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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. That is one good looking uniform. I would love to use it if you get it posted. I sure hope they come out with a way we can switch uniforms in CMMOS. It sounds like it to me so here's hoping.
  2. Oh good more help for the German's. As if it's not hard enough already beating them. Thanks Madmatt for that info. This will be so cool!
  3. Hey, thanks alot guys. I understand and will be needing to get rid of a lot of numbers that I don't need. I'm glad I asked. Now maybe I'll be able to download a new grass mod that I've been putting off doing because of space. And Pawbroon hang your own self I got it.
  4. Well I think I sort of understand. Andrew's answer was a big help. But yeah thanks for the answer - I got you. And yes Maximus we know to wait for the uniforms to come out for CMMOS. Thanks.
  5. Great!!!!!! I was really worried. Thanks for the answer and a speedy one at that. Now I'll shut up and let you go back to work.
  6. Vol #1 was the German uniforms, Vol #2 was the American uniforms and Vol #4 is British and Canadian uniforms. What happened to Vol #3? Just wondering. An oversight? Or was that the tankers uniforms and just never assigned a Vol#? :confused:
  7. Excellent idea. That's using your old thinking cap. Really a neat idea I hope somebody could do that.
  8. This is just a question I'd appreciate an answer on if someone would be so kind. Will moddlers go back and make the older mods workable for CMMOS or not? I just had this sicking feeling that all the old ones won't work in CMMOS. I sure hope I'm wrong. What a waste of some really nice mods. I don't think we'd ever get all them remodded. Also I second the motion that TankDawg had. It could get confusing. Course if the answer to my question above is no then I guess there won't be much use for old mods. :eek:
  9. WoW! I can't believe they had that much luck or in your case that bad of luck. That's what it's got to be cause I don't recall ever having a or if any just one or two tops take out a tank of any size. I have tryed and tryed to get my troops to knock out a tank time after time and nothing happens well except having them get shot to pieces for their work. I also normally use airborne troops but only regular ones not elite or anything. My gripe is how easy German troops can take out my tanks but I guess they actually did more often then the US troops so it's probably modelled correct. Well, I will have to try it again as you have given me hope. I recently have just about stopped trying but now? Thanks for the good news but sorry for your bad luck.
  10. I hope some kind sole will answer as I don't know who else to ask except for some knowledgeable person from this forum. The question is; If I had say a blue box and it's batch numbers were 1,2,3,4 & 5 and I decided I liked the red box better also numbered 1,2,3,4 &5 of course, when I replaced the blue batch files with the new red ones what happens to the blue box mod? I mean do they just disappear or are they somewhere in my hard drive taking up space or hurting something. I hope this is clear? I am worried about hard drive space and I've replaced so many mods with others I'm a little worried that I'm really loading up my hard drive. I'd appreicate anyone answering. Thanks in advance.
  11. When CM2 comes out I'll be playing the German's most of the time since all I've played in this game was the American's. It'll be nice having the big cat's for a change but then I guess the Russian's had their own super duper killing tanks. I'm even more interested in learning and seeing the different equipment, troops, etc that they had. Before this game I had read books on WWII but never did I ever read or at least remember how much greater the war was in the Eastern front. Man, you've got to give it to them, the Russian's, for holding up to that kind of scale. And the US & Allied's thought they had it bad. :eek:
  12. 2 to 1 sounds right to me. That's about what happens in my games anyway. Although actually if I have jumbo's it gets it down but then depends on what the kraut's have. But yeah I think you got it with the 2 to 1. Let's see if that's really what the figures were in real life.
  13. I noticed it way back and for one am glad that it's that way. I never really thought to question it but I do use the trails all the time to get vehicles through and yes it could be a little better done as far as graphics.
  14. Thanks SuperTed I just found out where the Combat Mission site is. I'd lost it. Don't ask you wouldn't want to hear the story, but anyway I'm glad you posted so now I have it back thanks to you. Appreicate it.
  15. Well I can see Steve & the guys all smiling now that this big to do about CMMO is going on. Now they can go about their work knowing that we are all busy downloading mods and trying to understand and get everything going with this fantastic gift that Gordon & all the guys working with him are giving us. It's better then Christmas! or as good. So, yeah their grinning. This should get CM2 off our minds for awhile I bet. It at least sure helps. Gordon & guys again thanks a 100 times! I'm happy!
  16. Thanks Gordon & Maximus. I should have been able to figure that out. What am I saying no way I'd even thought along those lines. You guys are an huge, huge help - as always. Thanks.
  17. Nice to know there are some helpful people here, not just endless bickering! -------------------- Who bickers? I don't ever see anybody bicker. Anybody out there ever seen anybody on this board bicker? Nope, didn't think so. Sorry slyspy it's a slow night. Hope you're happy with your brand new bucker?
  18. _us _us_bloc _us_lv _us_bloc_lv _us_cav _us_bloc_cav _us_camo _us_bloc_camo These are the standard batch-file suffixes, and when added to any UK or US vehicle will be applied. _____________________________________________ Sorry I forgot one. What does lv mean? You guys are great for putting up with us. I mean it!
  19. Marco Bergman Member Member # 3558 posted 09-01-2001 04:34 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The program has full rulesets for all UK & US vehicles. As long as textures have the appropriate suffixes, the transformations will be made. These are the supported suffixes: _uk _uk_bloc _uk_camo _uk_bloc_camo _uk_panel __________________________________________ What does bloc & panel mean? Is this something we should know or just something you mod guys use and need?
  20. Michael Dorosh Asked; Does CMMOS allow me to do this without having to write the batch files? If so, how do I write the rules-set to do this? A step by step tutorial would be great. Apologies if I am being impatient and this is in the works (or already exists somewhere). I think Marco may have explained much of this in his email to me but as I say - I am a luddite and not alone in wanting something that will not only work on downloaded CMMOS-specific mods, but in getting it to work for other stuff as well. -------------------- I would love for somebody to do a tutorial also. Step by step. This new program CMMO has really opened up a whole new dimension to the game. I'm trying to follow everybody and understand but afraid on my own won't get far so would too greatly appreicate any help. It's too exciting to be left out!
  21. Thanks Maximus I appreicate you taking the time to explain. I understand now or at least beginning to see the picture. Man, am I excited about all this. I haven't even been playing trying to monitor this board and keep up to date with what all is going on. The GAME is even getting better!! All you guys Rock!
  22. OK, thanks panzerwerfer42. Now one more question if you don't mind? This could only be done if there were a camo jeep mod available which there isn't? I mean at present it wouldn't do any good but say if there were a camo jeep mod out there then it could be done? switched from camo to plain and so forth? Right now only a plain jeep mod is available? :confused:
  23. Wash your mouth out. Get tried of mods!. Oh I see you were making a joke. In that case very funny. You had me going there for a minute. PS: I am a little ahead of you I downloaded them about 2 hours ago and thanks. Man, it don't get no better then getting new mods.
  24. Maximus wrote; That is the way it works. Take your example, the jeep. What sorts of different textures do you want? US, Camo, French? All you have to do is add the _us, _us_camo, _ff suffixes to the files names and the current US and FF icon/ruleset will swap them. _____________________________________________ Maximus, First let me say that I realize that you and many mod makers, site people and just experienced and knowledgeable persons probably get tried of I for one always having to ask extra questions and or needing extra help when it comes to mods etc. but I do really appreicate the extra time and patience you all have shown in the past and hope it doesn't get too old or bothersome. I realize we should learn it on our own but actually that's what we are trying to do but some ( me mostly ) are just slow when it comes to this computer and figuring out things. So, with that said I would like to ask about the example above. Do you mean that if I simply add lets say _us to the jeep bmp numbers ( all of them I assume ) and then _camo to all of them that then I could switch between them? This is done to the bmp numbers in the BMP folder also I assume? Is this correct? Answer if you have time if not I understand you are probably busy right now with everything you have on your plate.
  25. You probably weren't directing this post and your question to us that don't have a thing to do with making mods but if just in case you did want everybody's opinion please put me down for agreeing that it would be a - Good Thing.
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