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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Holien

  1. At least you have had it... No sign of it here near Banbury and I pre-ordered... Will just have to wait and see if I get hit with Customs charge... Not nice for you Phil and a bit of a crap situation.... As is said might have been better to wait but then we might have to wait a long time if it never gets a European distributor....
  2. It is really important to load the two following items from the web site.. http://www.battlefront.com/products/tow/patch.html This worked fine for me and I have just done training mission. H
  3. Arrived in Banbury today... So should be there soon for those waiting... H
  4. This is far from ideal and I am sure we will get told what the issue is at some stage. I had great service with CM delivery times but this is somewhat lacking.... I am sure it is not in the hands of Battlefront to resolve as if they have been let down by a 3rd Party all we do is wait... H
  5. I am a bit disappointed with this.. Still not got a copy dispite pre-order and I gave up on the D/L thinking the hard copy would arrive soon... Ohh well I guess I have better things to be doing... H
  6. Hmmmm (Just poking my nose around as some one gave me a kick in this direction...) Hmmmmm
  7. Removed after further investigation... Just waiting and waiting and waiting........ H [ February 22, 2007, 10:01 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  8. Hi Gents... The bad news is that I still have not had any designs to play test. A bad case of "RL" has hit the design Team Leader and until I get some scenarios this is on hold (as you might have guessed). As soon as I know more I shall post again. Sorry H
  9. Ahhh Thin Red Line.... Bonjour... Good name. BTW Debs Enjoyed the Choclates and the wine is for us this weekend in celebration of our 6 years together. Thankyou. Now for news on the Tourney the designers are still working their magic and then we have to do some play testing to just make sure it all hangs together. I would hope we could get a start at the end of this month if all goes to plan. As mentioned earlier I wanted to see what interest their was before the designers started as we did not want it for nowt... I will keep you all updated as and when I have some news. I will be away for a two week holiday at the end of Nov / start of Dec and could do with someone who would hold the ship while I am away. All it would be doing is ensuring their were no slackers as I check every week to ensure that people are on target to complete the games and there have been no drop outs. Any takers give me a shout via e-mail. Cheers H
  10. Update on estimated date - End of October for start, sooner if we can perfect the scenarios quickly. I will need some help as I will be on holiday for two weeks in Nov / Dec. So if there is anyone out there who wants to playtest OR do some chasing while I am away I would be grateful. Cheers H [ September 21, 2006, 06:36 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  11. We still have to test the games and once that is done we should be ready to go in October. I just wanted to see if it was worth doing all the work. There seems to be enough interest so we will crack on and keep you informed as to the start date. The last tourney got few to none European players so we had to run it for those in the US time zone. This was so that players could play TCP IP to help speed up the process. I will be doing the same again and only players in roughly the same time zone will be matched against one another. More later. H [ September 20, 2006, 08:32 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  12. Andreas I have responded several times will post again now... Ohhh the Joys of a German being dealt blows by French Internet providers... H P.s. John's beer arrived this morning and is settling nicely. It should be nice and clear for Friday night.... Slurpppppp
  13. I shall look and play. Sounds like I shall have something to beat him up about next weekend, when I get revenge on him.... M
  14. Hi Gents, Thanks for the Interest, it really is only designed for those that can meet the strict requirements. This way we get it completed quickly and keep the tourney fresh. So for those that can not keep the pace required then it perhaps is not your thing. Sorry. The design is being worked on and the battles will be a challenge but not too big. Points might not be in the 500 region (could be more). Like last time we shall keep to different time zones so players stand a chance to TCP IP the games. It should be possible for players to keep on top of the turns one way or another. I will keep you updated as to progress. Cheers H
  15. Hi, Last year a few great designers and myself organised a quick play tourney using CMBB. Read the first few messages on the following thread to get a feel how we ran it. http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=010602;p=0&r=actu We are now in the early stages of preparing a new tourney for CMAK along the same lines. If you are interested keep popping back as we will be taking signups when design and testing work is complete. In the meantime I just need some feedback on players interest? H
  16. 2003 --- My how time has flown... Good points Jason, however, game was bloody good fun and I guess the history element not so strong. I still remember the battle and some of the high and low points, and for something 3 years ago that is a good sign it is worth playing? H
  17. As Andreas / KF have not yet uploaded this to SDII I can not review there. Just played it with a good mate and it is a blast. Well done Andreas / KF. Good H2H play and seems balanced. Gave me a good run for my money. If you want something different with light forces and a stunning map that feels and looks the part this is a great scenario. H http://homepage.mac.com/a.biermann/Scenarios/FileSharing18.html
  18. Ohh and while I remember the Arty spotter has to see the spotting round fall, if it don't see the spotting round it screws up. So even if you have LOS to the area where you want it to land, the spotting round might fall outside his LOS and then you have fun...
  19. Hi, wait a minute before redoing the procedure. A bit crap but once it has gone wrong cancel and wait full minute before replotting target. If you don't wait the minute without any order for the spotter it will not forget the previous order and mistakes. Hope that helps. H
  20. Don't forget to get a power surge protector. You don't want anymore problems. Dead cheap and if you get one you can run a fourway socket of it thereby protecting four devices.
  21. Excellent shots and just shows how close to release this game is. I hope things are sorted soon so we can start playing this beauty. H
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