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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Damn that is a cool looking tank! Now that's what we should have had all along. I get so tryed of getting the crap knocked or blown out of me when trying to destroy those German tanks. I can't imagine what the real tanks felt in WWII. All I can say is they had balls!
  2. Triumuir, you asked me what I did in Nam. I was a combat engieer when there. I assume you are or were in the army and probably know what combat engineers do or did. I thought I was being smart when I joined -yes I joined and don't ask me I have no idea what I was thinking by joining. Anyway, I thought I'd be smart and join so as to avoid being an infantryman. Not so smart they made me a combat engieer. My luck never was good - well I'm writing this so maybe it is. If we get locked on this post for shooting the breeze I would like to talk to you guys that are presently in the army on the general forum.
  3. Thanks to all that helped on that. Well, I understand now but it sure would have been nice to have a big 88MM then so I could now have them in the game. Damn the bad luck.
  4. Not a very good subject title but couldn't think of a better one - So-so what? Anyway, I never really thought about it until the post about Archers came up couple days ago but am interested in knowing if anybody can answer why the army would develope or use or want to do either of these things with the 76MM when they could have came up with a larger caliber like the German's had. I mean it wasn't that much better then the 75MM or sure doesn't seem like it to me in CM. You can destroy something at a little further range but basically you still want to get up close to take on the enemy armor. Why not copy the 88MM for example? Or was it really maybe a lot better in real life the what is modelled in the game? I would appreciate any info anybody has or knows. Oh yeah one last question. Where there really that many Sherman tanks that acutally had the 76MM ?
  5. Triumvir asked me: _____________________________________________ I've done this stuff, practicing for the real thing. Jason has, and I'm pretty sure that Babra has; have you? It's not as easy as you make it out to be _____________________________________________ Yes, I've done it. I was also in Viet Nam.
  6. Babra wrote __-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lcm1947, you can spot a guy in cover at 100 yards at night and tell if he's friend or foe? I want you on my side. _____________________________________________ I don't believe I said I could tell the difference between friend and foe at 100 yards. We were talking about soldiers firing on friendly troops at night and how much that happened, were we not? Please show me where I said I could tell the difference between friend and foe. Matter of fact I just reread my post and don't see it. Matter of fact here it is again. ______________________________________________ lcm1947 Member Member # 2981 posted 08-18-2001 11:36 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While it's not happened to me I can see it happening. Now I will say I can't see it going on for very long, especially if they are close to each other like what, 300 yards and wouldn't think it could happen very much at all if closer. Course it would depend on how dark it was also like no moon or cloudy etc. The other thing is a lot should depend on the number of troops involved. I mean a couple of guys getting spooked and firing on friendly troops is one thing but a full squad or more doing it would, I believe , pretty unlikely. After all there should at least be a sergeant present in a full squad and the guys wouldn't get that spooked or at least shouldn't. I know it may seen like it could happen a lot and it certainly has happened but it's not the norm. Soldiers are well aware that friendly units are always on their flanks and rear and just don't open up without regards to other units. My opinion anyway. And this is one more reason why the game should have flares But I guess that has pretty much been discussed and it can't be done. --------------------
  7. Very interesting figures on that site. Now what percent of those figures were during the daytime and actually done by small arms fire by other troops which is what we are talking about. We don't know or at least I can't tell just by those figures. That is why you can't believe everything you read. Without realizing it you may be misled or under the wrong impression. Now here is what I am going to do. I was going out tonight anyway to the lake. It is dark with trees, hills and brush. I will mark off 100 and 200 yards and check it out. I will let you know the results if you are interested. I know I am so it will be fun. Not to just see if you are all three wrong but to see if I am. I'll label the post tomorrow or Monday when I find out "300 yards at night". How's that sound?
  8. So it seems we don't really fight the enemy as much as we fight and kill ourselves if I'm reading all these accounts right. Damn I never realized that this went on to the degree you combat veterans are telling. I wonder why in the world the public is not more aware of this what seems to be a big big problem. Now saying that let me just add one more thing. Anybody that truely thinks that you can't see more then 40 yards at night, this is the distance JasonC gave, but let's be fair and say 100 yeads, then I suggest you go out at night in the country where the fighting actually takes place. Not just go out in the night after being in your warm cozy little apartment and having your night vision all screwed up and tell me you can't see a person at 100 or even further, let alone a squad or bigger unit. Then if you really believe what you are saying I will - well - I will just give up on you or you have a vision problem and should go see a doctor. Guys, I know there have been accounts of this happening but it is rare and just because you read 10, 20 or 30 accounts of it throughout history doesn't mean it is common place. It's not. Some of you read too much and this is where you go wrong. Not saying reading is bad but when you actually relate life only from books you just aren't correct. I tell you this belief about soldiers running around shooting each other doesn't happen. Sorry I got carried away there for a moment but I just can't understand some of the stuff I hear from certain people and it's always the same people. Ok enough said.
  9. US soldiers at least if not all counties , were, are and will forever be taught to fire at a target. You are taught to fire at a life sized silhouette target. I don't know what people are referring to when they say that troops are taught to spray an area. You aren't taught this, you don't have to be taught this. That comes naturely. If you can hit an object you can spray an area. What's up with this idea some have. I'm not being rude( hopefully anyway ) just don't understand maybe what you mean when you state this. And as far as any shoulder weapon being better then the M1 I disagree 100%. All three of the calibers involved were damn near equal but you have to know that the M1 was by far the best military rifle of WWII. There's no comparison. The Enfield was a fine weapon as the Mauser was but they just weren't even in the same league as the M1 -sorry just isn't true. I mean think about it. A bolt action rifle compared to a semi-automatic rifle for the sole purpose of wounding the enemy? Now if you want to state that you think the cartridge themselves were equal, well that's another subject entirely but not the rifle itself.
  10. Well I certainly don't anticipate making a game up but I do create my own battles and when I want a surprise I get my wife to come in and pick a time that either my own troops or the enemies arrive on the map. It really adds something to the game so I agree that it would be neat to have. So now that I understand - good idea. I think in the future I will also have her picking a location. Thanks a bunch for the idea - cool!
  11. I agree with Tripps 1000 percent! What's this forum for if not to discuss and enjoy good buddies and such talk as how to play the game, what happened to you in the game, how to improve the game, get info that you don't know about to improve your overall knowledge or learn something and to let BTS see what the people that buy the game are saying or asking or complaining about. Gee, live and let live. It should never get personal people are just communicating with each other and it should be a good experience and one shouldn;t have to worry about being personally attacked just because someone disagrees with you. Damn, people cool off and have some fun. After all - this is a game.
  12. Yeah I agree with most here that say they wouldn't but them again. Like mentioned before they aren't suited for CM. They certainly aren't tank killers and with the 76MM gun I really don't see what the purpose of them were. Not that I ever really used them, in real life that is. But putting a 76MM on what's supposed to be a self propelled gun doesn't make sense to me unless I'm missing something. I mean why a basically tank destroying round in a artillery weapon? :confused:
  13. Hey, that wasn't Monty's granddad in that picture was it?
  14. While it's not happened to me I can see it happening. Now I will say I can't see it going on for very long, especially if they are close to each other like what, 300 yards and wouldn't think it could happen very much at all if closer. Course it would depend on how dark it was also like no moon or cloudy etc. The other thing is a lot should depend on the number of troops involved. I mean a couple of guys getting spooked and firing on friendly troops is one thing but a full squad or more doing it would, I believe , pretty unlikely. After all there should at least be a sergeant present in a full squad and the guys wouldn't get that spooked or at least shouldn't. I know it may seen like it could happen a lot and it certainly has happened but it's not the norm. Soldiers are well aware that friendly units are always on their flanks and rear and just don't open up without regards to other units. My opinion anyway. And this is one more reason why the game should have flares But I guess that has pretty much been discussed and it can't be done.
  15. Monty, that was one of the funniest posts I've seen so far and I've laughed at several of them. This got me to laughing like a little kid. My wife even came in to see what all the laughing was about. Thanks for making me laugh. That was really extremely funny!!!!! Good one.
  16. I think it's funny. Not to say it's never happened to me. I had a Grey Hound once run up real fast past and behind a self propelled gun thinking that since it was so slow I could get behind it and take it out before it could turn. Well, I got behind it but it was faster then I thought and blew my Hound away but the blast from it blew itself up too. Boy was my opponent surprised as well as I was to hear what happened. I of course thought that it just destroyed my Hound. Didn't realize what happened until he told me.
  17. Well, I agree it would be easier but I personally like the present system. The reason being that it is a lot of work sometimes but if you had the easier system wouldn't that kind of make it unreal or maybe I should say too easy? Now wait a minute before you say " what the hell is he talking about Yes we want it easy." Well, maybe you wouldn't. It might make the game too easy and too fast and where's the fun in that. CM would become just like all the other games. Wham Bam and the game is done. Just my thoughts.
  18. Maybe I'm not understanding what you are asking but can't they do that now. I mean if you design a game you can have anything enter the game at anytime - right? So they could have paratroopers drop in anytime. Drop in, get it? So anyway is that what you mean? :confused:
  19. In the army we were trained to shoot the bazooka. We fired 3 shots apiece. One time one of the training personel took a boxen box and placed it behind the guy fixin to fire. Well, it was impressive to say the least. It blow that box all to hell. I mean blow it up and made it disappear. Only splinters left. Now true it was only a pine box but it should made everybody realize you didn't want to get behind a bazooka when it fired. We were taught to fire in a kneeling position to be more sable. But yeah you probably wouldn't want to aim it real high where the back blast could hit the ground close to you but I think you'd have to be shooting pretty straight up to have that happen as the thing protruded out behind you a foot or foot and a half. Anyway, you wouldn't believe how accurate they were. We got to shoot at already destroyed tanks. It was cool.
  20. 7.92X33 Kurz Bullet grain 125 MV = 2070 ME = 1192 This is a short verion of the 7.92 (8MM) Mauser cartridge. This cartridge is less powerful than the 30-30. 7.62X39 (M43) Russian Bullet Gr. 122 MV = 2329 ME = 1470 This was adopted by the Russian's in 1943 and did not come into general use until after WWII. Again not a real good performer but slightly better then the 7.92 and close to being on the same level as the 30-30 Win. .30 M1 Carbine Bullet Gr. 110 ME = 1975 ME = 955 This is a modified verion of the .32 Winchester self-loading round of 1906. It is not an assault rifle and due to it's accuracy and ballistics is limited to 150 yards = Maximum. As you can see the .30 M1 carbine round is the poorest of the three assault type cartridges. Just for comparison here is the M1 30-06 cartridge data. MV = 2970 ME = 2930 Bullet Gr. 150 As you can see there is no comparison and when you take into account the trajectory, well the .30 M1 carbine just plain is lacking.
  21. Very nice looking mod. Good detail. I'll download it for a closer look but it's better looking than what I'm using so should have some fun with this. Thank you James.
  22. Are you trying to start a fight? No really, this should be interesting. There will be plenty to argue for both sides so let me begin with my 2 cents. First I have shot rifles and pistols all my life and actually studied the various American cartridges in great detail and at one time could just about tell you off the top of my head how each performed, but alas it's been many moons ago but I still remember some so based on that here's my opinion. First, the M2 carbine is the last shoulder weapon I would pick if I was going to go into battle. Now the reason is that it wasn't that accurate, nor powerful and it sure wasn't that flat of a shooting bullet. In my opinion it just wasn't that good of a rifle/carbine and the cartridge it shot sucked. Now there was a place for it however and that was to replace the pistol. Most GI's couldn't and still can't shoot the Colt 45 Goverment model pistol worth a darn and the M2 was actually developed to replace it or at least get something in the GI's hands that they could use more effectively. It did do that but to say that it was a good gun/cartridge combination isn't correct. As far as range I personally don't think 300 yards is un- realistic. I would say more like 100 yards but I'm talking about accurate and to me accurate means being able to shoot a group of 3 or 4 bullet in a plate size pattern. I'm sure some will disagree but I have shot the carbine and like I said studied the rounds and it would be one of the last rifles I'd ever use. Course I think the 30/30 Winchester sucks too. Anyway, that's my small opinion. So let the fight begin.
  23. Well, I'm no expert but I believe that there wasn't that much air support available in WWII period. I would take that interview to be just one incident , meaning it didn't happen alot on that level and the tank had nothing to do with it but maybe the bridge was important and therefore caused the air strike. But as I said I really don't know but this bump might bring out those that do know.
  24. That is a very useful tool. Looks like a lot of work so I for one thank you. I will use it now that I know of it. I can't think of any comments to make to improve it but will think about it and let you know if I come up with something. First time I ever visited your site but I will from now on. I'm really impressed.
  25. Not trying to shoot down a good idea but just mentioning something. Doesn't the defender already have the odds on his side by being able to set up guns and etc hiden? I mean that is a pretty good advantage being able to do that. But it will be nice to be able to have trenches in CM2.
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