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Everything posted by Jaws

  1. This is a REAL Secret Weapon!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2ZxC0qVHio
  2. Thx for sharing. A frontal attack is basicly never handy against a Panther when riding a Sherman
  3. Read some German WW2 reports about CAS. They dont share your opinion about bad US CAS. A small quote at Apweiler nov 1944 (Operation Queen). Ich las Ihren Artikel ueber die Kaempfe um Apweiler-Gereonsweiler am 15.-18.11.1944 Ich war Kompaniefuehrer (Ltn.) und habe nit meiner Kompanie Apweiler am 17.11.44 verteidigt. Hierzu folgende Details: In der Nacht vom 14, auf dem 15.11. eroberten wir Apweiler zurueck von den Amis. Wir machten einige Gefangene und bezogen Stellung am westlichen Ortsrand mit Blick auf Immendorf. Wir erhielten Panzerunterstuetzung von einem Panzer, der in eine Scheune am westl. Ortrand in Deckung fuhr. Der Panzerkommandant, ein Ltn. oder OLtn. war Ritterkreuztraeger. Er war bei mir zu einer guten Mahls=zeit zu Gast. Am 16. vormittags erhilet die Scheune einen Jabo Bombenvolltreffer. Panzerbesatzyng tot. Die Panzerspuren hatten ihn verraten. Um 8:00 morgens am 17.11. begann Arifeuer auf unsere Stellung 1 1/2 Stunden alang aus hundert Rohren, Am Abend vorher waren wir 68 mann, nach Beschuss waren ev. 20 mann uebrig. Angriff der Amis, ca. 2 Kompanien. Sie kamen dicht anspaziert. Ich gab durch: Feuer nur auf Befehl. Auf 150m Enfernung eroeffneten wir Feuer aus Maschinenkarabiner 44 un 2 MG. Ich gewaehrte den Amis Feuerpause zum Einsammeln Ihre Verluste. Um ca. 11:00 erneut Ari mit folgendem Angriff. Wir waren noch ca. 6 oder 8 mann, kamen alle verwundet in Gefangenschaft. It’s about a German tank (with a Ritterkreuz commander) joining an infantry unit. After sharing a meal that night he went back to his Panzer who was parked in a Barn. The next morning they got a full JABO (CAS fighter) blow and the complete Panzer crew was killed..... the track trail leading to the Barn had betrayed them.
  4. Maybe for Normandy BF didn’t expect an Russia market. But Eastfront should be 100% interesting for Russian players.
  5. RuhrRiver did you pick your forum name as an homage to 2nd Armored? Just reading a lot of stuff about operation Queen (2nd Armored attack to the Rurhriver) and going to conduct a battlefield tour in oktober over there
  6. Only detail you dont know if the enemy will be there
  7. Partly agree. But maybe this would help; Aris Allied Mod Pack Aris Axis Mod Pack Aris Terrain Mod Pack (allready existing)
  8. Great!! Maybe you could upload it to http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/ Its a very popular CM Mod site. Thx
  9. Dear Aris, I love all your mods but start getting crazy to download all your mods from repository. Can you make a Aris MOD PACk 1.0. Everytime you make some new or updated mod just update the pack? Keep up the good work, guys like you make game like this evergreen
  10. CMBO sucked, CMBB sucked and CMAK sucked..... 10 years ago. Check forums about negative comments then. And now (10 years later) it was the best game ever. The real problem. whiners get all the attention, like in the real world. Good news don’t sell papers. Let’s wait 10 years and start this discussion again. CMBN will be the best game ever in 10 years.
  11. Thanks, practice can master everything.. you only need time for that and that is something not all of us have these days.
  12. Comment like this are very motivating for game.- and scenario designers. Of cause the game and the scenarios are not perfect but they are the best there is in the World at this moment and still improving. I am planning some Wittmans Battles for next module and hope they will satisfy you as much as Barkmanns Corner did. Thanks
  13. Can you upoad a game file? This way we can see what happend and report it as a bug.
  14. Welcome back and join the ranks of the half full onces
  15. All items above are being looked in by BF. Half full and half empty bottle theory here m8. Call one better product in this gerne?
  16. Nice map. I have been there but mainly on the beach and the museum. Can you link some historical maps? One thing you missed are the elevations. There terrain in real is pretty hilly. Anyways, well done and now we need some more background to reincarnate the battle
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