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Everything posted by Lars

  1. A beautiful spring day out. I shall now proceed to enjoy it from the comfort and safety of my windowless office. Sigh…
  2. btw, you are now off the sig for insulting the womenfolk. Like we had standards…
  3. Pfft, holds are for sissies. But I'll give you the bit about the lice.
  4. Been reading your posts on the GF, Lars. You've been posting all about Immigrants. You've been posting like a right ****-stick. You know, my ancestors met your ancestors. They told me your lot were a bunch of tossers. </font>
  5. Think he was touching her like Jack. So hey Abbott, how'd you off her?
  6. You sure it's not shining? I mean, that looks about right for a Seanachai story to me.
  7. Feh, should have gone with Kinky Friedman. I’ll make you the corned beef on rye She sings with a tear in her eye. And as her dark eyes are glistening There’s someone who’s listening In that highway café in the sky.
  8. Hmm, sounds like Mormons. Jehovah's Witnesses wouldn't have been scared off so easily.
  9. Oh, I don't know. The one bottom left is do-able if she let her hair down and you were drunk. Doesn't do a Mormon much good, but there you are.
  10. OOoooooooh man. I drank so much beer this weekend I could barely bring myself to drink dalem's yesterday. I haven't done that since…well…last weekend
  11. Hey, Leeo sent a turn! What am I supposed to do with these things again? Been awhile since any of you other pikers have followed up on a game, so I'm rusty.
  12. Yeah! Cuz with me Boo is on the first turns of his latest asswhupp'in. So there.
  13. So you drink all the Bud and give the guests the Boone's Farm… Well, that's certainly one way to keep them from coming back.
  14. Well, since I have exactly zero turns in the ol Inbox... I prance about with the windows open.
  15. ***...giggles and twists toe in the sand...*** Joe, there's Ladies present...
  16. ***...shudder...*** God save us. God save us all. And now you know why I drop trou when sailing by one of those foo-foo ships...
  17. Hey dalem! Got just the thing to perk Sam's ears up! link Trust me, you need one of these.
  18. Actually, Lac qui Parle is rather nice, been there. Awesome migration. link Since about a gazillion coots fly in there every season, Joe would feel right at home.
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