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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Now that's a very neat looking mod. I really like it. Good show!
  2. Damn, I don't know what that is all about but it sounds like you're leaving. If that's the case then good luck to you and thank you for all the great mods you gave us. I'll think of you from time to time when I use them and I am keeping several of your mods including my - well your Chaffee you did for me. Take care.
  3. OK, I'll try it. Like they say you never know. Yeah, I'll give them a try based on your recommendation. Like you say _ I can always go back. Thanks again.
  4. Wolf, I am a big fan of your previous grass mod so I don't mean this to sound - well - mean, but I like the original better. The elevation is better in the first one and that is what I mainly want. But I'm sure somebody would rather have the looks of this as it is very nice looking and different. Too bad the elevation isn't as good. But I'm very happy with what I have thanks to you. Oh, yes I also have your tree bases and think both together are excellent. I doubt I'll ever change.
  5. JonS. Now wait a minute. I wasn't talking about me personally fighting at some ungodly hour. I'm the commander and need my sleep. I was just wanting the troops to do it. So, I gather it would be too hard to do. Oh well, I'll just have to continue to feel my way around in the dark it looks like. I may just play around and see if I can come up with a way to do it - yeah right!
  6. Quote from JonS ____On a techo point ... just how would one model flares - at a reasonable programming overhead - in a 3D environment? If you think about it, its rather a complex problem. * units that are in the primary illumination area actually have reduced vision (due to impact on their night vision) * units that are '00's of metres away can see the illuminated area, but not the intervening ground * how do you taper off the illumination effect as you get futher from the flare *etc._______________________________________ JonS, I have no idea what you just said ( well most of it anyway) so I'm afraid I can't anwer your question but I believe you may be correct - it would be too hard or not possible at all, but wouldn't it be cool!
  7. Extremely nice job. I myself prefer the snow on look rather than whitewashed so will be waiting for these to come out. I thank you for allowing us these outstanding looking mods.
  8. Well congrats! On both winning the game and the 4 month old. Enjoy. Hope they weren't asleep when you let out the yell?
  9. I have months ago brought up this same subject but I'm afraid no one else thought much of it so I doubt you will get much of a response but good luck. I personally think it would be a really neat idea and would love to see it in CM2. I enjoy fighting at night alot myself. Mostly due, I have to admit, to avoid German armor. This to me evens out their greater range over the American Shermans and makes it a much more even match. So flares would really be super and hope it's at least considered in the next game.
  10. I will continue playing ( it's been 8 months now since getting the game ) until they come up with CM2 and then unless CM2 is just a lot better I'll continue with this one forever. Well, at least for a long time. I am having more fun with it now then when I first started. The main reason I feel is the mods. To me that has greatly improved the game! Don't get me wrong I do love the game but those mods have just simply made the game far appealing to me. Call me crazy but I just get off on seeing tanks and war equipment, etc. I swear I play the game as much to just be around the tanks, troops,equipment, etc as I do to enjoy the actual game part. Thanks to all the people who have provided me with something I've waited all my life for and to the modellers for making it even better.
  11. Andrew, I am really impressed! You do extremely excellent work. I can hardly wait to get to use them. OUTSTANDING!! Thank you very much for your hard work. I know it can't be easy.
  12. Excellent job. Those look real. I am impressed. WOW!
  13. Very nice mods. Man, you modellers are something else. Fine job and thanks!
  14. Well I would comment on the pictures but I see no picture to comment on. But I bet they are really nice, I mean if one could see them.
  15. Thank you again for some very nice mods. I would also like to thank the guys that make this all possible - the modelers. Excellent looking!
  16. I think that your site is one of three of the best around! I have downloaded a ton of stuff and am personally very happy with it. I also very much appreciate all your and the people that contribute to it's hard work. I would hate to see it go. Now as far as what others think. Well, like the old saying goes. You can't please all the people all the time. I'm sure they feel they are right but hey it's your site. If they don't like it or feel it's not up to thier standards, well then maybe they should come up with their own site. This one is yours and if you are happy with it well I guess enough said. I realize what you are going through since you bothered to post this topic but man you do what you can in life and that's all you can do. When you stop enjoying it then it's time to throw in the towel but I wouldn't let others make that choice for you. I also bet if you would ask the individuals that are giving you a hard time about it they too would tell you not to. They probably don't think of it like you are they are probably just complaining cause they can. Bet if you gave them the choice they would ask you to continue also. Anyway, that's my say. Just remember a hell of a lot more people would rather see you stay then the few that wouldn't. If any actually would want to see you shut down anyway!
  17. Yeah Manx thanks for the update. I really want to thank Maximus for the outstanding Heer uniforms. I was hoping someone would come out with a new one and this one is excellent. The detail is just - well- excellent. Thanks a bunch!!! Only problem is it says " Can't find File" when I tryed downloading it. Hope it's not just me. I'll try back later as I want to download it and use it in my next game this evening. Hope somebody will fix it. Again, nice mod. They will go along great with your American one I already have. Quote form Maximus: _____________________________________________ When I did this repaint I had it set on the 6500*K setting and it looked plenty green, but when I switch to 9300*K it does look kinda bluish. So I may retry and green it up a bit. I tried it this afternoon, but my computer froze while doing it and I lost my work. _____________________________________________ Please just don't make it too green. I would rather see it more grey then blue or green. My opinion and will settle for whatever you come up with but think greyer if anything. Good job whatever you decide I'm sure.
  18. I agree with Wolf. Of course that's what I use myself. It looks great and you can really tell the different elevations the best. And now he's got a tree base mod to match. How cool is that? Anyway, I love it and would recommend it highly.
  19. You know what would really be cool - the "Cold War". That would really be so ----wait a minute. Never mind. OK, on second thought Korea would be better but yeah not too much armor would be involved but man the infantry battles would be cool. But I do believe Korea was the forgotten war. That was one I'm glad I wasn't in. Too damn cold!!!!!!!! and wet. That had to be bad.
  20. Boy I really don't see that the American's had better tanks? But your call. Here try this out. Make a map and pick 10 German tanks and then 10 American tanks and let them go at it. I bet the German's come out on top. Now don't go and use the worst German ones against the jumbo's or something but go by price and see what happens. I did and the American's got knocked out everytime. Now if you are going to use jumbo's and Pershings everytime then it's a different story but look at the prices on them compared to the German's and then they can still come out good unless the American's get lucky. Anyway that's how I see it. I still play the American's myself every time but I am learning how to use the crap we called tanks - very carefully and close up only. Get any distance and the German's will eat your lunch.
  21. Boy, you do believe in magic. Well, I hope you get it that fast but boy that would be pretty fast. Count on 1 week and then you won't be so disappointed. Then if you get it sooner - Great! Man, are you going to have some fun when you get it. Remember, the CD is in side the manual. So don't get all excited when you open the box and no CD. Look in the book. I had a heart attack when I didn't see it. God, was I mad - until I just happened to look in the book and found it. Have fun. I know you will for months and months and months and months - well you get the picture. Enjoy.
  22. Treeline bases really? Excellent I'm going to get them. Finally matching trees for my grass mod. Thanks alot Wolf!
  23. I don't care what outfit you pick as long as they have patches. I really believe they add so much to the overall game. Uniforms look very nice so far by the way and do agree a little too bright. I sure hope you can do something with the boots too. Always have bothered me to have a great looking uniform to have it messed up with the boots.
  24. I think Lars has probably the best answer so so including mine above. You never know if the other player is still having fun or not either, so ask. One last point and I'll bud out and that is when I first started playing I was wanting to be a good opponent so thought if I would continue even when I had lost interest myself and really had no real means to win and barely even able to defend myself I continued on wanting to leave my opponent thinking kindly of me. I figured well he was probably having a blast destroying me or whatever. I can see the fun in that very easy, so wanted to allow him that fun. This is how I feel one should conduct one's self in the game, but like Lars said and I confirmed - you never know so ask.
  25. You can say what you want but I believe the Axis are cheaper for just about everything. I did say "just about". Anyway, I can buy a lot more for the same amount of money than buying American's stuff and since both are about equal in fighting ability you are better off going with the German's. Now I know some will disagree but before you do please back up your statements with some facts. I have already done a check and can prove my point but it's a lot of trouble since I don't know how to copy things and paste them and what all. I would have to type everything out and I'm not going to do that- so there!
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