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Everything posted by Holien

  1. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-38905110 Looks like more leader's not obeying the true leadership? I wonder at what point do the rebels pack up if there leader's are being taken out by own side.
  2. Hmmm, I am not Steve and I think he might have a different view. I guess it is not a question for here, but at what point do you concede to aggression against you to save lives? Should the Syrians have said hey better to live under a dictator than rubble. Anyway not a question that can be answered here. Haiduk thanks for the insight of your opinion on how the Ukraine population feel.
  3. From Steve's analysis and if I understand him that will not be the case if Russia continues the charade that they are not involved. But if Russia drops that then yes Ukraine will be beaten but at what cost to Russia? Either way the people are victims to the meddling of Putin and Russia who have no business being in Ukraine. Is "freedom" worth dying for? Depends on your pov and if you are the old lady stuck in the war zone or someone safe away from it all. If you stand up against a bully be prepared for a bloody nose.
  4. This is escalating and starting to receive more western media attention. Saw today a Shocking report of people living in flats with minus 8 degrees temperature inside!!! I just don't see this ending well with the new political situation in America. ( Let's hope I am wrong). Haiduk thanks for keeping the reports comming in a fair and balanced manner.
  5. Thanks for the continued updates, this is one of the few threads I check every day. What is happening in Ukraine is deeply important and getting this sort of analysis and input is good. So please keep it going. Just my 2p ymmv.
  6. This one is a must play!!! Superb work, detailed maps and briefings that have been carefully crafted. George is at his top form with this campaign, so get it and enjoy...
  7. The attack across the valley is one of the best scenarios I have ever played. Superb map and shows the power of hidden AT guns... I am just taking a Witcher 3 break before finishing the last scenario of the campaign. This is imo a must play campaign for RT just like PaperTigers work for CMBN...
  8. Anyone able to point me to a features list? My Google fuu is failing me...
  9. Are you saying there was no push? Does the media have it wrong?
  10. Yep agree as the cost of not having an alternative is way too high. The loss of one plane of that quality is an expensive one.
  11. Some interesting comments about sop of dumping fuel before landing? Could maybe account for the situation?
  12. I wonder who has salvage rights on the plane? I guess it is in international waters?
  13. Assad created the war, they are leaving because of Assad. He had a choice and choose suppression and violence. He could have made a different choice. Power corrupts and Assad is just another dictator who cares more for power than his people. Putin falls into this camp, someone who will not give power up. It will end badly and just a matter of how many people die during the change over.... Good post Wicky
  14. I hope they have something in the wings as I get the feeling the current situation is on a downward trajectory. Let's hope Santa has something good this Christmas to bring to us....
  15. http://www.childrenofstalingrad.org/acts-of-humanity/ Sublime you making a convincing case and I am sure that the vast majority of the times you are correct, but I do believe that even in the worst of situations humans can make stands against those situations by small acts of kindness. So adopt a boy maybe only for a short while, maybe just giving him bread, maybe they got caught doing it, maybe those acts of kindness were not discussed, but some people do make them, even if they are forgotten or the people making them die in the process...
  16. Hi, I don't disagree that war is brutal, but I also don't paint all humans with one brush. I think in the right situation this is possible and likely. Not all German's were sold on the path of total war with the Russians. So it depends on the situation, if the men were located away from direct control in a fairly stable situation I.e. static part of the line, this to the men would be part of a way to mentally get away from the war. Of course it might not have lasted long, but I do believe in small acts of human kindness even on the Russian front. WW1 saw a game of football being played in no_mans land in between the trenches. Lot's of examples of humans trying for a short while to not be part of the machinery of death.
  17. I think you are wrong, imo they are more likely to have adopted. Your a father, so imagine fighting in a god awful war and seeing children affected that have no part in the war what is your instinct? Yes there are a small percentage of psycho's who would kill kids, but vast majority of humans are genetically engineered to protect kids. Just my 2p
  18. Nice work on the video. Yes American commander seems to have paid the price for that hit on the Panther. Let's hope there are no more bigger rounds incoming as he pulls back...
  19. Good news, glad you are back on track and thanks for the reports.
  20. Yes a superb map and a fantastic challenge. So far lost two MKIV and numerous half tracks with my precious men slowly being triggered away.
  21. 3rd mission Arrrrggghhhhh!!!! More comments to follow but really does show the grandeur and scale of Russia.
  22. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-36510671 The similarities are all in how it is reported and each countries responses. The UK has a number of numpties abroad but they are outside the stadiums the mass Russian attack has taken it to a new level. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-36510550 Nice video Steve.
  23. Or the vacationers fighting in France? A Clear planned attack and then Russia media blames anyone other than the attackers! (Where have we seen that before?) The state of Russia is a sad thing to behold.
  24. humans being humans, history repeats itself as humans basically are the same the world over and patterns of behaviour repeat again and again.
  25. I just hope (against hopes) that one day the appropriate people will be brought to justice in a court for all to see. The evidence is pretty clear what brought the plane down.
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