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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. That's funny ( not HA! HA! ) funny just funny that I was just thinking that some lighter ones would look good. So here you come and do them. They look very nice thanks for sharing. I'll certainly use when they become available. Again, very nice job.
  2. Consider yourself praised. Really excellent camo detail. I hope Maximus copies and pastes the web gear to them and gets them posted.
  3. Two Tigers? Man, who was that guy? I bet you were smiling ear to ear? Did it happen to mention how far away they were? That was your good luck for the year.
  4. Thanks guys. I thought that they were a different branch or something that no longer existed. And special thanks to Michael emrys for that very good description.
  5. That's a hard question to answer actually. There are so many options available. It is very much a personal taste thing. I would suggest looking at 2 or 3 of the sites that have mods to choose from and pick what you prefer. Now if you aren't familiar with the sites just go to the site that's mentioned above you're see alot of them and I suggest you read the different topic's that are at the top of the page before doing anything. I would also highly recommend going to WWW.combatmission.com/ and have a look at the 3rd party mod button that's on your left. It is an excellent beginners course and will help you get started by leading you around and showing you just what is available. I haven't noticed your name before so you may be new or I just hadn't noticed but if you are new to this forum then welcome to the best forum and best game ever. You are in for a treat. It don't get no better then this game!!!! Have fun. Oh yeah I should mention one last thing. If you are new to mods and this game I highly recommend finding out about CMMOS before doing anything else. You can find this out by going back and looking for a post mentioning this.
  6. Yes I agree with Panzerwerfer42. You should look at what these two guys have done. Very detailed and really stand out well. They look so real.
  7. I don't know if this is the BMP that you guys are talking about or not but the recent Greyhound mod by Marco Bergman has a bright pink what looks like shirt hanging out from his jacket. It sure looks out of place.
  8. Scipio, those are extremely real looking mods. You did an excellent job. I would use them even though not historically correct. Just too nice not to use. You should try doing a tank or something. You're good! :eek:
  9. This I believe is more or less along the lines of this thread so here goes. I have heard or maybe read about Path Finders in regards to the Normany landing. Were they another branch of the army? Were they better trained etc then the Rangers? Anyone know?
  10. Maximus, Pvt. Ryan was right and good guess it was I am 53 years old. Why do you ask? Or do I not want to know? Thanks Pvt. Ryan for your comment in regards to Maximus's question but I'm sure he meant no rudeness. I've been asking what to him probably seems like pretty dumb questions. He seems to be a highly intelligent guy and is just shocked with some of the ones I come up with. No problem. But you are right I just got my first computer about a year ago and am just not into machines or mechanical and never have been so this computer is just plain foreign to me. I really am interested in this game however and am going to figure it out or else. I actually am interested in trying to learn to do mods. Just decided today. So will be asking more dumb questions but will try to do it by email rather then thur this board. Anyway Maximus there you have it. Now why do you ask. Now I'm curious?
  11. I've got you now. Yeah, I've only played one operation and that was a year ago or so so don't remember so yes it would really add to the game for knocked out guns and vehicles to be left in the game but I bet it's hard on the processor and that's why it can't be done. But here's hoping.
  12. I was under the impression that they need. After they get knocked out don't they appear and when you click on them they state destroyed or some such remark? They do in the games I set up and play anyway. Might double check that. But if they don't then by all means they should. Now I'm wondering myself. :confused:
  13. You just can't find. I've got both but it's been some time ago so don't recall where I got them but they are out there. Every American vehicle is wintereized.
  14. Hey cool idea thanks. I'll be using a couple of those thank you. Just thought of something. I think I'll use one of those for some software I have at work. bet my boss wonders what in the world?
  15. Well if I do use the extra one I have on hand I'll get somebody to do it. I might be able to figure out how to actually install it but installing the software is were I don't have a clue. But I've got a guy that would probably do it for me for very little. I guess it wouldn't hurt and I might just need the space with this new CMMOS program. Now that's got me excited. Plus with CM2 coming out soon I'll probably need it. Well, I think you've talked me in to it. Thanks for your help and prodding Pvt.Ryan. Now where's those mods.
  16. I think that's going overboard a little but something like that just not so showy.
  17. Well anybody that's anybody knows it'll be December 17. I don't know how they knew my birthday. Somebody from the board must have told them. Those guys.
  18. Yeah Pvt.Ryan I actually am thinking about adding a larger drive but not real soon. I actually have a brand new 20 GM sitting here but think I'll wait and just replace the one in my computer also 20 GM with a much larger one. I don't really understand computers that well and just can't help but believe that a second drive would complicate things for me. It's hard enough as it is with trying to keep things simple but thanks for the idea. I might just try it. After all it is a brand new drive never been used. It's only 52 RPM and sounds like the better ones are like 7200 RPM's so I thought it might be best to wait for the time I can just go with the faster one.
  19. WoW! Soddball you did good. Great idea. I actually had thought of that years and years ago but thought it might sound stupid so didn't bring it up. Wish I had now. Did they invite you to lunch or anything? Just kidding it was a very good idea and if you will notice I was one of the first to say that. See how smart I am for picking up on a good idea. If you have any more let me know. I think we make a good team.
  20. Well then cool! OK, OK now I understand. You would just have to be on this end of it to understand me I guess. That is going to be so fantastic I can't wait. I normally don't stay up till 1:10AM but it's hard to keep away from this board in case somebody does something I don't want to miss it. But anyway I understand now and thank you for all your help these past two days.
  21. When I said thanks to Gordon & guys, Maximus was one of the - guys. I'm well aware of his contributions to CMMOS. He also is doing more then his share of babysitting us, me mostly and I really really appreciate it. Even if he thinks he's Mr. Perfect. Just kidding Maximus I picked it up from another post and thought I'd kid you about it. You don't seem bad to me. Very helpful in fact. Thanks.
  22. Hey thanks for the site. Very interesting and fun to see all that stuff. Man, tanks are cool!
  23. I forgot what I had intended to say. Got side tracked by Maximus's post above. Anyway I was going to say that I can't believe there's so little response to this mod. It is truely excellent and I for one want it. Actually it's down right kick ass. That's a lovely expression of mine. The up bringing I suppose. Anyway please do get it posted.
  24. I've been listing Maximus but I don't understand half of what you guys say. If you wouldn't use all that computer jargon it would help but hey I realize that's my problem. No insult or smartest intended. I greatly appreciate what you all are doing. So great we will be able to switch uniforms too. Man, make my day! Could you please hurry? We are waiting you know?
  25. Yeah it's confusing at times but it sure is fun. I'm thinking about wiping everything off and starting all over again. I bet I've downloaded dozens and dozens and more dozens in the past year and thinking it's about time I got it under control. Besides it'll be fun all over again. I now realize thanks to a couple of kind gentleman on this board that they all take up space. Course I'll keep the ones I know I'd just turn around and reload. And have you looked at the new mods? They are just - well they're just fantasic looking. Sometimes I just want to watch them drive around and look at them. Seems silly I know but damn these guys are putting out some just excellent mods. Oh, have you seen the American crews from various vehicles? They look like they have a bright pink shirt on under their jackets. It's funny as all get out. Take a look. I'd not ever noticed them before tonight so maybe it's something I did or whatever. There's just a little showing but you can see it for miles. Funny.
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