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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Holien

  1. I withdraw my recommendation for this as I think the designer has used low bocage rather than hedge!! As I am still finding my way with the new engine (did not know difference) I gave an tracked armoured unit an order to cross and instead it got whacked as it went to end near building and did not cross the hedge. I thought what utter bollocks and after some more research what I thought as hedge could well be bocage and I guess it is. I will e-mail designer as it gives the defender too much of great defensive feature and now explains why my infantry would not even cross it!!! So unless the scenario gets changed I would be cautious about recommending it as an attacker. H
  2. Having the ability to define a more complex pre defined fire plan would be good. I.e Hit this Map Ref at X hour then Y and so on. I guess not going to happen but a wish....
  3. Hi Winecape et al... Thanks for the bump just saw this thread today and has taken most of the day to read it. Good to see so many old names back here. Just playing my 3rd / 4th game of CMBN. Happy to help out in running the tourney (if you need helpers) or if you have enough helpers I will play but still very rusty... I have dug around my PC for old AAR's and I have a horrible feeling I house tidied them some years ago thinking who would ever want them again.... I will have a dig around on the net / old backup discs / wife's PC to see if I did a back up. I did find sheet explaining rules on AAR but looks like you have that covered. Good to see Nabala has been woken. Lots of fond memories of playing CM and CMBB /CMAK. Some cracking scenarios and nice to see some of the designers still at work. I seemed to remember a cracking set of 3 or four interlinked Russian front games.... Too many sleeps since then so memories are faded but shrouded in a warm glow... Cheers H
  4. I am playing Last Defense at moment and that is an excellent map... Seems to be balanced at the moment but not yet finished it. Not sure where Jim got it from...
  5. I would want more clarification from Battlefront on just what the SOP is for the game. If a higher HQ in the game is really doing that and spotting for the dead OP then I am happy. But if that is not happening really happening in the game engine then it is very dodgy. IRL if the battery lost contact with the OP I don't think they would go, ohh well no info lets just drop some shells... (I could say maybe some nationalities might??) Anyway I would expect IRL a battery that loses contact with an OP would take requests from anyone else that needed it, rather than just waiting for the OP to come back on line. Any Arty buffs IRL out there that could comment on RL SOP?
  6. I have not played that many yet (2) and 2 underway. So far Cats vs Dogs seems to be best (although I have some concerns) but I would love to hear others and I can add them here. I have not played vs the computer and learning via PBEM and scenarios, not even done a quick Battle as I think I enjoy work that has been done by designers... Anyone else with recommendations of the best H2H Scenarios?
  7. Excellent Post and really helps explain why I was not able to call in 60mm Mortars. I think there is a bug with losing a unit while it calls in Arty you then lose all access to the battery. This for me needs improving. Bumping thread for others to find..
  8. Is this bug being addressed? For me it is a bug and not a feature if you are seriously saying that if the unit who called the mission in dies / loses it radio etc.... then you lose the ability to call that battery for the rest of the game? What is Probably cancelled? This is rubbish if you are on the radio to someone and have to maintain contact via continuous comms it is soon bloodly obvious to the other end when Dave or Hans stops talking and you can not get a response. So the game should do one of the following either allow a couple of minutes to pass. Happy to accept that you don't get it straight away but 2 - 3 mins should be enough. Or allow a superior unit to cancel the call. I.e. Company HQ / or Specific Arty OP. Often on the battlefield they will know the unit has been taken down and they should be able to countermand the hanging call. The phrase Probably does not express hope... IMO I would strongly suggest this needs looking at if it does not do the above. Especially as now the game has far more importance for Arty than the old CM...
  9. Certainly not a trolls thread... I have had another opponent say that the upgrade has lost his pwd on the file I sent after the upgrade. He says he uses same pwd all the time and thinks the game file has become corrupt? Who knows Jim swears he upgraded correctly so maybe there are some problems?
  10. Not that anyone offered to take the file off me, but this is no longer needed when I had clocked my opponent had sent same corrupt file rather than the new one from me upgrading the game. Once he found the proper file it loaded OK. So yes you only need one player to load the file into V1.0 and save it then reload it into V1.01 issue orders and send to opponent who can have just upgraded straight to V1.01. Jim says he followed this process and we ended up with a game killing save file. I followed the process and we got a game playing file. Not sure what the difference is... Maybe Age and computer tech ability? Good job he is a PBEM player and some distance away!!!
  11. Still having problems with Jim and his file despite me now doing the upgrade and Jim being able to see / load the file I have sent him. Is there anyone here who could test his file for me to see if it loads OK on their machine? If it does then I know my PC is the issue.
  12. Hmmm we are trying that now. Jim can watch the video of the V1.00 game I sent him and he is now seeing if it will take orders and save / send to me... Doing it the other way produced a corrupted file or something that kills the game. I am hoping it will work as you have just described....
  13. We have followed that process and still ended up with a file that Kills the game. I am hoping James is re-doing from his saved file in V1.0 and just making sure he has not nobbled the file in anyway.
  14. It comes up with load screen and load bar and when reaches 100% kills the game and I get no error messages it just kills it and takes me back to window screen. I check for apps and CMBN is not running any ore and no hang over processess. I have re-booted machine after upgrade to see if that clears memory. Looks like file has corruption to kill the whole App with no errors...
  15. The seq we tried was James loaded into version 1.0 watched the vid and then saved. closed game and loaded patch. Then open game and open save do orders and then hit compute. So he did watch vid in v1.0 so he then had opportunity to save it? Is this what you mean?
  16. Just been sent a file from James and it crashes my game just kills it with no message after waiting for game to load, I don't even get Password screen. Jim opened it in 1.00 saved it and then upgraded and then opened file did his moves and hit the compute button. I have just opened pre 1.01 games and they opened OK but could not watch video but could hit compute and created a send file... Anyone else have similar issues?
  17. I think quite a few things have been done to meet larger markets. Fire on the move for example. It is difficult to design something that will keep all the various game players happy and I think we will have to learn to accept these design choices as there is no other choice to play until someone comes along and designs it.... I pointed this new use out to James so nice to see he is questioning if it is a good thing. I did not know of the feature until he explained it and then I checked it out and it does help in getting a better view on what can see a certain spot...
  18. Would be useful for the Game to be described as such?
  19. Just tried playing as Americans against a human German who created an excellent set up. No way against a human who knows how to defend unless you work out a way to get American Arty on target and the berm along the road means you have to have arty spotter in close sight if you try a left flank approach. Mike I would suggest that the description is changed to Play vs AI as either side if that is what was intended? The balance of forces do seem to favour the Germans and it might be a better game as American vs AI? Not played it vs AI as I want to play scenarios blind so I do not know what up against and this playing as blind was a painful learning session especially as second game of CMBN ever... Discovered some crap features of the new engine which did not help... 1st FO opened fire and revealed position to Germans and died!! Serious bug IMO as FO's should never open fire unless being over run? 2nd I had numerous instances of HQ units running from trench line to buildings without being asked to do that and they died in hail of German small arms. Again something that I find hard to justify from the game engine. 3rd Tank crew bailed near trench and decided that better to run towards enemy occupied buildings. Not a smart move and they died... (Should have run to rear and out of sight in field. I guess the engine decided oohh look safe building lets run to that and took no regard that enemy in building... 4th Trench line seemed to offer no real cover and troops in it died pretty easily. 5th Lost 105mm Arty Battery when unit spotting died as calling it in and could no longer access the battery. This is quite serious in this scenario as no arty means tanks face off the AT guns at a distance and die.... Overall not real fun (for the game I played) and I now know to set covered arcs for all HQ and FO units!!! I hope there might be a thread about balanced scenarios to try vs a human?
  20. I used them in the valley to enfilade and they managed to do a bit of damage and cause the American player to pause. I did not realise the crews with the MG's had the ammo and I sent these into the woods to spot and use the MG's on the Jeeps which worked well until they died and by that time I had clocked they had the ammo for the guns!!! Still learning...
  21. Bumping this and have now worked out what my Password was for the Blitz site so have re-opened that account from 2001... Ohh how young I was then.... Anyway thanks for the links GoJ and I guess at some stage we shall play again... Cheers H
  22. Right just read BofB sign up anyone want to sponsor me? Just trawling Member list to see who I know..
  23. My 1/2 tracks and for me the sight of an American with a .45 facing down the 1/2 track was absurd. The crew had to run back and fight the 1/2 track. I have also had a single rifleman try and take on a tank. Absolutely wrong. It is as if we have gone back in some things and I guess the re-write has lost some of the old lessons learnt... Overall a good game with some strong areas for improvement. I guess however Relative spotting makes up for these niggles....
  24. Arrived today, dented and with a £17 and some pennies charge... Not very happy about it but what can you do. In hindsight I will get friends in America to post in future and avoid all this crap..... The $80 value is misleading as it really should be $60 or the value we actually paid. (I forget off the top of my head what I paid as it was so long ago, well more than 2 sleeps ago for an old man....) At least I have it and can read the manual, just. The brown on brown was not the best of print choices IMO... But that has been covered by others elsewhere who were told to stop complaining... But then I am a Pom.... Ohh yeah £8 handling charge is a bit steep!!!
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