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Everything posted by Holien

  1. It would be good if that is the way it worked as clearly you need to secure the area around an objective IRL. However does tank fire from a great distance away count as nullifying it? Anyway nice to know what has bee done if it can be cleared up...
  2. What is the name of the tank near the end of the photo's? The one with the Nordic looking crew? Not seen that before. Nice photos. Who would have thought 10 years ago that today phones will be taking credible photos... Whatever next... CMx3 on the phone?
  3. Hmmm then should the global morale affect tank crews as well? I guess there is no definite answer on that but would there be some argument if units belong to different formations they should not be affected by a global morale? I guess maybe not... Anyway something for players and designers to be aware of. The morale of my forces was hit by loss of HQ's trying to spot for German Mortars and maybe if I had kept them back the level might not have fallen... If it was down to global morale and rattled tanks are pretty useless for engaging tanks then it does mean for a short game.
  4. Byte De Ville produced some odd results for German tanks and I am trying to get to the bottom of why. If you are not aware of the map it has in effect a field surrounded by high Bocage with two gaps large enough for vehicles to pass. This is where the Germans forces can come on with a protected LOS to the American set up area. This situation happened with all three tanks twice with the Stug, Twice with a Green MKIV and 4 times with a Regular MKIV. Basically I moved the tank upto the edge of the bocage with great LOS to an American Tank (Sherman 76mm and a Sherman 75mm). My thought was that I would get drop with first shot and I hope kill. This would IMO be an unfair situation for the Americans as they had to sit out in open and the Germans get the bocage to hide behind. The Stug a Vet crew with no bonus and Rattled (due to global morale levels) fired at some American inf running across street and when it finally spotted the Sherman it reversed without firing at the tank!! The second time it did this it got whacked in side by another Sherman as it crossed an open gap side on. It reversed around 70m!! Meanwhile on the other bocage line during the course of the game the exact same thing happened with the two MKIV's who had LOS to the 76mm Sherman. These MKIVs were a Reg Crew at -2 skill and just rattled while the Green crew was +1 skill and +1 Rattled. Again they pulled back I guess around 70m after spotting the Sherman without even firing a shot!!! Is this all down to them being rattled? Does this mean that when a Tank becomes rattled it will not bother to engage another tank? All very odd and my kind opponent called an end to the game, but in effect I had lost the will to fight due to global morale? The tanks had not seen much action and had not even engaged the Shermans at any stage as I was trying to use the bocage as cover to sneak a shot on the exposed Shermans... Any views or similar problems? Is this a correct analysis or am I missing something? H
  5. What scenario? Place Spoiler before you post....
  6. The Germans do have an advantage as being able to get to the village quickly and that must help but the Regular MKIV with a -2 tank commander just meant he kept backing away without taking a shot at a Sherman sat out in the open. I think the bocage on the right for the German set up has the potential to be too powerful for the Germans and if you re modelled the map to be more open similar to the American side. Also the Church is not mentioned in briefing as being important (i.e. a VP location). Finally while I think of it the briefing does not say you will get reinforcements which might have helped, but I can see there are arguments for and against saying too much in the briefing... Of course it could be just me and the wrong tactics I took? One other thing the Germans get off board mortars which is nice but this is offset by having no OP and trying to call it in during the game is not easy and the Americans perhaps get better value from well stocked 60mm Mortars, I.e. 60 odd rounds each mortar? Always difficult for the designer and I hope these comments help... H
  7. +1 to this and I have too have been hit hard by 60mm with plentiful supply of shells. I only play designed scenarios and I just hope designers will take this suggestion on board to make for more fun play.... The suggestions on counter measures are good and I will have to remember to apply them, the use of pause a great idea....
  8. Just wait until you try to get through low bocage.... It would seem it is a compromise and it might add weight to having some terrain features that take longer to get through and expose the men more if they choose that route. This could perhaps be applied to Barb Wire and Low Bocage? Anyway as it stands you can't and you will have to live with it and accept it as part of the game. People get a bit itchy if you start making wide sweeping statements.... Really as the way it stands at the moment we are in he hands of the scenario designers and I hope via the forum the message will get through and also via the forum the good scenarios will float to the top and allow players to enjoy the game to the max while minimising these slight annoyances...
  9. *** SPOILERS *** Just finishing up a the Byte De Ville and if anyone picks this up to play be warned that the field on the left of the German set up is not accessible. It looks like there are gaps into the field but I have just play tested trying to get into the field and any troops given orders to do so will not move and just sit there for whole turn. This is down to the Designer using low bocage with no real gaps. This for me seriously under mines the scenario for the Germans as they have limited choices in the game and the German Armour is seriously hampered as it is restricted by the use of bocage on their side of the map. Also the American reinforcement armour arrives first and can then dominate the arrival area for the Germans as there are only two choices for the Stug and MKIV. This map and scenario IMO needs a major overhaul to give the German player a bit more room to manoeuvre. The design does make the village a lot closer for the Germans so maybe the designer has deliberately done this? In Hindsight in my game I could have maybe just rushed the town as the designer wanted but I am averse to buildings and wanted to flank to the left. I lost two / three turns with troops sat still not understanding why and in a 30 turn game losing 10% of the turns sat still is not ideal as it allowed the Americans to gain precious flanking options which the Germans did not have. Also the choice of crews for the German tanks is poor and with a -2 commander as soon as he spots enemy infantry the tank retreats no matter what you have ordered. This is despite him having the advantage. The Americans get better tank crews and no minuses from memory so I would look at changing that as well. I am sure some players as Germans will have had fast and furious fun but for me the map is flawed and the tank balance is wrong IMO. Just my 2p and others will have different views that I am happy to read to see how it could be done differently... H
  10. Remember to take a coat with you in case it rains....
  11. Pity as I think it would be useful even if it was just two heights or maybe three max? I.e. unit height to unit height, then +1 height band would help and keep lines to a minimum. Anyway thanks for the explanation and if we could get line drawn from waypoint LOS that would be a big help as noted by Clark.
  12. I am really keen to read the debate but have not gone into the thread.... I knew tha map looked similar to Huzzar, now I know why. Hope to post some comments once I have played it. Just need to set up and that will take some time as defender has lots of choices and approaches.... More later.....
  13. Thxs for the various comments on Carbide Carbide. I have got the Germans so time will tell if Jim is a Veteran player.....
  14. BTW Huzzar has been tweaked pick up the latest from here:- http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=1486 The best I have played so far, apart from a scenario which is being developed at the moment and I will say more when it is released. (Not my handiwork but I have play tested it and the map is superb IMO)
  15. I have seen a thread about Carbide Carbide which I dare not enter as I don't want any spoilers. Is it a Balanced Scenario? Worth playing? Please no spoilers...
  16. *** SPOILER DEVILLE *** - Not a Good HtH game Recent game of Deville which is described as a HtH game which I think is wrong. This is not a good game for HtH play IMO not even sure how it would handle vs AI, maybe as Germans vs AI as Germans are pretty weak and can easily be over run by a average American player. The map does pose some interesting challenges but it seems to really favour the American Player.
  17. I agree with this and if there could be closed sticky thread issued by Steve saying what issues are considered by BTS as things they are looking into it would help. I knew about the firing at a move but did not know BTS position and if we had some place to read / direct people to that would surely help?
  18. I bet they will not say until it is done and implemented so unless you are a Beta tester then you (and we) will have to wait and see...
  19. Current game I have some men surrendered out side a building with Americans inside and they seem to be doing fine despite the building being under heavy fire from the rest of my troops. To me in the situation they would be on ground cowering or would have run several minutes ago, instead they are meekly sat on knees with hands up as a raging fire fight happens around them. Not a major problem and I accept it as an abstraction but quite an odd situation and something the AI can not deal with. Which is fair enough. Meanwhile in a building opposite to this one I had a team member have enough and throw up his hands next to his team mate who fought on. Then after a minute he looked rather foolish and rejoined the cause and started firing again. I kinda like the fact that can happen. I will see how long my men on the other side of the road can last sat out in the open as rounds hit the building around and above them.....
  20. OK I think I have solved the issue as it has happened again and what I thought was clear gaps in a low bocage does not seem to want to let me through. I think what has happened is the AI has said you can not move there so no movement at all even upto the point of where they could have moved. Poor map design in a Byte battle and this is going to bite people again and again. I now know the difference between low bocage and hedges but in this case what I thought was a gap is not. Maybe Byte De Ville is deliberately making a whole field in accessible for the Germans to force players down a certain route? I will post a full review once battle is over as still underway. What would be nice is for the UI to show before the minute starts that the orders are not going to happen. As mentioned in other threads if the AI could show what is possible to the player before hand that would be good. I hope it is on BTS hit list of things that bring players out of immersion...
  21. Great VAAR thanks for that and I have posted at my club site to try and get some more players away from table top...
  22. Nope 2 full turns and I can not disclose exact units as game in progress. Tried quick moves 2 consecutive turns. 3 rd turn I tried just plain move and they started moving. As this is a byte battle and a quick game losing nearly 10% of your turns is a tad annoying. I have not seen it before (I might have but put it down to me messing up orders). This time with so few units and getting a bit more used to the game I am 99% certain I issued orders for first turn and 100% certain for second... Thanks for the response and good idea,,,
  23. 3rd turn they did start moving but can not for the life of me work out what went wrong... I put the first time down to me messing up despite being pretty sure I had issued orders. The second time I made sure and the third time I used move rather than quick and that did the trick... Anyway interested to see if anyone else had similar issues..
  24. Just started a new game and have given orders to move twice to same three units but they have just sat still and not taken orders. Right at start of game... Can anyone think of what I might be doing wrong? Other units have moved just these three sat still... Very odd... Any help gratefully received. Cheers H
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