division of XXXV.Corps/9th Army near Bobruisk shortly after the German Lines have collapsed under the violent pressure of the Red Army. Will you be able to lead your units back to the west - will you be able to break out from the Bobruisk Pocket and reach the German Rescue Forces?
    9 Single Missions.

  20. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Mr.X in Preview: First FanMade BattlePack for CM Red Thunder   
    Chapter IV
    Campaign "Tiger Trail"
    When the German Frontlines had collapsed and the Soviet Advance approached the Border of East Prussia, the Axis Headquarters sent its armored reserves to stop the Soviet Steamroller by all means. The Player is commanding parts of the German 3.SS-Panzer-Division "Totenkopf" west of the Njemen River near Grodno. Will the Division be able to stop the enemy and cut off the III.Soviet Cavalry Corps ?
    17 single Missions.

  21. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Mr.X in Preview: First FanMade BattlePack for CM Red Thunder   
    When will be the release? 
    The ideal date will be the 22.06.2023. But I won't promise too much....for sure, release will be 2023 ! 
    What's the current progress?
    The biggest campaign "Tiger Trail" is in its final testing stage as a Betaversion. It will be ready for 22nd June release. 
    The "Five Bridges" Campaign has seen most of the map making, which is (with my experience) the most time consuming aspect - testing will start in March.
    The "Into Hell" Campaign the same.
    The "Partisans" Land Campaign (the smallest of all) is in the middle of map making and will be ready for testing in April.
    So - to quote the guys from Battlefront 😉 "it will be ready when it's ready."
    Will there be any single Missions?
    Currently, I have plans for 3 single Missions but I doubt to have the time to put effort in these ones. So, let's see....
    Is there a possibility to increase the number of campaigns or single missions for that BattlePack?
    Of course. As the headline says, this is a project made by fan(s) of CM and everybody who wants to participate is very welcome. Honestly I have to say that I have written a mail to Battlefront and offered them this stuff (without financial interests) in order to get designs, briefings etc. more professional but they ignored myself 😜
    So, if anybody is motivated to create stuff, doesn't matter if one small single mission or a whole campaign, then this would be very appreciated 👍 The only condition is:
    the stuff must match the BattlePacks main theme "Summer of Destruction June to July 1944, ArmyGroup Central". 
    Will there be any Master Maps?
    Currently, the pack will include 12 Master maps but this number may change until release.
  22. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Mr.X in Preview: First FanMade BattlePack for CM Red Thunder   
    We have the announcement of a (hopefully) stunning new module for CMFB, for a absolutely great CMBN BattlePack, for a very interesting CMFI BattlePack - so WW II fans like me are happy wth the coming stuff in 2023.
    BUT, something is missing....where is the CMRT ? No new content after the release of the fantastic BattlePack of George MC in 2022 😢
    And here it is: 
    While back after a long break, Mr.X was very busy and is working on a FanMade BattlePack for 2023. More to come....
  23. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to AndrewO in Annual look at the year to come - 2023   
    This discussion reminds me of this quote
  24. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to WimO in Annual look at the year to come - 2023   
    I also appreciate Kohlenklau's work.
  25. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Aragorn2002 in Annual look at the year to come - 2023   
    Killing Russians. There are worse ways to spend your time. 😎
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