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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Tero made the comment that snipers would be cheap if incorporated in CM2. Boy, I hope not. True they don't do the damage that a squad could inflict but if they were super accurate like the word sniper suggests then it would be rough on tanks. Which after thinking about it wouldn't be a bad idea. I have problems dealing with those damn powerful German tanks and a couple of snipers might help at least keeping them buttoned up. I don't think we'll get them in the upcoming game but it would be cool if we did. And as far as Finland arming medic's - dumb move in my opinion. Somebody's always got to F#@k up a good thing.
  2. Good question. I was hoping somebody would answer myself. Well, maybe this bump will get somebody's attention.
  3. Yeah, happens too often to me. It's normally one of my tanks choosing to shoot at infantry rather then the enemy tanks that's about to cap his behind - front for that matter. If I recall this was discussed before and somebody said to think of it like the tank isn't seeing the other tank so it's handling the threat it sees. I can live with that but I just hate saying all those bad words. Upsets my wife.
  4. Oh goodie, more of those life saving mods. Thanks. Excellent timing I was starting to feel mean or it may have been just gas.
  5. Damn, those are very nice. I didn't think I'd ever want to change from the ones I have but I would for these. Excellent job. Yes, please do let us have them. I also would like to see you do some American uniforms. If they look as good as these they will be welcome as well. Thanks for your work and thinking of us great guys here at the forum.
  6. Well, JasonC I stand corrected. Not being an expert on machine guns or actually any WWII weapons I thought when the term SMG was used it meant like the .30 Cal. machine gun or the German 7.92X33 Kurz. Thanks to your description above I now know that it's what I call an Assault rifle. Like the Thompson .45 cal or grease gun. So I was all wet there. Now to answer some of your remarks about me or I should say my comments. 1. Yes, I have fired rifles. I would bet far more then yourself unless you reloaded your own ammo and shot at a firing range once or twice a week for several years. Probably not though I would think. No, never shot an assault gun only the M60 machine gun. I don't know what BRM means but I qualified Expert in the army which you may know is the best you can get. Markman was the lowest with Sharpshooter second best. What may I ask ,when you were in the service ,did you qualify as? You were in the service I assume or you getting all your knowledge from the game or books? As far as the average person being able to hit a man at 200 yards you are wrong. The average man cannot. I know this for a fact per my time in service seeing it with my own eyes and talking with the instructor when he noticed how well I shot. He had been an instructor for many years and had seen thousands of guys go thur his firing range. So, I guess that's about it except for saying I really enjoy this forum but if it had a few more individuals like you I would probably not log on. You my friend are a jerk. Have a good day.
  7. Well after reading all this I've decided not to make a war game myself. I'll stick to insurance. Thanks Steve for your game, your involvement in the forum , continued improvements in the game and your patience. My hat is off to you and your guys!!!!! Said very sinerely!!
  8. Written by Jeff Heidman :Wrno nations would outfit their line ifantry primarily with rifles, especially since the bulk of medium to long range firepower comes from the LMG anyway. I think the reality that SMGs were not the primary weapon of the infantry in WW2 means that either they were not as powerful as they are shown in CM, or that the battle rifles were more powerful at moderate ranges, and hence more useful. I can see your point but you first have to understand that a SMG is much more powerful at short to medium range than a rifle. It is a machine gun. It shoots lots of bullets whereas the rifle one at a time. True the M1 was a semi-automatic rifle but not fully automatic. The mauser was a bolt action rifle so the M1 should have more fire power then it. The range would almost be the same in the hands of a regular soldier. Most aren't good shots. You mentioned that the SMG had 3 times the fire power at close range then the M1. Well it should and also at up to 200-250. After that they are not as accurate so the M1 would start being the better choice. I do agree with you however that in CM the M1 should show greater power then what it presently shows over the other weapon like the 7mm Mauser and SMG due to it's range and being a semi-automatic vs bolt action or fully automatic machine gun. I am very disappointed myself over this because it's just not correct and since I play the American's ALL the time it sucks. As far as you stating that "no army would equip their soldiers with rifles" that really isn't true. The rifle is preferred over the machine gun according to the army if for no other reason then the amount of ammo they go throught. This really becomes a major concern when you are talking about thousands and thousands and thousands of soldiers not to mention the expense to equip every single soldier with a MG.
  9. Well to me it looks more like marsh but I like it. Thanks for the work. I'll certainly try it. That is water not rocks, right? Kind of pretty isn't it? Should look good on the maps.
  10. I see everbody sharing ideas and what all about various things to read or watch or whatever so I thought I would past something on to maybe the newer guys who would like to know what cartridges were used in WWII. I would highly recommend " Cartridges of the World". It it written by Frank Barnes. It covers every single cartridge ever made and gives detailed info about it. In my opinion if you were only going to have one book about cartridges this would be the book.
  11. Never mind the above post of mine. I have the info. So it's an assault rifle that shoots a 7.92x33 Kurz cartridge. It was first developed in 1940-1941 for the MKB42 assault rifle also known as the Sturmgewehr rifle or Stg-44. It's actually a short version of the standard 7.92 (8mm ) Mauser cartridge. It is a medium range cartridge designed to increase infantry firepower by permitting more accurate and controlled full automatic fire. Which is not possible from lightweight shoulder weapons using full powered cartridges such as the 30-06 or 8mm Mauser. The Russia's actually copied it and brought out one of thier own. It doesn't say what it was called but I'll look and see if I can't find it. It would be interesting knowing this since CM2 should include it. The rifle weighted 10 - 11 pds and had a 16in barrel with a 30 round clip. It used a 125 gr. bullet and the MV was 2247 with a ME of 1408. The Me stands for Muzzle energy. It goes on to say that it is an excellent round for close combat. Very interesting. Boy, it sure looks ****ty. A little short, fat round. Ugly !
  12. What's a MP44? I am guessing a MG. What caliber is it. 7mm I am guessing but may be off on this. Would somebody tell me please.
  13. As far as I know - No. But then again I don;t know a whole lot about the game, but am learning daily. I would like to be able to save some of them too,but don't think it can be done. Oh well.
  14. Medic's? Man, that isn't right. I mean isn't right in that you shouldn't shoot them. The whole idea isn't to kill but to wound so the wounded will overload the system. If you kill the medic's then many guys would die thereby not accomplishing your goal. I say we shoot the snipers! Oh, yeah just thought of something. Medic's aren't even armed. Not very fair is it? OK, now I don't like snipers anymore!
  15. Hmm.. did we already decide we are satisfied having sharpshooters and don't need snipers? -------------------- Actually I would love to see snipers in CM2 but only if they were limited to the number of shots they could make in a given game and second I they were expensive and third each side was limited to 1 or maybe in big games 2 per game. I would hate to see the game with a dozen of them. Plus I don't think it would be very accurate for a battle to have more than 1 or maybe 2 at most.
  16. Well, I kind of fancy myself as an expert shot or should say did but I can't even imagine hitting other than the ground at anything over 1000 yards. I used to practice at this range with my .270 Weatherby Mag. with a 3X9 Redfield scope and finally stopped since I could not even get a deceit grouping at that range after getting around a 2 inch grouping at 300 yards. The wind had much to do with it even when light. And I also had the advanage of the finest bench rests and table available and still wasn't able to do much good. So, I am just in awe of anyone being able to shoot at those ranges. - But I really would love to see it for myself before believeing it - not saying it didn't happen - I don't know and not trying to flame you for saying it. Just so much a bullet/rifle combination can do. :eek:
  17. As a former enlisted man in the army and veteran of Viet Nam I have to agree with both The_Capt and Mannheim. Mannheim because yes it does take time to form a well oiled sqaud but like The_Capt said we are trained to respond to any officer or NCO for that matter althought not quite as much to the NCO without thought. It is drilled into you from day one and even after these many, many years since I was in the army I would still to this day respond to orders in a combat situation. So my thought is yes CM could or should be adjusted to show this. Just my 2 cents. Hell, I don't even like officers. No offense The_Capt.
  18. If anybody wants different ones...I won't give em to ya. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was going to pay big money for one but now I don't want one. So there! No really, if you make one you should share. Remember what MOM taught you?
  19. That was extremely funny. Thank you. I laughed out loud on that one.
  20. I was really wanting to continue talking about the sniper post but am finding it hard to have to go throught all the other off-post comments about - well what ever they're talking about so thought I'd try this so as not to interfere with the blooding that's going on over there. Not that I mind it- it's funny but let's get back to SNIPERS. Now who said something about using a 50cal MG to snipe with? Come on speak up?
  21. I agree - Hitler - for the same reasons that have already been stated. And except for one big mistake he would have probably won - taking on two fronts.
  22. Excellent recount of the battle. Thank you I enjoyed it alot. So, you let a girl beat you! Man, have you no shame? I guess the only thing left is to give her the game as you cannot properly play it and shouldn't be allowed to own it. I hope the others don't hear about this. Now, let me suggest what you should have done - BUT DIDN'T!!! You should have bought a Panther, Tiger and Jagtiger. What were you thinking? We (men) all know girls cheat and will stop at nothing to belittle and degrade us. And you let it happen. Well, I say forget about it and move on. Meaning, you will simply have to get another girl friend. Yes that's right and this time if you do play the new girl friend buy some big mothers and knock her socks off her! Damn girls thinking they can beat a guy! No really I think you are a lucky, lucky guy to have a gal like that. Here's to many many battles between you two in the future - may they all only be the game.
  23. Pvt. Ryan - I think you are right I just noticed that you are one of the two I counted for Mexico. Get back down there what are you doing up here in the US of A anyway?
  24. For all those that post after this post of mine right now. I have recapped this thread for those interested. See the post named " Why Not answer - Part 2'.
  25. Well, that was interesting. Thanks again for all who took the time to answer. I thought some of you would be interested in the actual count so here it is from most to least. USA-63, Swenden-9, Canada-7, UK-6, Germany-4, New Zealand-3, Belguim-3, France-2, Australia-2, Ireland-2, Denmark-2, and Mexico-2. All others and there were quite a few had only 1 each. That is out of 144 posts so some of you posted more then 1 time. I'll be telling Matt about that! Anyway, there you have it. Looks like the US took it which is what I figured but was really nice to see where everyone was from. Again, thanks and hope all have a great time killing each other - in the game ofcourse.
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