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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Bump! I've got to know. Hopefully some modder will see this post and answer it that can answer the question.
  2. Well, some of the German vehicle crew uniforms are already white. I wonder how the modders were able to do that? Plus all the American uniforms are already white it's just thier helmets that are still regular color. So there's got to be a way, don't you think? Anybody know.
  3. You know I did that at first but it didn;t ever seem to do much damage to the enemy so I quit, thinking I was just wasteing my ammo. But if it actually does hurt/kill I will start doing thatagain. Thanks for the tip.
  4. Thank you Old Dog for that information. I thought that you had to actually get out of the game to do that. That sure will help.
  5. Yeah you German guys all think that way. It's just that you aren't thinking enough about us American guys and what we need. It's just ME, ME, ME. But anyway I'm learning to just stay well back from German troops, what with that bad habit they have of popping my tanks.
  6. Very nice and I agree, more smoke seems better to me too. Did you also increase the amount of flying material. It looks like it and that to me is the neatest part when you happen to be close to a vehicle when it blows up - WOW! Cool. Good job and hope you enjoy doing it cause we need more modders. The others on this forum that aren't modders are just too darn lazy . I on the other hand have this back problem so couldn;t be expected to help or is it my leg - yeah it's my leg, I remember now. Anyway, good job and thank you.
  7. Damn Mord I didn't mean for you to go to all that trouble but I really appreciate it. That was very nice of you - thank you! I will try now that you got me in the right direction or even a direction, I should say. I would have looked myself but I didn't even know that there was a BMP for tank drivers. I had just looked up uniforms and saw that there wasn't any BMP numbers for any or them so that stopped me cold. Again, thanks very much.
  8. OK here's something to think about. If you zero your rifle in at say 100 yards ( meaning it's dead on at that range ) then the bullet will drop 2.3 inches at 200 and 6.4 at 300 yards. Now that's the 30-06, 180 grain bullet. I would guess that that's the bullet grain that the army used back in WWII. Now, I don't have books anymore since I know longer reload or even target shoot but if I remember correctly or close ,it falls like a bitch after that. My point being anything over even 1000 yards would be a "Hail Mary" type shot. Not saying it hasn't been done before. I believe the longest target shoot is 1000 yards and those guys know that their shooting at 1000 yards so have thier weapon zeroed in at that range and still miss. Even the lightest breeze effects the bullet at that range so - yes it's a damn lucky shot and bet it's not done on even close to a regular basis. Now as far as sniper vs sharpshooter. All sharpshooter means is that the guy is good with a rifle. Everybody has to learn to shoot a rifle in the army. Some are better then others and they are called sharpshooters. Snipers on the other hand are Expect shots much, much better than sharpshooters. That's all those guys do is practice and they are very good. Good isn't a good enough word let's say extremely good. I qualified as an expert myself in the army and target shot a lot but wouldn't even come close to being able to shoot like what it takes to be a sniper. Lots of other things are also involved in being able to be a sniper but we won't go in to that here. Just believe not everybody even if they shot extremely great could have what it takes to be a sniper.
  9. Panzerman, I'm afraid I'm talking about regular old troops. I wouldn;t mind it so much if they were elite or crack but their regular old regular troops that keep destroying my Sherman's. I tryed at first to use my American troops like that thinking OK if they can do it I can do it but NO! my troops just get the crap shot out of them and just stand there and don't seem to even try to destroy it ( the tank ). Bunch of dumb asses! I just wish the American troops were a lot better at tank fighting like the German troops.
  10. God! I hope not! I play the American's all the time and have enough problems with the two that the German squads alreay have. If I had a nickel for every tank that was killed by these damn weapons I'd be rich. I mean Damn,come on. I can't come within 150 yards of damn near any German squad without getting one of these up the Ass already. Just my opinion.
  11. Ok I don't know beans about downloading, decoding or computers period but after getting the "How To'S" from Scipio, Lindan and YECoyote I figured , hell I can follow instructions so tryed downloading the decoder which I did and it's in my "download" folder on my desktop, but when I tryed unzipping it I got the following message. "Could not open the .zip file (C:Windows\Desktop\Downloads\Mpegsuite.zip) So I am lost. Any body know how a dumb ass can do or go from here? or should I just forget it - (Too hard to do.)
  12. Well, it sounds like I better go get these kickass sounds. If they are half as good as everybody is saying they should be a big improvement in the game - sound wise. And thank you Lindan & YECoyte as well as Scipio himself for the "How To" advise. Without these I wouldn't have even tryed but I'll give it a try.
  13. Welcome and yes it will be a long 2 weeks. I'm guessing two weeks. I actually got mine in about 3 days but I live in Texas and they just treat us better. Anyway, you are in for a treat when it comes. Oh by the way, when you do get it in and you don't see the disk and you are about to cry or hit something - do look in the manual before upsetting the rest of the family like I did. That's where it'll be. They do that just to scare the hell out of you.
  14. I am trying to change all the German vehcile and tank crew uniforms to white ( Winter ) but when I look at the vehicles mod numbers like 14570- 14573 they don't show the driver at all. So I can't change them. Then I thought OK I'll just look at the tank driver's uniform and put a "1" in front of it like Mord said to do but I don't see any numbers for the uniforms at all to change. I know this probably sounds dumb - ok it does sound dumb but that's the best I can explain it. What I am trying to do is change all vehicles and tanks crew uniforms and helmets to white. Any help would really be apprciated. :confused:
  15. Well, I'm back home and wanted to see what everybody thought. I greatly appreciate those that answered - thank you. Well, I think at this point I will past until I learn more about computers. Sounds like I just saved myself some big headaches.
  16. German tanks look good knocked out. Sorry that's coming from a true and tryed American player only. But back to the mods - outstanding. That Panther is really different and I'm going to use it. The M3A1 is - well, kick ass!
  17. Our Russian brothers shouldn't be called commies any more. They are our friends and should be treated with respect and kindness. Now to reply to your post. I think they are going to do something along this line but not sure exactly what. Also, I do agree with you that I will play the German's 99% of the time as I too prefer sideing with them ( don't ask me why ) plus I'll finally get to use all that cool equipment and their kick ass troops for a change since I always only play the Americans currently.
  18. I was thinking about using the Mod manager but before I do I just want to make sure it's a big improvement over downloading mods the old fashion way that I know how to do. If it's a bitch to setup I don't think I want to get involved but if it is really worth the trouble I do. Is there any body out there that has actually tryed it and felt it wasn't worth the hassle? I know very little about computers and don't have the time to learn a new program that's going to only improve the handling of mods a tiny bit. Any comments would be appreciated. Smart asses can please go find another post to bother. I am serious about this post and appreciate serious answers from those that know. :confused:
  19. Thanks for the info Niles and yeah the Grant was a cool looking. It was the first tank I ever modeled back in the old days. But back to the Pershing. Let me get this straight? The Super Pershing is actually larger then the regular Pershing, has a smaller turret and but is faster? I'm not where I can insert the game to look but I thought both had same speed? I'll check when I get home. I know both had same gun but it's just the turret that was reduced in size to lesson the overall weight of the tank for speed? I'd love to know what they were trying to gain by doing this. I can see the need for speed but not at the expense of weight. Didn't they learn anything from the German's?
  20. I've seen mines several times and they were't Daisy since I've never once bought them so they were either tank or personel mines. I've seen them from way off what ever that means ( a long ways - maybe 1000 meters or there abouts. But some times I don't either. I always wondered why I don't always see them, now I know. I'm not supposed to so the times I do I'm lucky.
  21. I don't play the German's but when they have Pumas around it works real well. That Puma is a tough little vehicle and it has a gun that will take out anything I use. Well, the Pershing would be hard to take out but the Sherman's with the exception of the Super Sherman's or whatever they are called. Damn, the old mind goes on you sometimes. Jumbo Sherman, that's it. Anyway, dollar of dollar I can't think of a better buy, so you are picking OK sounds to me but others will have better ideas or suggestions.
  22. I read it once but then forgot it. I;ll have to also try it. Yeah, I wonder what else I don't use. Play time - I'm off.
  23. Any body know why it had a lower ROF? If it came out after the regular Pershing I wonder why they slowed it down? Kind of stupid don't you think - on their part I mean. :confused:
  24. Thanks Mord I'll try that. It drives me crazy seeing vehicle crews in regular uniforms when others are properly dressed. Lazy modders . But why do most of the American helmets still stay regular color when their uniforms are white?
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