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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Hmm, those Rules didn't suck as much as usual. Mediocre job there, Boo.
  2. For the WMDs, both sides had them, and had even nastier stuff than WWI, and had effective means to deliver them. The Germans would have lost more than they would have gained. As for Dunkirk, the whole left flank of the Germans advance was hanging open and the French were by no means finished yet. Made a lot of sense to quit pressing on a defeated and seemingly trapped army and deal with the greater threat.
  3. So, I suppose this is a bad time to suggest displaying the war readiness right on the main map on a nation's capital?
  4. FREEDOM DAY? Did I miss another Homeland Security proclamation? Did the President decide that there's something wrong with the number FOUR ... perhaps a traumatic childhood episode in grade school that he's covered up? IT'S THE <BIG>FOURTH OF JULY</BIG> By Gawd and may it ever be so! On this day I stand shoulder to shoulder with EVEN THE LIKES OF YOU Lars and proclaim to the world that this is <big><big>INDEPENDENCE DAY</BIG></BIG> ! It was also, and not by coincidence, the day GooberNations were created. Joe </font>
  5. Even though all of you should be locked up, have a good Freedom Day.
  6. Well, duh… You don't have to beg for an invite for the 4th you know. Just pack up the troops and come on over. On second thought, beg. The Meat Palace is probably having a sale. [ June 29, 2007, 06:11 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  7. Watched it all, it was surprisingly excellent. When you going to loan me the second season?
  8. Story night? Isn't that just what we call Seanachai's turn at Sword of Rome? Btw, tell Papa Kahn the five player expansion is out. Might as well let Seanachai make another player wait.
  9. Mmm, shooting crows…could there be anything more fun? Well, shooting crows drunk, of course, but that rather goes without saying. Tell him I'll bring the $20 when they open up cormorants again. Hope you brought a fishing rod on the Rum, some good smallmouth action in there. Nice little wee river. I'm sure the hordes of Cub Scouts that train on it for their graduation to Webelo eventually found and rescued you.
  10. Hey! At no point was I being serious! Sheesh, I took you all over to pee in the rich guy's backyards, didn't I?
  11. Then why are you putting them on top of each other now? Perv.
  12. Oh sure, the mortgage banker picks now to get all ethical. With this lot? A six pack of Miller is about all they can afford.
  13. Hey Abbott, send him a setup based on a potato farm with a border crossing and a river.
  14. Q: WHAT DO YOU WANT? M: Well, I was told outside that... Q: Don't give me that, you snotty-faced heap of parrot droppings! M: What? Q: Shut your festering gob, you tit! Your type really makes me puke, you vacuous, coffee-nosed, maloderous, pervert!!! M: Look, I CAME HERE FOR AN ARGUMENT, I'm not going to just stand...!! Q: OH, oh I'm sorry, but this is abuse. M: Oh, I see, well, that explains it. Q: Ah yes, you want room 12A, Just along the corridor. M: Oh, Thank you very much. Sorry. Q: Not at all. M: Thank You. (Under his breath) Stupid git!!
  15. Partners finally threw you out, eh? About bloody time, we've been emailing them for months.
  16. There is a evil plot just laying there waiting, isn't there Boo? Shall we start passing out the Clairol to the Serfs? Although, I imagine you'll put on the usual clown wig. But what the heck, those shoes are just so you.
  17. I was wondering how many deer Abbott keeps in the house. In other news, the lack of a compass, moral or otherwise, left me adrift upon the lake with five days of vacation, a full tank of gas, a overstuffed checkbook, and a wife who likes to go topless. It was glorious.
  18. Because I did better than Grog Dorosh? If that were the only criteria needed to judge one's self worth, even a complete and total slacker like you would come across as an over-achiever. </font>
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