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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. I'm not the best guy to answer but until one does I'd say no. I've tried to keep up on what is and what is not going to be in CM2 and don't recall any mention of this being allowed. Maybe my post will promp someone else to reply that knows for sure. So until told otherwise I'd think not.
  2. Enoch. I started a post about this very thing back on 8/26/01 titled "American 76mm tank cannon-Why? It has 93 posts to it and will tell you everything you want to know and more. Very good reading I recommend it. Hope this helps?
  3. You are good. No doubt about it. You really have the detail down. Excellent looking uniform. Now if you could just enjoy modding the web gear.
  4. Quote: I think it would be particularly interesting if one player would be the infantry commander and the other the tank commander and THEN try to coordinate your forces. _____________________________________________ That would be an excellent idea. I could really get behind something like that. I'm all excited just thinking of the idea. :eek:
  5. I see here that Germany did have a semi-auto shoulder weapon being the 7.92 mm Gewehr 41. I wonder why it wasn't used more instead of the bolt action that was the predominantly used rifle in WWII? This book I'm looking at is very good but very little comments of useage and dates. Mostly just specs. Anybody ever hear or know any details about this rifle?
  6. Outstanding then in regards to the rule sets. We will never get bored with uniforms in the game after you get that done. Also were you actually going to add some web gear to Scipio's excellent looking uniforms and if so you will let us know when and where?
  7. I don't know Andrew about wanting 150mm Hetzer's. My American's have enough trouble with the 75mm. Those are some bad little tanks and the 75mm is plenty gun I think. Course if I played the German's it would be a different story. Cool site thanks.
  8. Now it's looking good. Really like all the extra's. It really just makes the mod. yeah, I for one would like to use them and if Maximus comes out with the rule set it'll be just great to be able to change between uniforms.
  9. Ok, got you David but which is better to stay undetected before you are spotted sneak or crawl? Do you know by chance? And which would be better to use after being spotted and say you want to get out of there because every body and their mother is shooting at you? I would think crawl would be because I would think you'd want to stay low to the ground but that's using common sense and may not be correct in the game.
  10. What I am calling an improved Tiger is referred in this book as "Tiger" ( Redesigned). It's not the "King Tiger" or "Royal Tiger". In looking at it closer the hull does differ from the Pz.Kpfw. VI or Tiger as it's normaly called. It's actually the Pz. Kpfw. and weighted 75 tons just like the King Tiger. Oh this probably is what you are talking about David but looking at the specs it's quite different from the specs for the King Tiger however.
  11. Sorry I see you stated that you either crawled or sneaked to a position. Sneaked? is that a word? :confused: Anyway, which did you do? Maybe that's the key. Which is better to avoid being detected? Hopefully someone knows.
  12. yeah that sucks. Would it be better to try to sneak to the desired position rather then crawl do you suppose. I don't know so this is actually a question I suppose. But maybe it would.
  13. Thanks Vergeltungswaffe. I'm glad you mentioned the sHF too. That helps. Why didn't the German's just use plain old English like the rest of us though? Darn people!
  14. Are you talking about using maps from the game's assortment of scenario's? or from 3rd party scenario's? I would love to be able to use some of the game's maps but tryed after reading your post and couldn;t bring them up from the "Load" button after saving the actual scenario. I would appreciate help on this as I spend so much time creating a map and I too am not in to map building. Any body?
  15. Cromwell. You may be right but it does not mention SIG at all. What is a SIG anyway. the book is supposed to have every German vehicle and gun in it and I couldn't find anything on a SIG. Is it known as something else? One of these infantry howitzers I was talking about went by the name " Grizzly Bear".
  16. Hopefully Pvt. Ryan you won't mind me throwing something in here but it does pertain to Tigers. I recently saw a picture of the improved Tiger and it sure is a shame that the game doesn't model as far as the actual appearence more accurately. It looked quite different then what's in the game. Half Panther half Tiger tank. Really a great looking tank.
  17. OK, so maybe they weren't too hot but sure looked like mean little suckers. Thanks for the reply and info Brian.
  18. Good and timely question Brian. I was under the impression that tanks could cross fords and in a recent scenario I played they couldn't. I was really preplexed due to having to route all these tanks to another crossing that was quite a good distance away and wasn't able to outflank the damnned enemy as planned. Sure screwed up my brilliant attack. :mad:
  19. They don't seem to be as they show the StuH42 as a S.P. assault gun. Says the infantry howiters consisted of the 15cm heavy infantry howitzer mounted in the hull of a modified turretless Pz. Kpfw. II chassis.
  20. I was reading a book titled "Second World War Combat Weapons Vol. 1 and came across several types of S.P. Heavy Infantry Howitzers. I had not seen or heard of these before or at least they aren't in CMOO so I assume these were not encountered in the Western Front? I was wondering if they would be in CM2. They sound pretty cool and seem like they would be tough on the troops or were at least intended to be. The info in the book is limited in regards to useage of said vehciles but do provide good specifications. Anybody have more info on the useage of these troop killing machines?
  21. I'm in Texas and would love to come - really but wasn't invited but afraid couldn't come if I had been but sounds like fun! You guys enjoy and don't talk bad about others from this forum. We could have something like this in Texas but ofcourse Texas is so so big that it would take weeks to get to a central location so that's out.
  22. Alright this could be fun but I just want to sit on the side lines. Please nobody mention my name. I'll just be watching but as far as a subject how about the American's, British and Canadian armies would have still beaten Germany's butt even without the Eastern Front and the Russian's.
  23. I am not sure but if you are referring to the Pz. Kpfw. I , it was built by the Krupp Company who I assume was German. It evolved from the experimental Model K-1 which appeared in 1934. Did you know ( probably do ) that it had two 7.92mm only? Sorry no picture but I will be learning to do that some day.
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