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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Oh, I imagine his DI will manage to keep him occupied.
  2. And to think I invited le dale to go see these and he stands me up for a Y-Wing. link Think I'll bring a digital this year. Anything I can torment you with Mace?
  3. It will be more desirable, but not absolutely necessary. All you really need is a third "placeholder" unit.
  4. Getting his head slammed in the grill? He's a tricky one, you'll have to lay a better trap than that. If you were paying attention you'd know that pork loins won't even work. Throw a bottle of Scotch in the back, that should do it.
  5. Better stuff here Blashy. http://www.vectorsite.net/avmoss.html Wonder if they'll have the Comet at Oshkosh again this year? I'll have to look around.
  6. Heh, you mean one of the most amazing feats of WWI construction. Several aircraft still built that way today. Mostly the kit and homebuilt stuff.
  7. I suppose they could have come up with a genuine 100% German Bf109, but honestly, for one very short shot, why bother? They did use gun footage of the evil strafing plane getting shot down. Unfortunately, it looked like a FW-190, at about 20,000 ft...
  8. Actually, I'd imagine in 1945, they noticed it even more, having all become involuntary experts. Was a well shot scene though. You'd have to be pretty damn good at aircraft recognition to tell.
  9. Having seen old movies from that era where they used models, I heartily approve the use of P-51's for Messerschmitts.
  10. Any chance of you sending SirReal a free viru...er, upgrade?
  11. "A Walk In The Sun" was on last night. I forgot how great of a movie that is. Had the neat trick of not really showing you too much, because guess what? As a ground pounder, you couldn't really see much. Sharp eyes would have noticed the Luftwaffe was flying P-51's however. What's a movie producer to do? All the Bf-109's were gone. Allies had P-38's.
  12. Take care Stuka, I can get him there for $2369 round trip. On Turkish Airlines. And about a 27 hour flight each way. Hell for the Gnome, Hell for you, Great Fun for all of us. Mwuahahahaha...
  13. Sounds about right As you say, gonna lead to a lot of quibbling.
  14. Oh yeah, like I'm going to do that. He'll try to staple wings onto the helmet.
  15. Not even if I named it Odin, Despoiler of Freya and Other, Lesser Goobernational Fertility Goddesses?
  16. Even though the pound is strengthening against the dollar, you should still splurge. Try some Belgian wit. We have some around here that's hardly been used.
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