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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Waiting on results of two games. Gents can you give us an idea when they might be finished? H
  2. Hi I have the results from PK and Booz. The best Allied results so far and all the games I have seen seem to have been bloody, well fought, battles with plenty of options for both sides. Just the final three before I can announce the overall results for the tourney. Keep at it... H
  3. German-------------> Russian--------> Turn Walpurgis----------> jdsu-----------> Finished Brent Pollock------> Andrew Kulin---> Finished Tracks-------------> MrSpkr---------> Finished Sgt Gold-----------> Victor Charlie-> Finished a1steaks-----------> Neutral Party--> Finished Wicky--------------> Malakovski-----> Finished Preserved Killick--> Booz-----------> Finished [ August 17, 2005, 12:05 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  4. FYI Just had an update from a1steaks and Neutral Party and they are only on turn 4. Does not look like they will finish this weekend? Any chance of TCP IP play? H
  5. German-------------> Russian--------> Turn Walpurgis----------> jdsu-----------> Finished Brent Pollock------> Andrew Kulin---> Finished Tracks-------------> MrSpkr---------> 22 Sgt Gold-----------> Victor Charlie-> Finished a1steaks-----------> Neutral Party--> 4 Wicky--------------> Malakovski-----> 21 Preserved Killick--> Booz-----------> 21 [ August 13, 2005, 08:53 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  6. This weekend is the extended deadline. Lets see if we can get it wrapped up by Monday night. (I.e. I need reslts in during Sunday and will then compile the results when I get home on Monday after work.) Any players out there who think they will not make this? H
  7. Steve the Panthers would be covered in the overall loss of Morale in the game. In the situation described it would seem that the crews failed a morale test based upon what they were seeing around them. This could be down to Artillery, AT fire as well as Airstrikes. Do you think you have it right for the CM games? I.e. Airpower effectiveness. H
  8. Some great information here. Jason, Is the CMAK / CMBB Airpower over modelled? Should we when designing games just forget about airpower? H
  9. Hey gents thanks for the continued turns for me to view... It is certainly getting hot for some people... H
  10. German-------------> Russian--------> Turn Walpurgis----------> jdsu-----------> 4 Brent Pollock------> Andrew Kulin---> 18 Tracks-------------> MrSpkr---------> 17 Sgt Gold-----------> Victor Charlie-> Finished a1steaks-----------> Neutral Party--> 1 Wicky--------------> Malakovski-----> 1 Preserved Killick--> Booz-----------> 9
  11. Smart arse.... Wait until I tell Andrew about X... Sorry too busy watching the mayhem in your game to remember to update the numbers for you. I actually want to see how the group leaders are hurting one another. I have not seen any of their files and can only dream about what evil plans they are unleashing on one another. H
  12. The deadline based upon four weeeks I think would be next Wednesday? I.e. the 10th. As this is the last scenario and it is a bit longer, we could extend it to that weekend? What do players think? H
  13. German-------------> Russian--------> Turn Walpurgis----------> jdsu-----------> 4 Brent Pollock------> Andrew Kulin---> 18 Tracks-------------> MrSpkr---------> 17 Sgt Gold-----------> Victor Charlie-> Finished a1steaks-----------> Neutral Party--> 1 Wicky--------------> Malakovski-----> 1 Preserved Killick--> Booz-----------> 9 [ August 05, 2005, 07:13 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  14. Wicky I will give Akula2 till tonight to get in touch, else your in. Bear in mind that you are UK based and Malakovski is in the US. I hope you can still get a fair few turns out a day? H
  15. Hi Malakovski I shall check on this tonight and see if I can find out what is happening. Not good news and I don't have any back up players. The only person I could throw at you is soemone who has played it before and hence would have a very unfair advantage. Lets see what we can do tonight. H
  16. Right Gents I think three weeks has passed and I need some more updates on progress so far? So sound off... H
  17. Ted now you have spoiled the Soviets surprise... Dohhh!!!! H
  18. I would guess by now you two (MrSpkr and Tracks) are having fun. Thanks for the update. Yes we are into the third week and should be finishing up the end of next week if all is going well? H
  19. Also, while I am at it I have seen the files for Brent vs Andrew and MrSpkr vs Tracks and I must say they both look to be real humdinger of games. I can't say too much, So I will now shut up. H Walpurgis / Jdsu if you have a spare file I would love to see how it is progressing. [ July 29, 2005, 01:37 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  20. Below is progress so far. I need Akula and Neutral Party to pipe up. We are pass halfway mark and I need to know if you are playing this final game. Cheers H German-------------> Russian--------> Turn Walpurgis----------> jdsu-----------> 4 Brent Pollock------> Andrew Kulin---> 4 Tracks-------------> MrSpkr---------> 17 Sgt Gold-----------> Victor Charlie-> Finished a1steaks-----------> Neutral Party--> 1 Akula2-------------> Malakovski-----> 1 Preserved Killick--> Booz-----------> 9 [ August 04, 2005, 02:53 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  21. Yep! I will check e-mails tonight but nothing from you as far as I know. I will also post a chart showing progress tonight. H
  22. Hi Gents, I presume all is OK with MrSpkr? I have just got back in the UK and don't think anyone needs anything? Will be asking for an update soon as we are around the halfway mark. Cheers H
  23. Just goes to show everyone has one good design in them at least. Bit like a book. Mind you some people have many great designs. H
  24. http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=6;t=002676;p=1&r=actu There was some debate a year or so ago about the balance of this game. I guess time has proved it to be balanced. H
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