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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. I forgot to put mine down. Austin, Texas, USA. That's in the United States of America for those of you that don't know - or care.
  2. You guys go ahead we'll start another post about snipers.
  3. Correction. In my above comment I meant to say " I bet I would lose a lot less tanks". I've just got to stop drinking at work.
  4. As you know since I mention it all the time I play nothing but the American's and have found that while the Jackson does have a powerful gun and can knock out about anything the German's have it lacks in one area above all. That is the open turret. That with the fact that it is paper thin makes it an easy kill for everything, tanks, infantry, mortars, Arty and any kid with a rock. So I avoid them. At first I used them a lot thinking due to the price and power this would be a good buy. After many, many Jackson's later I don't buy them if I can help it. Also, as Babra pointed out a slow turret compared to the Sherman. I am also learning and this may just be the way I play, that turret speed makes all the difference in the world in this game. You can have a Jackson waiting, pointing in the right direction and be all set when a German tank comes along and the Jackson will shoot second. And second doesn't count when it's made of paper. So in my humble opinion they suck - pretty much. The only American tank worth a darn is the Jumbo. Now that's the tank to have. One last point - it's no fun if you have to always hide. Hell, I want to kill some tanks once in a while head to head. Bastards!!
  5. Yeah it would be cool! I would like to see it, after all, the more cool stuff like this in the game would only make a already outstanding and excellent game ever better. And may I add - good idea!
  6. Yeah, but he had time to go on vacation. I guess the hell with us and our little stupid problems. Just kidding ofcourse. I am actually very sorry to hear about this as I had planned on using this now that I have DSL. Bummer! :mad:
  7. Well, I think any type of chart would be a big improvement over what we have. As it is now I just hunt,contact an enemy tank, point my gun and close my eyes hoping for the best. If I had a table like either of these I could actually know what to look out for and what to avoid. I really think it would be great if they are what I'm thinking they are. Bet I'd lose a lot more tanks. So yes ! I'd be very interested.
  8. Well, that was interesting. I really thought most by far would be from the US of A but not so. Thanks guys for answering. Now I'll tell you the reason I wanted to know. I'm an insurance agent as shows on my profile and what I'm going to do is contact each and every one of about a life insurance policy. Now arent't you glad you answered? No not really. I was surprised on how many people are in Sweden, don't you guys have anything better to do Well, again thanks for the answers.
  9. Hey, thanks for the update. It wasn't too windy as far as I'm concerned. Very interesting and kind of funny. Funny only in that looks like a girl is beating you. She's what I call a "sleeper", or She's probably got hooked up with somebody from this site who is helping her. Well, good luck, sounds like you may need it and do keep us posted.
  10. I would just like to know what city and state everyone's from. So if you will just answer the city and state you don't have to say anything else. I'm just interested. I know most will say " God what a nutty thing to want to know " but I'm just curious. And if you think this is weird I was going to see if you would list your occupations - but I didn't. Come on it'll be fun.
  11. Well, now that we got that out of the way, how's tricks?
  12. I do it all the time, coarse I play against the AI. In real life like several guys have already pointed out- would depend on the crews involved but I would think most wouldn't go hunting infantry with pistols unless the damn officer made them. But on the other hand if said infantry were in the way, they just might have to.
  13. Yeah I like the idea you, so put me down for it also. Also, I learned something about using the current withdraw command - cool, I love learning stuff. One of these days I'll be bad. Then I'll take on Kiwi-Guy.
  14. I looked at the pictures before reading your comments and thought to myself - looks like fields. Excellent idea and I think it'll work just fine.
  15. Colonel-Deadmarsh, I couldn't agree with you more. That's the way I looked at it when first coming aboard but like you I don't even notice it now. I was actually surprised that Detroit Man did, but he's new so would just like we did. Also, if I recall the board was changed not too long ago and it seemed like everybody was wanting it back the way it was - looking like this so it was changed back. So I take it most like it. I actually preferred the new colors but hey that's me and I really don't care that much as long as it functions the way it currently does.
  16. I would agree - not gamey. Sorry, I would do the same.
  17. That was funny MarkIV! I laughed outload. Now to answer the post question - OH Oh, I don't recall the question, so never mind.
  18. If I recall someone answered in a previous post that it would require a lot of computer power to show dust so it won't be done until maybe the engine was redone? I don't know what I'm talking about just trying to recall what the answer was only days ago. But you get the point I hope. Someone will come along and answer you. But if not there you are. No dust until some engine is reworked.
  19. "Never seen one in real life" that was good. Come to think of it I haven't either. Guess they were good but don't know if CM2's going to take this into account, but that bunch knows what thier doing so wouldn't surprise me if they did since both you and I know how good they are at concealment.
  20. Yeah, would be really great but guess it's not going to happen. Damn, I'm glad I didn't ask the questions. I get my feelings hurt real easy. I'd be crying after whats-his-face jumbed all over you. Maybe just a bad day - I hope so anyway.
  21. Boy, a lot of good comments and advice and I myself will try them. The one point I will make however is this: German troops can take out American tanks so easy it's not funny (if you are the Americans that is ) so be careful about allowing them to trap you or box you in. I find that while you are trying to out flank a tank the German troops will charge your tank and more then likely knock it out, out to say 125 meters even. Meters might be off a hair but you get the point. On the other hand it's extremely difficult to get American troops to knock out any of the German tanks. I've tryed it over and over and just get my troops shot up badly. Now the bazooka's are OK but I can never get close enough it seems to even shoot the thing. The German tank or troops spot him and ruin his day real soon. I am learning however if you place that bazooka team where they can hide until a tank passes by then it's a good chance you might get a chance to shoot but it's hard. Anyway, my two cents.
  22. In all fairness you should let her get on this forum for advice on her setup forces. Being as she knows nothing about equipment, troops, vehicles or nothing, just seems more fair to me. I know it's all in fun but hey give the lady a fighting chance. I'll help her if you want, well better not be me, I'm wanting her to win. At least you picked fairly this time as far as the tanks you choose. Damn, I wish my wife would play. Tell her I'm pulling for her and do let us know what happens. I'd love to watch.
  23. Well, I personally won't use them in games (agaisnt the AI) God knows a person better not use them against another player but I might play with it just to see what it can do against various other vehicles, etc... I really don't care if the game has it or not but it seems silly to include it if it never saw battle, but hey maybe it was fun for BTS. I don't mind that if that's the reason why plus it will be interesting to look at and blow **** up with but again not in an actual game.
  24. I am no expect but I find that only the German tanks are king. The American ground troops are not up to taking them out the way the German ground troops can easily take out the American tanks. This bothers me a little since I only play the Americans but I suppose that the Americans troops in real life just weren't equiped or trained to handle tanks the way the German's were. Real or not, I don't know.
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