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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. How is it possible that the AI's tanks can shoot smoke immediately when it takes my tanks a turn before the smoke is seen and effective? I mean it's ok if that's the way it is but I just mainly want to know if that's right or am I doing something wrong? It always makes me kind or mad, well not really mad but you know, unfair kind of when I'm just about to pop his tank and it hides behind smoke. Heck by the time I can shoot it smoke my tank already is smoking itself, if you know what I mean? Any body got any info? I'd appreciate it.
  2. I couldn't agree with you more. There are some really neat and nice people out there. I don't play a lot of games right now due to it being summer but when winter comes and I'm at home a lot I'll play more and one of the reasons I enjoy it is the opponents you meet. But damn them for winning.
  3. Nice work Tanks a Lot. Yes I will enjoy the game a little more with these building. Really a nice improvement for the game thanks to you.
  4. More outstanding work Andrew. Thank you. The camo Heer uniform is the best I've seen. I also love the black tankers uniforms and am dying to see them in my tanks. Great work my man.
  5. Well, I guess I know now. Thank all who answered and Shandorf- don't be a showoff. No that was great, thanks.
  6. I have played this game for a year now and just realized that I don't even know what caliber these two German machine guns are. Would someone be so kind as to educate me? The main reason I'm asking is that it seems to me that both these guns are much more powerful or at least more effective than the American MG's and since the American MG's shoot the powerful 30/06 I really can't see that the 7mm Mauser which is what I was thinking they shot is that much better if even better at all. Now it may be that they are just a better MG overall and I was also hoping that someone would bring that up when answering this post. Anybody know? :confused:
  7. I agree it would be nice to have a forum just for when one is looking for a game. I for one would be able to play more if I knew I could just post an invitation for a game and within minutes got a game. Seems like a great idea to me, I wonder why it hasn't already been done?
  8. Hi Danzig and welcome to this board. Well you are in for a treat getting this game. It'll be the only game you keep playing long after you put the others away. Really. As far as mods I'll give you my opinion. If I were you I would play the game without changing any mods until you start getting used to it, not bored but used to it. Then you follow Maximum's suggestions although I personally don't use all the ones he's mentioned but mods are a matter of opinion thing so you will just have to look at them all and make your own choice. He is right however in that the game will be greatly improved appearance wise. That is what is so neat about this game. You never get bored with it. Not only is it the best game there ever was but you keep changing the appearance of it by switching to different mods and it just seems to always keep you interested. Well, have fun and hope to see you around the board. Oh one last thing. I sure hope you aren't married. No don't get the wrong idea, I'm married to a female. I just wanted to know so I can feel sorry for her when the game arrives and she becomes the second most important thing in your life.
  9. Music?, Music? You want to hear music when you're killing and blowing stuff up? What is this world coming to?
  10. Sorry Andrew I was so excited about the uniforms I forgot to answer your question. My answer is yes. I would use the crews camo uniform. I will probably use the black more often but it's nice to be able to change things once in a while so yes I would like to be able to use them when I want something different. I realize the shared texture thing but unless it really looks goofy I'll still use.
  11. All I can say is WOW! Man, those are great looking, I mean GREAT! Excellent job Andrew. Thanks ever so much. Now hurry up please I'm dying to use them.
  12. ok,ok some of us have to work you know? Plus aren't you supposed to be dead or something? Maybe that was just a rumor? But hey thanks for the mod whoever you are. No really, thanks. We know you guys are busy so do appreciate you taking some time to get this one out. It is a beauty alright. So, like could you hurry up on CM2? I can hardly wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. That sharpshooter will probably be promoted to Sniper for that. Good job.
  14. Well, some may bitch at you but they still are kind enough to answer the question. These damn guys are great!
  15. I want to thank you bindseye for taking the time and energy to type all that. I will review each suggestion that you made and decide if I want to get involved in trying it out, some of the suggestions looks pretty heavy for me but I'll do the ones I know I can. But I do thank you. It was very nice of you to go to that trouble.
  16. Well, I'm not one for change but it sure sounds good to me. Not being real computer smart myself however I just hope us dummies will be able to figure it out? It sounds like somebody has put alot of time and energy into this and I for one want to thank them for keeping the game interesting and fresh. Acutally that thanks is to all the people that have improved the appearance of CM thur mods and such. I am sure all of you will go to heaven, at least if I have anything to say about it.
  17. Picture this if you will. Your troops are mounting an attack on enemy position. One of your squads are working their way throught a forest while another one is sneaking up over a ridge and there's your one Sherman trying to outflank a Tigers. Now you are seconds away from starting the attack. All of a suddent a fog bank moves in dropping visability down to zero. Your whole plan goes to hell. Anyway, that's my suggestion. Would that add a lot to the game. And it doesn't have to be just fog it could be a real hard rain that just pours down bogging a tank or two that was moving off a road. Anyway you get the picture. Well we are just dreaming here aren't we?
  18. S0 you tryed it too. Sounds like yours was also fun. I had to make a lot more commands then you so I guess we weren't doing it alike but mine sure was fun.
  19. Oh I see. Thank you very much for that info. I was really disappointed in the game, well a little, that it wasn't correct in their ratings. Now that you explained it I feel better. And it does make sense. So OK all's well now. I can now go back to playing the game without any hard feelings. Thanks Ron.
  20. Quoted by Desantnik ___________________________________________ Then there are numbers: only about 7-10% of German war machine was engaged on all fronts except the East (so those 10% had to be devided between France, Mediterranean and Afrika Korps). Now bulk of those troops were stationed in France and those were for the most part second and third line troops with next two nothing in experience and obsolete machinery ____________________________________________ Sorry Desantnik. Not that I am saying you are wrong because I have no idea but in order that I may learn something I am asking if these figures are true - about only 7 to 10% of the German army fought on the Western Front. Because if that is true I am terribly wrong in my thinking. Now can anybody back that up? If so then I'm way off base, which wouldn't be the first time but I never get tired of learning something new or interesting. I would really like to know. Anybody???
  21. I never use them myself when picking for the AI but will have to try them after your tale. Sounds like you had a good time - great. Isn't this game just kickAss!!!
  22. Well I told you I'd try your idea about lining the troops up in column and advancing across the board. Well, I did and it was really a lot of fun. I actually won but was surprised because I thought I got my butt kicked. Score was 39 to 61. It was however a "Allied minor Victory" but I'll take it. So, if you haven't played it you show try it. Man, were they waiting for me however. If I didn't know any better I'd say the AI cheaped. I mean everything they had was right in my way. I just ran straight into his 3 Panzers which knocked out my 3 M4 Shermans within the first 4 turns. Anyway it was a blast and I think I'll do it again but this time with more troops and better tanks. Thanks for the idea it was a lot of fun.
  23. Well I ran a test to see which was the better tank and it turns out the PZ IVG hands down. The first test was at 552m. Ten tanks each, face to pretty face. After it was over no Sherman's but 5 PZ IVG's left. So I think - OK, that's kind of expected due to the range. The PZ is more accurate at the longer distances. Now I set up same number of tanks but at 284m. Well, when the smoke clears there again are no Sherman's left but this time 6 PZ's left. Now I'm not sure but I do believe the PZ IVG is a better tank and therefore should cost more. One other test was run. This was same 10 tanks but they were back to back about 20 meters apart. Well the Shermans do have a faster turrert. No PZ's left but 9 Sherman's were laughing and joking about how easy PZ's blow up. Anyway, it was rather interesting but now more then ever I feel that the valve of the PZ's are understated.
  24. I don't know if anybody will be able to answer that question. I personally would think it would depend entirely on the vehicle. Like would a Sherman turn faster then a Panther or Chaffee or whatever. I'm sure you could find out but unless there's a book on " How fast do tanks and Self Propelled guns turn " you would be hard pressed to get an answer. I would however assume ( you know what assume means ) but anyway I would assume the vehicle that ran the fastest would be able to turn the fastest but that's certainly only a guess.
  25. Since this is a pretty much discussed thread allow me to put my 2 cents in. Not having been in WWII I was however in Viet Nam and did ride a lot in trucks, not half tracks but trucks. These ranged in size from your regular 2 1/2 ton to 5 ton bridge trucks ( big mothers, if you've ever seen one ) but anyway, I or should say we had no problem standing. There would however only be room for two guys at a time to stand and provide guard while traveling. Now there may be a lot of difference in the ride compared to a half track and I'm sure there was but it wasn't so much the fact that you wouldn't be able to shoot from one but we were taught to get the hell off of it and get away from it if attacked. They explode real good and you wouldn't want to be around one. Anyway, this may help answer why you don't fight from a vehicle unless you have to. Oh one last comment. In real rough terrain the guards sat down even though we weren't supposed to. Couldn't have shot if we had had to.
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