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Everything posted by Holien

  1. ROWIII The Beast CMBB G3 R3 50% p6 E6.50 A stunning game. I really enjoyed this one. H And if my memory serves me well "Our Backs to the Volga" is another stunning game but requires a decent PC to handle the size of it and the Smoke...
  2. Hi Gents, the first week is nearly up and Vic Charlie and Sgt Gold have finished their game. Anyone else care to let me know how they are doing? I am off to the good old US of A on Thursday for my 20 year High School Reunion. So will be off line for awhile. Status report from players is due on Tuesday if my memory serves me right? H
  3. Right I have now had a sneak peek at the final game. They are on the final video and trying to sort out watching it. I by the power of password have seen the video and know the result. Now I don't want to spoil it for them so will just post here the scores after all results have been posted. They could work out from it how they did but it will take some doing. But so everyone else can move on here is your next opponent and how many points I believe you have. I will e-mail you the scores and you can check I transcribed everything correctly. Allied Player-----> Points 1. jdsu-----------> 19 2. Andrew Kulin---> 14 3. MrSpkr---------> 14 4. Abbott---------> 12 (Now Vic Charlie) 5. Neutral Party--> 11 6. Malakovski-----> 8 7. Booz-----------> 6 Axis Player------------> Points 1. Walpurgis-----------> 17 2. Brent Pollock-------> 13 3. Tracks--------------> 13 4. Sgt Gold------------> 11 5. a1steaks------------> 11 6. Akula2--------------> 10 7. Preserved Killick---> 9 So you will now play the player on the opposing side with the same number. I.e. Walpurgis vs jdsu Etc.... The final game I and my opponent both really enjoyed. I know some of you might hate it but I hope some of you get the same mileage as we did. Enjoy.... H
  4. Brent I had hoped to get the next games out before you go on holiday. Still waiting on the last game result. H
  5. Well as you were the penultimate game you will not have to wait too long. An interesting scenario which some did very well on and others did very poorly. H
  6. Excellent news. No Problem about updating, just me with spare time on my hands, ready and eager to get the last game out of the door. H
  7. OK Ted, Not a problem, just me trying to speed things along. I hope Andrew manages to have a fun weekend. I will be working in the Garden and staying off the roads as Silverstone and the Grandprix traffic lock down my area over the weekend. Cheers H
  8. Two games left to finish. Will they be done this weekend? H
  9. So how is this game going? Any update? H
  10. Right gents here is the progress tracker for the third game into the final straight. German Player----> Russian Player-----> Turn Brent Pollock----> jdsu---------------> Complete Walpurgis--------> Abbott-------------> Complete Tracks-----------> Andrew Kulin-------> 10 Sgt Gold---------> Vic Charlie--------> Complete a1steaks---------> Neutral Party------> Complete Preserved Killick-> Malakovski---------> 15 Akula2------------> Booz---------------> Complete MrSpkr check your e-mail. We have 6 days left. H [ July 07, 2005, 10:59 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  11. Hi Brent, Thanks for the heads up and if only all players were like you... H
  12. Hi Brent he must be shopping NYC as I have still not heard from him and he is now replaced by Vic Charlie for this game. I will then take a view on the next game as we are down Abbott and MrSpkr unless he re-appears? The next game is due to start next week. H
  13. The end is technically a full week so it would be I guess the 12th July depending on when I exactly sent out the files. If we can finish earlier then all well and good. Pity MrSpkr is AWOL as I would love to know what he is upto? Thanks for the updates Gents.
  14. MrSpkr it is now the 5th July. I am going to have to give Sgt Gold a player unless I get a response from you by the end of today. Please get in touch. All other players I will need a turn update today as I think we are three weeks through the timescale if my memory serves me right? Tracks-----------> Andrew Kulin-------> 12 Sgt Gold---------> MrSpkr-------------> ?? a1steaks---------> Neutral Party------> 09 Preserved Killick-> Malakovski---------> 18 FYI, Abbott is being replaced in the next game by Vic Charlie as with regret Abbott has had to pull out of the tourney. I might consider getting Vic to play against Sgt Gold if we don't get any response from MrSpkr who said he was available over the 4th July weekend. (I do hope he (MrSpkr) is OK and just having an extended holiday.) If there is anyone watching this thread and can play TCP IP in American time please e-mail me. H [ July 06, 2005, 07:16 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  15. MrSpkr it is now the 3rd July and the game has not yet started? I do hope you two can sort it out. We have another game complete. 4 games left to complete including MrSpkr. H
  16. Good map looks like fun and I wonder what Big Al has install for me? Be gentle. H
  17. Hi Gents, I know some of you are on holiday but for those still playing can you let me know how far you have progressed. If I remember correctly we have just hit the halfway mark of this four week period. H
  18. Hi MrSpkr, Great news on the job front. Thanks to the guys who have sent me files to watch. Some real different games happening and this scenario is proving to be quite interesting. I only played this vs the AI so I have no idea how I would have managed against some of you guys. Should be some serious movement on the leader board if this continues. H
  19. Right gents here is the progress tracker for the third game. German Player----> Russian Player-----> Turn Brent Pollock----> jdsu---------------> Complete Walpurgis--------> Abbott-------------> Complete Tracks-----------> Andrew Kulin-------> 10 Sgt Gold---------> MrSpkr-------------> ?? a1steaks---------> Neutral Party------> 08 Preserved Killick-> Malakovski---------> 15 Akula2------------> Booz---------------> Complete Keep me upto date with your progress and any saved files of joy you want to share I am always glad to see them. H [ July 03, 2005, 09:27 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  20. Some links with facts on Tigers, I am sure you know these anyway. As this was posted in another thread. http://stinet.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/fulcrum_main.pl?database=ft_u2&searchid=109558764828166&keyfieldvalue=ADA415948&filename=%2Ffulcrum%2Fdata%2FTR_fulltext%2Fdoc%2FADA415948.pdf This link notes the problem with the transmission and says that vehicles were lost in combat due to the weakness. http://www.fprado.com/armorsite/tiger1.htm I guess your Opel is not having a good time of it? H P.s. Diesel I think Stugs are a good investment based on your exhaustive tests.
  21. Hi Sergei, Yeah D6 mean that you have a limted range to work with. Abstraction at its best. It makes you realise how much better it is to have it all done on the computer. Another "fact" I read about Tigers that it took on average ten hours of maintenance to get 1 hour of combat from it. Now I could not see how this compared to other tanks. I just presume that is a high ratio? As for point two if indeed I gave it much thought rather than relying on the brains here I would guess that accounts for a lot of Tigers in Russia? I also seem to note that Tigers were used as mine clearance vehicles as the Germans did not invent something like the fail tank. Seems odd the Germans missed that trick? H
  22. Sergei, Thanks for that on Bogging so in actual practice in CM Tiger stand less of a chance to Bog? (I have forgotten that from the threads.) I saw some stats showing that around 600 Tigers were destroyed by their own crews. Would that indicate that Tigers broke down in combat and this should be modelled? I understand what you are saying about Tigers making the battlefield should be shown as fit and that is kinda my view. I am just trying to see if there is any evidence out there that backs up Tigers breaking down during actual combat. And if so was that a greater chance than other tanks. (Enough to deserve a seperate model of breakdowns?) H P.s. I agree about comic book realism and this can be levelled at FOW. However if they are modelling something that CM is not, do they know something CM does not?
  23. Hi DieselTaylor, I just had a quick look at that bogging thread and yes bogging does cover breakdowns. So that makes me think should Tigers and other unreliable tanks have a greater chance of bogging (breaking down) than other tanks. If I remember the tests done at the time showed that all tanks had equal chances of breaking down and it was something more prone for bad terrain? I could be wrong on this? H
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