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Everything posted by Shandorf

  1. Hey all, I am in CST and I am looking for another PBEM game. Even though I have 8 games going on all my ooponents seem to have went to sleep our something. Send me a setup. I am registered at Tournamenthouse. Jeff
  2. Seanachai, I have sent the PBEM. What have you not replied? Could it be you lower manhood shriveled up and crawled up into your stomach when you saw the PBEM I sent you? Eh? MEEEEEEeeeeeeeks! Send me my damn turn you sniveling, little pug dog. Jeff [This message has been edited by Shandorf (edited 10-22-2000).]
  3. Actually I have registered two names.. One is my home and the other my work. But if you wish to think I am sick and demented then I gladly support the viewpoint. ATTENTION!!!! Hear ye! Hear ye! In a re-match with the terrible Meeks I was able to crush him in TWO turns!!! Yeah! 99 points to his 1. Yep, you guess it... he surrendered. It was a meeting engagement and I completely captured the town on the first turn. I knocked out his only 2 fireflies and destroyed any armored carrier that entered the town.. This is all on the second turn mind you. At the end of the second turn I had a Company of SMGs in the town with 2 flame half-tracks and a platoon of Volksgrenadier in reserve. All he able to muster was 2 piat teams which were going to be displatched next turn. Heh..Heh... Lets not mention that when he eventually would get around to moving that One company of infantry of his even near the town I had a 150mm artillery gun waiting for their approach. Muahahha... Oh and the pitiful 3 units of 2cm mortars he had were about to be blown of the map by my StugIII next turn. In hindsight surrender was his ONLY option. Ahhh I feel refreshed and anew once again. Jeff P.S. The movies are available upon request. [This message has been edited by Shandorf (edited 10-19-2000).]
  4. Crud-da you moron, You sent me the file I sent you! You dolt! I already sent you an e-mail on it but I geuss it takes to long to reply when you are typing with only one hand! Arrrgh! Jeff
  5. Hear ye! Hear ye! I have been instructed to post as to the victory of that miserable little gerbil twit Meeks over my pathetic Hamstertruppen. With the number of his vehicles laying in wreck about the field I though victory was within my grasp, alas it was not to be. Since he is inherently evil in all sorts of mean and nasty ways, least ye not forget his stench, he snuck 2 platoons within my mists and promptly sent my hamsters running for there Kleenex boxes. But I WILL have my revenge! All I see is a Meeks I want to kill. Give the Meeks a blade. I will kill him! I will! Jeff
  6. Hey, Crud-da. You appeared to be chomping at the bit to play me so I expedited that PBEM. I must say I have gotten eye strain tonight waiting for your reply. You seem to have ample time to wallow in this filth so quit typing with one hand and send me your turn!! Jeff
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Airborne: Sorry, Jeff but I think the P-47 had 8 .50 cal Mgs.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oops. You're right. I was thinking of the Hurricanes and Typhoons. Also I meant to say P-38 instead of P-37. damn.. I gotta quit posting at work. Too paranoid to check my posts for errors. Jeff
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav: Sounds like one hell of a game. Who's winning? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> To be honest it think I have a slight edge. Even though I did finally lose that Sherman in a spectacular exchange of gun fire. I broke 4 shells off the Panthers turret before succumbing to a turret hit. But I don't care it was great to watch. So far we are batttling it out on my left flank. I have dedicated 2 platoons for the defense with some support units and Elijah has thrown now less than 4 platoons into the woods attacking me. If I can wipe out one more platoon I can live with the exchange. But lets nor forget the 5 burning viehicles of Elijah's. 3 pumas, 1 SPA, and 1 jadgpanther. I also kicked around that panther so they are beat up but still operational. I have lost only 2 tanks abd about 50 men I would geuss. Jeff [This message has been edited by Shandorf (edited 10-04-2000).]
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: You've played him before? That's odd, he sure plays like it's only his second game. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> All talk... Considering I am wiping the proverbial floor with you one would think that you would pay more respect. Jeff
  10. Okay... I put my Sherman in a position to get a shot at a Panther's SIDE armor.. When the opporutnity came my Sherman went into FULL reverse, took a wild shot and popped smoke! The whole time the Panther shot at a bazooka squad. IT NEVER SAW MY SHERMAN! Fer...ding...blasted..STUPID Sherman!!!! I hate the americans. I hate them. Rant over. Jeff
  11. Whoa, I didn't expect this kind of a response. Anyway... The graphic of the house blowing up is fine with me. I realize it is just the representation of the house collapsing. The only thing I ever found odd about it was the number of casualties you take. It seems that the more men that are alive in he squad the more casualties you take. For example.. I have NEVER seen a fresh squad take less than 50% casualties from a collapsing building but for most squads that are already down to say 1-5 men only take 1-2 casualties most of the time. Which is less than 50%. I would think that the number of casualties should be more random that's all. Jeff
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Combatboy: Seems like the sharpshooters are really weak. I only use them as scouts anyway, what else do you use a guy with 10 shots for? One time though I killed a tank commander with one, so I am willing to admit being stupid about them. How do you use them?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I use them solely to take out TCs. Other than that they can burn up thier ammo pretty fast shooting at infantry. Jeff
  13. Okay, so BTS is going to do "something" about the gamey jeep thing? Whatever it is I hope it ONLY prevents that gamey tactic and does not effect the rest of the game. Personally I like the command and control system in place and I cringe when I hear someone talk about changing it. Hey Steve! Since you seen to be perusing this board did anything ever come of you guys looking into gun damaged tanks that won't engage with the bow gun? I had a PzIVH that had a gun hit and the darn tank would absolutely REFUSE to engage infantry with it's bow MG. Anyway, not meaning to get off the topic. Jeff
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by iggi: Or you can use your imagination and come up with some ideas instead of accepting things as they are.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Pleeeeze... spare me the sarcasm. Modifying the game's physics to correct an obvious flaw is one thing but trying to implement rules that would limit the actual play?? No way... Steve or Charles will never do it. If you want to play gamey then play gamey. I will promise you it will not win you battles. If fact.. E-mail me a game and implement every little gamey tactic you can concieve and I will promise you it will not win you the battle. Sure your get some intel, but so what.? After I elminate the pesky fly you send my way i will just reposition my troops. No big deal. I have encountered a couple of players that have sent jeeps racing forward and you know what? It did nothing for them. I don't see any problem that needs fixing. Do you? Jeff
  15. IMHO alot of people on this forum like to compare reality to CM (you know who you are ), and all I have to say to that is "fooey". CM is game. There are no bullets or bombs or llittle men running around in your computer. It is all a bunch of 1s and 0s put together to SIMULATE reality. Of coarse Steve and Charles did their best to make it as real as possible, and might I say they have done the best job I have EVER seen, they can never..ever...ever.. make it real. Period. If you are going to complain, or even maybe offer a suggestion just keep this in mind. Just because it might have, or could have, or should have, happened a certain way dosn't mean you can program a computer to simulate it all, and crying that you should does nothing but piss off the people that worked so hard to bring this game to you. You have to make abstractions and hope that doing so will capture the essence of what was real and leave the rest up to our imaginations. If some dolt wants to buy a buttload of jeeps and play "Flight of the AFVs" then so be it. Watch, enjoy, laugh, and then crush his stupid jeeps and the rest of his guys under the boot of your forces. Next time he might not do it, and if he does.. well, then don't play with him again. It's that simple. Whew... take it or leave it. Now go and play nice. Jeff
  16. My opponents are slow in sending me thier turns, or they are half way around the world, SO I am looking for a couple more PBEM games to keep me satisfied. Any takers? I really prefer the Germans but I will play the Americans. Send me a setup since I will be out for a bit! Thanks, Jeff
  17. For those of you that live anywhere within driving distance of Kearney, Nebraska you should drive on down there in August. They have a machne gun shoot where I personally witnessed a MG42 and MG34 fired before me. To say the least it left me with a healthy fear and respect for the guns. Jeff P.S. BTW i don't live in Nebraska...
  18. I also think this is a serious issue. In my PBEMs I rely heavily on the terrain I am fighting in, and if I have to distrust all hills for cover for my infantry then this severly limits my attack avenues and over strategy. Jeff
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by patboivin: I noticed sometimes buildings show up as Heavy Building * or Heavy Building ** I assume this is an indication that the building took structural damage, and maybe I should move my troops out of them asap before the building collapses. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Correct. That is the last indication you get. The building is very weak. I would recommend moving those guys outta there. Jeff
  20. (Stumbling to the top of the hill. Clothing tattered and burned) Geezzuss frickin' age christ! Who laid out that damn mine field? (jerking thumb violently over shoulder) If it wasn't for the stumbling boot tracks and urine trail I would have never made it! I just about blew off my freakin' leg! Damn S-Mines! Ya know, they are a bitch to diffuse! (Taking a few nervous deep breaths and looking around) Hey?? Is that a buffalo with Guinness on it's back? Move out of way! (Calling off towards the Buffalo) Hold that thing still will you? I need a beer! Who the heck parked this damn KT here? What's smoking on top of the Kangeroo? Man, is it getting crowded. Hey, somebody watch Mace! He's getting close to the edge of the mine field! Whaddaya mean he's taking a leak? Hey, does anybody know that there is a field full of troll like Germans back down there? (pointing off down the hill) Man, they can't sing worth a darn.... Jeff
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sniperscope: Tiger Ace, (I think) Fionn is working behind the scenes with BTS on CM related subject matter. Or at least I hope so. sniperscope<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I am playing a PBEM with him and I am only getting 1 turn a day so either he's bored with my attack or he is busy with something. Jeff
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