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Everything posted by Shandorf

  1. And its an easy one. What is the ROF of a Hotchkiss H39? Thanks! Shandorf
  2. Had you been here a little earlier you would have seen the one I now have above mine. :eek: </font>
  3. My gawd have things gone downhill in my absence! For the love of all the is holy there is someone posting here by the name of POOBEAR! Good gawd! I bet he/she has a poster of the whole Jellystone crew plastered above their bed! Yuck! Okay, what is this I read that Peng is playing that drunken sod of a an Irishman Fionn? Listen hear, Pengy, if you need, crave, lust a good ass thwacking you need go no further than sending me a setup, you got that? To think that you would sully yourself playing in the pool with Fionn is a crime most foul. So, quit surfing the web with one hand and send me a CMBB Demo setup! One of those new spiffy scenarios. Hell, I will even play the Russians, you grasshumper. Oh, and to the rest of you... You SUCK[TM]! Jeff
  4. Hey, guys... When I left my last job I forgot to e-mail my password to my home account, so now the e-mail for the account points to my old job which I no longer have. My old account name use to be: jshandorf Mind you not that I don't like my Shandorf account I just miss my old one. Thanks! Jeff
  5. I think with a human vs human game the soviets would get pounded everytime there. I would never drive by those ambush point without first scouting the positions to make sure there aren't pak guns waiting to attack my flanks. Jeff
  6. Yeah, I remember that KT with the stealth armor! Dag-nabbit! Congrats, Ari. And I think Micheal Dorosh did a good job considering I wooped his butt. He groaned and moaned like a real trooper. Anyway, I missed second by ONE FRIGGIN POINT! ARGH! Well, considering it only took like 9 months to finish I am amazed at the satying power of some of you. Congrats, Jeff
  7. Good gawd... Some of you are STILL here. Eeegahds. Anways.. I have ALOT of free time at the the moment on my hands and I would be up for a game... Any game... (Sit DOWN Bauhaus!) Not THAT kind of game.. yeesh. So, since I haven't played for a while I should be an easy mark. Send me a setup. Jeff
  8. Fionn... eh? Ya want to know how to beat him? Just get under that thin skin of his.. THAT always unbalances him. Oh.. and somehow figure out how to stop those half squads he rushes forward like sheep in a damn mine field. Jeff
  9. You Hans! You hget your puter fixed yet? And are you working tomorrow night at Ground Zero? Yar! Jeff
  10. Those computer picked forces look whacked to me, and the map looks rigged, but it could be real. The guy is just a whiner. Dorosh I will kick your butt with no whinning and with twice the ballsy bravado comments and obnoxious barbs. Send me a setup. Jeff
  11. The first decent mod in quite a while. Good work. Jeff
  12. I should hope not! The last thing we need around here is a fly-blown kitten. Sharndorf's socks smell bad enough already.</font>
  13. The biggest short-coming of CM is that people like M. Bates are allowed to buy and play the game. Jeff
  14. My gawd... why does anyone even debate with M. Bates? So far I have heard nothing new dicussed in this thread and on top of that all the bitching I have heard before over a year ago. Odds are... if people have a bitch about the game, and it is not legit, they just suck at CM and want to blame the game for thier lack of skill or will to improve at it. Jeff
  15. In the book "Panzer Aces" I am reading it seemed that atmost 2 shots would be fired before scoring a hit, even at long ranges of 1000+ meters. Oh well... Jeff
  16. President? I didn't remember voting for him...Hmmm... oh well. Congrats, and all the best. Jeff [ 01-24-2002: Message edited by: Shandorf ]</p>
  17. Hey guys... Since it is war related and the movie is premiering tomorrow I thought I would point you guys here for info on the real story before you see Holloywood's take. Check out: http://www.philly.com/packages/somalia/sitemap.asp It is a great site and it gives you a renewed sense of how much our soldiers in uniform deserve our respect and gratitude for what they do. Jeff
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon: Orange Whip * 3 oz Orange juice * 1 oz Rum * 1 oz Vodka * 1 oz cream * ice Volunteer Gag (Bigh Orange Whip) * 3 oz Orange Juice * 3 oz Jack Daniels (No Kentucky Bourbon) * 1 oz cream * crushed ice whip drink in a blender.<hr></blockquote> Damn you Slap and your Foo-Foo drinks. Be a man and just drink from the bottle. It's not like being a beligerant drunk would hurt your social life in any meaningful way. Jeff
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem: Yeah, I am bad at starving him and he (we) don't get enough exercise. He made it through his liver operation last summer okay, but things might be turning bad again. Just had him at the vet today for a blood test/liver panel.<hr></blockquote> Well, I hope your fat little friend is okay. I'm a sucker for doggies. Even earless ones...Croda you bastard. Jeff
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*: ROFL Shandorf, I love your sig..<hr></blockquote> As do I, Foobar. As do I. Jeff
  21. Ya know, I get Steve's point of view and I totally agree with him. I just wish it wasn't true. I always try to pick a historically accruate outfit when I playing a battle and It seeems that ALWAYS when I play someone who has picked the British they pick those damn Churh VII's. Very annoying but something i have to live with. Oh well... Jeff
  22. Hey, who haven't I played yet? I need to play you if you are one of those people. Jeff
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Treeburst155: Maybe Jarmo isn't lucky at all. It could be that Lady Luck is just pissed off at The Pool and all who claim to be members thereof. Treeburst155 out.<hr></blockquote> You're just jealous. Jeff
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