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Everything posted by Lars

  1. That would be, as in, Bubble-Headed? Noba. </font>
  2. Here you go. http://www.eaglegames.net/products/ATT/att.shtml Buy one for yourself, crib it off into a teaching unit. Sheesh, they taught you nothing in college...
  3. Do a WWII grand strategy game. Would probably go the more economic/resource route but throw in a few dice rolls perhaps, kids love a battle. Divide the little buggers up in teams, stand back, and watch the fun as they argue over what to do. Hell, if you can't even get them to play games…
  4. Just another Minnesota Blonde. Nice legs though.
  5. Er, cell phone lines were jammed. Yeah, that was it. Just jammed. Never mind that I don't have one… Btw, security cam footage here http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1ab_1186054443&p=1 Death toll is going to go much higher. [ August 02, 2007, 06:43 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  6. Wot he said. And to add for #1, HQ's are the supply chain too, so I guess in a sense, they're already "motorized". For #2, would be easiest to fold it into AA tech. btw, is there even going to be a 1.07? There's no real bugs that I've run into.
  7. Could be, could be there. That BowlofPee talks all la de da. Surrender monkey dego talk there, that's what that is. My, my, the New South just ain't the same, is it? {***spits chaw on Seanachai's head***}
  8. No, no, Stuka, bolding in this case is fine. Shuddup Bunyip
  9. Wait a minute. Sergie is still a gamey jeep rusher.
  10. Er, point of order. I believe fag hags congregate in flocking herds. But otherwise, yeah, these pumps are killing me.
  11. Sea zone grog alert!! It's within cooeee and msot people would not be so picky!! </font>
  12. Don't think this one will fit on a trailer In fact, I think they feed it trailers...
  13. Well, yeah. How else would they get there, silly? Walk? Go here Joe. I only took a few pics, there were 300-400 warbirds there. Can't get them all and still see the ultralights. http://dosomefink.com/index.php?ind=gallery&op=section_view&idev=5 btw, anybody know what the hell this is?
  14. Noticed the German warship loss on the map, got curious, had to go look it up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_auxiliary_cruiser_Michel They got blown away by a US submarine in Japan.
  15. Which, if you will note, most of those red dots lie outside the Antilles Chain. Not what most people would call Caribbean.
  16. Time scale and skewed stats. Between Drumbeat (early easy targets) and what gets counted as Carib or Atlantic, you can make the numbers work anyway you want. Also note, it's only showing US merchant shipping.
  17. Er, 30% failure rate is not exactly slipping by with ease.
  18. Oh, not just one. And not just B-25's. There were lots of planes to climb about in. For instance, the Helldiver... Bwahahahahaha!!!
  19. Deep in some sheep's mine, I'd think (as if I could be bothered (what with all my whining about the interface (and the " 'orrible athfindin' " (and the lack of everyfing I never thought of wanting)))). </font>
  20. Hmm, were only a couple that I recall seeing. Aluminum Overcast, Yankee Lady, and the one with the yellow tail. Fuddy Duddy I think. Did have a B-24 there that I hadn't seen before. Ol 927. Unfortunately, they had it parked way out past the line. Didn't get a very good pic.
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