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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. That really sounds like a good idea to me but don't know if it is but I have a feeling we are fixin to find out from somebody that knows. But put me down for it anyway. I just an hour or so ago tryed doing a search and gave up myself. I bet a day doesn't go by that someone else says the same thing so there is a problem but how to fix it is another story.
  2. Thanks for the fast reply. Well, I see your point that it's not a everything archive but I will certainly look at it before I post a topic to see if I can get an answer there before posting. As far as the abbreviations go yeah it would be a monster to try to build and I realize you have a life so no problem there. Just thought I'd ask. Who knows maybe you knew about a place on the web where they all were nice and neat? Oh well, thanks for the reply. Appreciate it.
  3. Very good idea. Hope it gets in. I hate that pause, but understand why but still hate it. Seems to me it could be built in, the delay, but do we have to see it? Not a programmer myself I don't know if what I just said makes an sense but I know what I mean.
  4. David Aitken. I was trying to search for info or a thread on the BAR and gave up so remembering that you had the above archive thought I'd see if I could find something from there. I looked but couldn't find anything. While looking I thought of something to throw at you to see if you might like it. If not no problem just thought I'd mention it. Sometimes it bugs me to see people always wanting to improve things other have started but sometimes it's good. So here goes. Why not have a topic named small arms. That way when a person wants to look up something there it is. Just an idea. One last little idea if you don't mind. I am really getting into this game and WWII and the threads are extremely helpful but I personally am having a hard time understanding a lot of the talk that goes on due to everybody using abbreviations like TD, SMG, etc. What about a list of abbreviations? Course you may not care to do either but thought I'd mention it. Maybe somebody could even point out a place that already has the abbreviations.
  5. Uninstall CM disk? I would never have thought about that.
  6. Well now, that may be why I couldn't see. I didn't give it a full 30 minutes so maybe I was right after all? You guys may be eating crow after all. Just kidding of course.
  7. I would love to know Patton's reasoning on the belief that the M4 would be more of an asset than a heavy tank? Bet the actual tankers would have argued that one. Course what do they know. I know Patton was or supposed to be a great general but so was Grant but I wonder if they really were so great or just at the right place at the right time?
  8. Well, thank you Michael Dorosh. I assume you mean from my trip in the dark? I was really never in much danger though. Did I mention the string I had attached to me and the car?
  9. Yeah when I first got the game I saw what they call a bazooka and thought why is that guy carrying around a pipe? Silly me. But yeah it would really be nice to be able to make it look like a bazooka or piat. Wonder what the Russia's bazooka's will look like - hope not pipes.
  10. You have a book on it? Just how many uniforms did Canada have? Boy I guess you guys like to do things in style.
  11. I guess the other post about rifles kind of started me wondering what the different country's armies used today as their main shoulder weapon. What I would be interested in is not only the rifles name like M16 but what caliber bullet and grain if you know. I assume all would be able to select from auto to semi-auto but I would be interested in that also. It seems that now that I've found this game I'm really really getting interested in all this kind of stuff. Oh yeah and I'm not just trying to see if our British friends ever came up with a decent rifle. Just kidding but just had to say it.
  12. But a damn fine idea anyway Andrew. I would love to be able to have that ability.
  13. I never use smoke or hardly anyway because I really don't understand it so this is a very interesting topic to me. The chart idea would be a great aid as far as I'm concerned and second the motion. I in the past just figured well it'll start when it starts and go ahead with my plans knowing it will appear when it feels like it, but to actually time an attack or something knowing exactly when or how long it'll last would be extremely helpful.
  14. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Provided, of course, said company commander in said jeep isn't blown to bits or riddled with bullets... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Good one. That seems to be all that happens when any of my jeeps are even put in gear.
  15. Thanks Herr Oberst I needed that. I really was debating if I should just become a larker on this forum or not but just your one nice comment helped a lot. Thank you. Not that anyone really jumbed on me that hard but it's a pride thing. But you can beat I'll be more careful in the future before answering an questions.
  16. I certainly don't have a lot of money but try to keep my machine up to date as best as I can because I really enjoy being able to use mods and they do tax your machine pretty much so I'm willing to spend more then I should on this computer but I certainly see why some can't or won't. Also I agree with Mruph, I didn't take this topic as a slam against those that don't have or want a state of the art computer but rather panzer76's personal opinion and interest in seeing what others had. It was interesting to see the answers and I hope the day doens't come that anyone is afraid to pose a question that's interesting to him because of what happened here. Some people just get out of bed on the wrong side - alot!
  17. I now have as of a month ago a 850 Pentium, with a rather old 32M Diamond viper 770 video card.
  18. Who was the dumb ass that said you could see anything- period, at night. Damn, sure am glad it wasn't me. Well, I did go out and sat in the car for about 10 minutes thinking I'd wait for the old night vision to kick in. After 10 minutes I looked around and thought, well maybe it takes longer then that, not being able to remember exactly how long. So I wait another 10 minutes and start thinking - damn it's really not getting any brighter out there, what if those guys were right. Nah, can't be. So I wait about another 5 minutes and think - I don't think it should take this long, so I get out, pace off 50 yards and slowly turn around, all the while thinking boy am I going to rub it in when I get back. Well, I could barely see the car. It's dark out there in case you don't know that! So Ok , I admit it, I was a little mistaken. Ok, a lot mistaken, but you guys knew that already didn't you? Well, there you have it - the sad truth. I think I'll just become a lurker and keep my mouth shut. Nah, probably not. But it was a good post - well, better for some then others. I am just so happy I was able to clear that up for you guys. Now you know.
  19. Subvet, I know what you mean when mentioning the recoil of both these calibers. The 30-06 is certainly less because it it semi-auto and also the amount of powder but certainly is not what I call fun to shoot. The 7mm on the other hand is just plain punishing. I owned one for 2 or 3 months back when I target practiced a lot and sold it due to that reason alone. An outstanding round but damn it hurt. I would shoot maybe 10 to 20 rounds in a given day and just flat couldn't take the recoil.
  20. No, doesn't make me feel better but I see why you believe the way you do. So, to put a lighter side to it - maybe you're a really bad shot. I'm calling it a night. I'll let you know tomorrow about the vision thing. Night all.
  21. Very nice Andrew. I really like the airborne uniform. Great looking mods. Thanks ever so much for all the great looking mods you've done. I'll be waiting.
  22. Got the pictures, thanks. Man that M51 is a mean looking dude! Yeah, I bet a lot of tankers in WWII would have loved to have had one of those suckers. So the M50 is still 75MM but a higher velocity shell I suppose. Interesting.
  23. Yes, I can say I built more Bailey bridges then I ever cared to stateside. Nice work if you can get it. Well, it sure looks like everybody seems to think I'm wrong on this suject except me but even if I am wrong about being able to see a fellow at that distance the main point was that even if you couldn't see if enemy or foe you wouldn't just shoot him. It never happened to me and that's all we did in Nam was guard bridges for you infantry guys. So you wouldn't get your feet wet. I've spend many many a night out in the Delta guarding a bridge while the infantry were out trying to shoot our little friends and I never once shot our own troops when they were coming in. And it was plenty dark out there. Course we used passwords but even so never had a problem and nobody I was ever with had a problem or at least mentioned it and they would have. But anyway, I did say "in my opinion" so I'm covered. But now it's just a point I need to get clear for myself. But I do apologize for getting upset and sounding like a wise ass in a couple of my posts and Babra if you are reading this the apologize goes for you too. I normally don't act like that.
  24. Looks like you are trying to show us a couple of pictures but it's not working or at least for me? I would like to see them.
  25. Well, I went out but was running real late for a party we were throwing for a friend and didn't have time to check it out but am planning on it tomorrow night and will let you know. Damn, I hope I'm not wrong. But I'll be fair- either way. I am hoping to take a friend and use him as the enemy. By the way the list of casualties was very interesting. If you do the figures it looks like 7.4% from friendly fire. That is far more then I ever would have believed. Guess I don't know everything yet.
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