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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Guess I should have waited another two weeks before sending that turn. bastage.
  2. I never understood why Aussies took a perfectly good hat and folded up one side. Must like a wet ear.
  3. Don't worry. After he burns the back end off with a wood stove, he'll have to chop it.
  4. Sheesh, on the one day I change email accounts, and guess where the new server farm/call center is? Winona. Real fun setting everything up when they're under 4'-8' of water...
  5. New email address. cplarsen@mchsi.com Turns will go out as soon as I work the rest of the kinks out of the farging system…
  6. I'm sure the little girl will be better off if she knows the date of Thermopylae within 1,500 years, plus or minus. In short, if she learns it from someone other than you.
  7. Actually, went with the purest shimmering samite and a reenacting of the Lady of the Lake scene.
  8. Eh, it's my birthday and I'm going to Spamalot tonight. I was just getting in the mood. btw, you never expected better from me, so there.
  9. Reading from the Book of Peng Chapter 4, Verses 16 to 20: Then did he raise on high the Holy Scenario of Cess, saying, "Bless this, O Lord, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the Kniggets did rejoice and did feast upon the lambs and toads and tree-sloths and fruit-bats and orangutans and breakfast cereals. Now did the Lord say, "First thou give the Challenge. Then thou must call thy Opponent a Swine. Swine shall be the insult and the insult shall be Swine. Girly Man shalt thou not count, neither shalt thou count Moron, excepting that thou then proceedeth to Swine. Naughty bits are right out. Once the insult Swine, being the insult of Challenge, be reached, then lobbest thou the Holy Scenario of Cess in the direction of thine foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it." Amen
  10. So true. Germany was largely a horse drawn army. Always fun to watch those old videos of V-2's prepping for takeoff, and you notice the guy on a horsecart out on the launch pad.
  11. "Radley", "Ring" and "Tongue" are words I'd rather not see altogether first thing in the morning, thank you very much.
  12. Sure, sounds like it. Pretty easy to get 2/3rds when you have driven out your opposition and packed the Parliment with your cronies. Now all he needs to do is to burn it down and get his enabling acts through.
  13. I'm not sure what you are saying. Carter has never contested that Chavez won the election in 2004. Where did you read that?</font>
  14. But of course. I'm hoping there's a road over the Caucasus.
  15. Er, that's not quite what the Carter Report says Kuni. They did find serious flaws, and were unable to audit the results. They just decided not to contest the results. Since the first election however, things have gone completely down the crapper.
  16. Ok, no problem there. It's just when you spilt players up into groups, I figured the playtesters would naturally go in the vets group.
  17. Oh, you're soooo deluded on this one, Blashy. Been following it. Chavez seeks end to term limits All Hail El Presidente For Life!!!
  18. Eh, just take up drinking as a serious vocation. Aussies, gotta love them. Can't spell, but still...
  19. Yeah, but I'm going to be trying out new units just to see what the heck they do. Look, the whole idea for this tournament was for everybody to go in blind. The playtesters won't be.
  20. True, but they have experience with the new units, roads, rail, etc. I don't know exactly what they all do and how they inter-relate. A minor edge that'll go away after the first round.
  21. I'm in. PBEM only. Think you should put all the play-testers in the vet group, everybody else, newbies. Maybe another group of SSN's, but I doubt you'll get too many. And perhaps you should just flip a quarter all the way down to assign sides for the players.
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