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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Thanks Spook. So I was close. I thought maybe I was wrong after hearing the numbers on Germany and Russia but the old memory is still working. I guess Germany and Russia didn't like each other to much, huh?
  2. MrSpkr what are you thinking about doing? If you don't have anything in mind ( yeah right ) how about thinkin about the Pershing tank? Tiger did one a long long time ago and it was great then but really doesn't live up to the newer neater prettier ones modders are putting out now. Well, it's something to think about anyway........ So, are you going to do it - the Pershing I mean? Just kidding - no really, I don't care, no really I don't..... but in case you do please don't forget to let EVERYBODY know. I can't begin to tell you how many people have said " Wish somebody would redo the Pershing Tank". But the hell with them do what you want.
  3. Me too, but hurry up. Just kidding I would rather wait and get the game perfect then have them get it out backwards or whatever. And yes they do do very nice work!
  4. Well it is an improvement but I had to go look at the original to see much difference. I hope that doesn't sound rude. Just trying to give a honest answer without seeming like a butt. My hat is off to anybody who can do something like that and you are included. I personaly was hoping for a different color or something that wouldn't make you go look at the original to see the difference. I sure hope you take this in the way it was intended. Oh yeah no decal's either?
  5. I give up, I've looked at every site I know of I can't find the above. Can somebody direct me to the correct location? I found one in a pack but don't want to redo all the other vehicles just to get this one mod. Is there just a single mod for this T-8 in Winter dress? Any help would be appreciated. :confused:
  6. Hey Makjager maybe you can answer my question on why some of the crews in various vehicles have winter uniforms and helmets and others don't. Is it just up to whoever did the mod or are some hard-coded so you can't make them white? :confused:
  7. Oh yes Makjager I do see that it's a G after looking at it more closely. HA! HA! I just missed the telltales signs, how silly of me. I've been sick you know. Anyway, keep us posted when it's ready.
  8. Thanks Subvet got the jeep and ran across the T8 in Winter while looking around. So that leaves us with only the Chaffee and the American truck which is coming soon I hear. Those modders are great aren't they?
  9. Good question. I actually was thinking about this fact just the other night. I'm dying to hear the answer. You would think that it would make some difference real close up at least as far as effecting human beings from the actual blast itself. As far as effecting other things like vehicles or what all I have no idea, but damn good question
  10. Hey BTS, you could count on a pin's head the number of people that don't think that they got thier money's worth out of this game. That's a given. It's tops. We ( alot anyway ) love the Western Front and would be more than willing to fork over another $50.00 to have it upgraded to compare with CM2. Please don't think that we demand it or think badly of you for not doing it if it doesn't make good business sense. You guys losing money wouldn't be good for anybody and I personally hope you guys get rich over your games. You deserve it for coming up with such a wonderful game. Oh the other hand don't get bent out of shape for us discussing the game we love and wanting upgrades. Maybe it gets old for you guys to keep hearing us talk about upgrades but it doesn't mean we don't think the world of BTS, we do, people just talk about what they like or in the case of this game - love.
  11. Well, maybe you'll be more careful next time choosing sides? Just kidding. Yeah, that would suck!
  12. Hey Kitty any new mods about???? I only ask for those individuals out there that keep crying for them. Me I can take them or leave them. Yeah, right!!!!
  13. Well, I've got to ask. Anybody know how many American lives were lost? How about the Brits? I don't suppose nearly as many but I thought American's were like 500,000. Comparing with the other figures I may be all wet. :confused:
  14. That would really be something. I wish you hadn't mentioned it. I really could get excited about that. Darn!
  15. Yeah Makjager the Panther looks good. I really like the color. Which Panther is it? I can't tell one from the other when looking at them but if you put an iron cross on yours and maybe, just maybe some unit insignia's that would really make it look neat. Just a suggestion from a emblem and decal fan. I like my German tanks to be pretty before killing them.
  16. Hey, Subvet you didn't mention the jeep or T8 recon vehicle do you have those in winter? If so can you let me know where I can get them? Would appreciate it. Has anyone else noticed that not all the crew's uniforms are white in regards to the German's? Actually I believe only 3 or 4 actually has white all the rest are black. Is this anther hard coded thing where they can't be changed? Anybody know? Also, what did ever happened to the insignia's for DD's uniform pack? Oh one more thing, why are almost all the American crew helmets not white like thier uniforms? Only a couple are actually white. Looks funny. Another hard coded thing????
  17. Well I am surpised. I actually kind of thought it would be Western Front all the way. Thanks for the answers and some interesting information. Over 13 million German's lost. WoW! I had no idea. Looking at those figures makes you wonder what would have happened had Germany not taken on two fronts. Or maybe there's no wondering to it. Thanks again. :eek:
  18. Chambois. Lots of tanks and I found it difficult to win the first time. I hate Panthers!!!!!
  19. Very nicely done Wolf. I couldn't have said it better myself. You the man!
  20. Just for my own interest I would like to see who would choice a Western or Eastern Front CM2 if both came out at the same time. I guess I'm just interested in seeing which Front is really the most interesting to you all. No judgements or hidden motives just interested.
  21. Well like the rest of you I can hardly wait until CM2 comes out and I'll be one of the first to buy it. I will however miss the Western Front. It in my opinion is the most interesting and satisfying. Not that the Eastern Front wasn't interesting but I am an American and like to play the Americans. Not knocking any other country they all great but I just like the Americans. So, I will play CM2 but my heart will always be in this first game and can only hope that it will be upgraded someday - soon.
  22. I believe the answer (Official answer) was No! No updates to this game - ever, never. Sad isn't it?
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