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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. As I've mentioned before and will now I strictly play or should say command only the American's in the game and I have never taken out a tank with rifle grenades. Now I have with bazoooka's but not rifle grenades. On the other hands German's always take out my tanks whenever I get too close and it really doesn't have to be that close either. As a matter of point this is one of my pet peeves, well that and not being able to make a tank turrert rotate independent of the hull but that's another subject and sounds like will be corrected in CM2. Anyway back to the point, so I for one agree that the original poster is all wet at least on this one point. I also think that this original poster is probably one of our own beloved, well liked, respected, looked up to and well behaved - oh oh , sorry I was thinking of the guys at another forum. Anyway, let me be the first to say - It's not me.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Enoch: As I used to like telling my students: "There are no stupid questions, only stupid people who ask questions."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now that's funny. I laughed out loud that time.
  3. Thanks Subvet for clearing that up. Man, I was thinking - get out of here! Would have been interesting to get some data on it like weight, speed, crew size etc. Not a bad looking tank overall but not a mean looking one either. Kind of plain, don't you think?
  4. A lot easier to keep up on also. Yeah, Lion would have been a good one. Guess Germany was able to use Leopard finally , course old mustache face wasn't around then. That really was a awesome looking tank - the Leopard. I think it was the best looking tank ever made. Sorry I can't show you a picture but some of us aren't as computer wise as others. I'm in the first bunch.
  5. Just wanted to thank all those that replied and maybe to bump one time so any one that has more or didn't get to the first time could do so now - if you want to of course. Oh and Cybeq the BOHICA isn't going to make it in the list but not a bad try.
  6. If you have to ask then it's gamey. I know that this is not true in all cases but it's how I try to keep from being gamey against the AI. Althought it has never once complained.
  7. Well, I've thought this from day one when I first had a heck of a time killing a HQ unit and still can't understand why a regular rifle squad can't just shoot the crap out of these units. It may for some strange reason need to be so tough but - I don't think it's coded correctly. I mean 12 soldiers against 4 should be able to just roll over them but my troops don't and I've played - well dozens and dozens and well you get the picture.
  8. Who's this Manx guy? Just kidding. Welcome, back. Now where did you go? I would also like somebody to write or make up something for people wanting to try to make mods. I think - that's I think, I might like to try my hand at modding ( whatever) but do not have a clue at how to even begin. It may be impossible but it would be helpful if somebody could get us started. Oh yeah, by the way russellmz, nobody is laughing at you for living in a pink house - sissy.
  9. Very nice looking mod. We'll be waiting. Thanking you in advance for a good looking mod and your work.
  10. I prefer #5. Make it dirty but with markings. My opinion and wants anyway.
  11. And here I was worrying that I might have to buy some books. Excellent topic, thank you again.
  12. I know hardly anybody uses the Pershing but if it was better looking maybe more would. I do play with the Pershing quite a bit, normally just to get even after having all my Sherman's killed but it is not a really good looking mod. Tiger did it and it was a huge improvement over the original back then - way back then, but just doesn't even come close to comparing with what the more recent mods look like. Do you think it'll ever get improved? I would love to see what one of you mod Gods could do to it. It wouldn't even take that long. I could do it back my back is bothering me- well that and I don't have a clue how it's done. I would otherwise. Hey, no harm in asking.
  13. Well as far as which tank I would have picked to be in I guess I'd have to say the jumbo 76mm if allied or if they had made me be on the German side the Panther. Don't know enough about the differences in the Panthers to say which one so whichever one was the best. I assume this was the G late?
  14. Kingfish, is that your web site? It can't be for real? Somebody's messing with us. Right?
  15. Hey thanks for the info JasonC and what I'm sure took some work and studying on your part. Sounds like you enjoy it anyway, the studying I mean , but still nice of you to think of us. I also want to add that I for one really appreciate guys like you to mention just one for your knowledge and expertise and sharing all this with us. It's really why I keep coming back to this forum - it doesn't get boring. At first I thought you guys were a pain in the behind, you all can get pretty rude at times and I for one got a little ticked off at first but the longer I stay around and the better I get to know you all the less it bothers me and am really just now being able to appreciate you all. Just thought I'd mention that. Thanks again for this extremely interesting and useful info. I am certainly going to try it against the AI. and can hardly wait as I never even thought about using the correct units, etc to duplicate an actual WWII battle but now that you've mentioned it it's really an exciting idea. I would love to have the map resemble the actual terrain but will make due. AT least I'll be able go by your remarks on terrain so that will certainly help.
  16. I think it's a good idea too. I really get bummed out when I have to move a column of vehicles knowing how long it takes to insure all get there at the same and still look like a column when they do. Normally looks like a free for all and everybody fouling everybody else. Very good idea and would be nice to have.
  17. Well, I was going to take Joe Shaw's advise but since you are all so kind I'll just start copying everything and then the one's I see in future posts I'll just ask at that time. Appreicate the help all.
  18. That is a much better idea Joe Shaw and since you think this belongs to the general forum you're probably right but I've seen topic's such as what's everybody's age and it didn't get locked up and it went on for days. But if it does it does but maybe it won't. But now that you brought that idea up let's can this one and I'll just make up a list that I don't know and ask it like that. That's a much better idea thanks. Ok everybody - never mind. I'll be back.
  19. I am trying to compile a list of military abbreviations that people use on this forum when posting. Reason being I don't know what the hell you trolls are talking about half the time and it's just not as interesting when you don't understand the conversation as you can well imagine so since I can't find it I'll make it. That's where you guys come in. If each of you would give an abbreviation or two and then in plain english spell it out - this is where I come in - I'll compile myself a list so I can at least understand what you are talking about. So what do you say? Now I know there are going to be some wise asses out there that will try some nonsense abbreviations but hopefully I'll catch them. Now in case I don't catch every one you only can blame yourself when I use them sometime in a post and would hope you would be ashamed of yourselves. Probably not but should be. How about it? This could be over time so you don't have to study up on it or anything just bump the topic when you remember or come up with one. Ok, now if you're willing does everybody understand what to do? Oh yeah - and thanks in advance. I hope this doens;t get locked for being in the wrong forum. I feel it belongs here.
  20. Well, tenfive2 I was also under the impression that machinegunners in WWII had an extremely short life span and still tend to believe it but really don't know. I do know that in CM the machinegunners are really a prime target from infantry up to and including tanks and would think the same applied in real life also.
  21. I keep hearing that the 75mm that the Sherman shot was a good infantry killer. Wouldn't the say 90mm be even better? Or the 76mm? Is it actually the 75mm itself because of the actual round or what? Or am I not understanding something?
  22. Excellent view point Machineman and makes sense. I kind of thought them unneccessary myself and sure wouldn't have wanted to be in one but thought maybe they were effective in some role but I think what you said is right on.
  23. That's funny so I'm not the only one sick to death of getting 100 AOL CD's sent to me?
  24. I know TD's were designed to kill tanks but were they successful? I don't really know except for my experience in the game and if that is correct man did somebody screw up. I mean sure you get lucky every once in a while but damn who would actually go gunning for a Panther in one of those things? Maybe I am all wet but were they actually really successful? Any TD guys know or anybody for that matter?
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