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Everything posted by Shandorf

  1. BTW, I just want to formally announce that Beril is running away from me in our game. He has ordered a massive withdrawal across the entire front. When Lorak gets his sorry ass back in here I will have chalked up another victory... Jeff ------------------ "It's takes a big man to cry, but it takes bigger man to laugh at him." - Jack handy
  2. Yo, hairy-one. Looks like Freak-boy wants to get together on the 27th now. So then it is set. Tuesday, March 27th at 5:00pm in Kieran's Pub. I would assume they serve either Murphy's or Guiness there? Jeff
  3. You dolt, Kieran's Pub is on 2nd Avenue South BETWEEN 3rd and 4th Street. You don't get out much do you? Understandable since people do stare at people who drool and have humps. Jeff
  4. LORAK! I request you record the following.... ME - Ultimate winner and nine time champion! JD - Scum sucking loser, but mind you, scum comes in a close 3rd behind him. Yes.. The Score was 60-something to 30-something. The score though does not reflect the sound thumping I gave JD. For I took my time and smelled the flowers and the burning corpses along the path to JD's humiliation and thus I was punished with not having enough time to take the last flag. I did take 4 of them... But who am I kidding JD knows I played him like a bustop whore. Ahhh.. the joy....
  5. Gee, I can't wait... Maybe then you will actually start putting up a fight? Jeff
  6. My point in the 251/1s thread was that I am NOT doing recon. I am ATTACKING. My front infantry screen line is supported by 251s, to give heavy weapons support and to basically force my opponent to attack with his heavy weapons and AT assets so that I can bring my tanks and SPs forward to eliminate those threats. At no time am I doing real recon. So what Bullethead is talking about and what I am doing are two completely separate things. Jeff
  7. You should be blown away. I rock. BTW I do get 1000 more points than you to attack with. Sheesh.. Do the math. you're the lawyer. Jeff
  8. They don't because it prevents people from using them in a ahistorical role, such as front line troops. Jeff
  9. How about "Whuppin' boy"? Since Hiram left we have need of a good whuppin' boy, and besides Bauhaus gets lonely at night and needs someone to cuddle. You might do.. yep. You sure would, you're just about the riiiight height. BTW, you asked for someone lower than Mace? Well, my club-footed mook, look no further than the squire of Stuka, or is it Joe shaw, or was it Mark IV??? Damn... You see? He is so insignificant I can't remember who even sponsored him. What was his name...? Hmmmm Aqua Vulva? No... that's not it.. Pedro the wetback? No. Aquila Penis? Damn. Anyway, I am sure someone here will remember. Or if not.. Then you can always play the Dalem. Mind you, he sucks, but in a good way. Just try not to fall asleep playing him. That is his tactic ya know. He bores you into a semi comatose state, and even then he can't win. Maybe after a while you can work your way up to Croda? It wouldn't take much but, hey, I don't know you from Adam. Jeff
  10. Senile, I demand to know when we will take up arms against one another again. For you see I have a lot of arms here in this pile. They come from Gerbilboy, JD, Berli, Croda, Hiram, The Dalem, ack! How did dalem arms get in this pile?! Dammit! It must be that infernal dog of his dragging my arms around and getting them all out of sort. After that poor pooch lost it's ears it has never been quite the same. Anyway, where was I? Oh, yes! Senile! I relish battle with you once again. Why not we bring in the spring with some real good old fashion bloodshed. Whaddaya say, nanuck? Send me a setup and if I recall it is YOUR TURN to attack. Do your worst. Jeff
  11. During one of my breaks ( I am weak) I sent back a few turns. Yaz damn right I am a nice guy!) and one of them happened to be to JD who's ass I am kicking pretty bad right now. in one of his e-mails to me he hinted that this might be an assault. To say the least I was shocked at his accusation and I proved it to him by telling him everything I have or had that is... and now that toad doesn't send return files. You better not be backing out you spineless bottom feeder. Our game is on the up and up. You are just losing. You remember losing don't you, JD? It is what you do everyday in court. Remember? Except this time after you lose there isn't any big fat paycheck from the sucker..er.. client you just screwed...err... represented. Got it? deal with it! And Priest, you are barely tolerable when you DON'T bring friends. Get the hint? Back to the books. Die DBMS. Die. Jeff
  12. Okay, LISTEN UP, PEOPLE! I have HUGE midterm to study for this Friday so there will be NO Combat Mission for me. Thus, pray tell what does that mean for my opponents? You are gonna have to fricken wait for your turns! Allright???! And if it isn't allright *cough*Meeks*cough* then all I have to say is tough crappola! I am severely stressed (Yes, even more then usual) so don't flippen mess with me! Allright! Now blow! Jeff P.S. Crud-da you get the "big ass" setup I sent? Most likely it will take you until this weekend to get it back to me. ------------------ [This message has been edited by Shandorf (edited 03-07-2001).]
  13. Hey, all. I thought the shot trap was fixed by the G model? It appears that it is present on the G but not on the late G. Is this correct? Thanks, Jeff ------------------
  14. Wrong. I am not talking about Monster car stuff. If you read my post I actually mention that. Point of fact. Tanks can and have drove into and over things in combat. That was intended in the design so that they can bypass obstacles. But that is not my point so I digress. It doesn't take much to knock over a jeep or even a HT when it is being PUSHED by a tank. A rut in the road... a hole in the ground... a ditch.. a log... a stump.. anything that would impede the sliding of the jeep or HT. Then 1 of 2 things will happen. The vehicle will stop sliding and proceed to roll over OR the tank will drive OVER it. That is if the tank keeps going forward. Regardless of what happens what I am pointing out is that the people who once occupied said jeep or HT would EVACUATE fast! Why is that so hard to comprehend? I am not talking about fiery crashes and explosions which DID happen. If you read the article that is attached to the provided link at the top you can read for yourself. I don't think this kind of modeling is necessary at the moment though... But we do need something a little more realistic to happen when a tank runs into a smaller and lighter vehicle. We don't need to get all complicated and theoretical in discussing wether the driver had 2 or 10 cups of coffee. Sheesh. Jeff
  15. ...the gun went off! The racers were off! Steve spun to see in dismay the Canuck team bravely running along with their HMG carried between them. "Damn!" Steve yelled, spinning towards the plexiglass window. At that moment, realizing his opportunity, Mace...
  16. LORAK! Chalk me up another victory and a crushing defeat to my victim. jshandorf- WINNER! Yeah, baby! Grrrr! Dalem(Where's those ears?) - LOSER! Major victory for me. 72 to 20-something. I dished out over a 2 to 1 kill ratio. I am pleased. Jeff
  17. ...Suddenly Chup's cat-like mewling is cut short by the loud report of a steyr-aug on full auto. From the muzzle flashes the shadow of Chup's corpse performs some macabe dance against the curtains. Pieces of accordian bits fly intermingled with flesh and blood about his body as it slowly slumps to the floor in final silence. "Damn, I got blood and accordian bits all of my magazine! Now BTS will never believe me about the running HMGs," Bauhaus bemoans, as smoke wafts from the hot barrel of his steyr-aug. In a sudden rage sparked by the loss of his "HMG Times" magazine Bauhaus raises his steyr-aug and empties the cerramic magazine of it's remaining rounds into the lifeless husk of Chup. "Take that you feckin' Yankies fan," Bauhaus screams in rage, as the receiver snaps pack into the locked position signalling that the remaining round was spent. Feeling somewhat satisfied, as only Bauhaus could, he loads another magazine into the steyr-aug just as...
  18. Geezus, Mace! You look like an extra from Saturday Night Fever! Say it ain't so! Also that picture of Bauhaus... Hmmmm... Do I see pedophile tendances in that wicked grin? And who is the Lawyer character? jd you spineless worm did someone cut you in half? Weren't they aware of you a-sexual reproduction? Fools! Seanchai you long winded git. We have not crossed flaccid thingies in a while. Why don't you send a setup my way? Oh and Goanna tell us, how bad was the ass kickin' that guy gave you, when he saw you sitting on his bike? Jeff ------------------
  19. Ahem, Lorak. How did we both win? You dolt! I WON! So put down the pot and get it right lad. Jeff
  20. Micheal, Already corrected myself a couple pages back but thanks anyways. Jeff ------------------
  21. Hey, Lorak. If that is Mark IV's girlfriend in the picture with him, then pray tell who is that lovely lady on the left? OKAY! Another point of note. Mark me down for another win. Herr Oberst - LOSS ME - WIN Twas only a minor victory but then again he was only a minor opponent. Oh and Chup... After seeing your picture your mom told me to tell you to stand up straight and comb your hair. I'd listen to her man. Mom's know these things. Oh and i sent my picture in. Just to give you a frame of reference the picture was taken during a New Year's party and I was piss drunk. One more thing... Babra, how's that civil war re-enactment gig working out for ya? Jeff ------------------ [This message has been edited by Shandorf (edited 01-25-2001).]
  22. And now what you all have been waiting for... The results of MEEKS Vs JEFE! I crushed him. LORAK! Meeks - LOSS jshandorf - WIN Yep. The score was like 74-14 or somefink like that. It was just incredible at times. I would love to elaborate but I must sleep. Tomorrow I will tell you the tale. Jeff ------------------
  23. Hey, BTS. I have a setup here that I created using the scenario editor. I bought a bunch of M5A1s and even though on the panel readout at the bottom of the screen when you select the M5A1s it says 'Ammo: 250' the ammo loadout in the vehicle detail screen says zero. Jeff ------------------
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