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Everything posted by Lars

  1. You've got two choices. You can either pretend it never happened, and put it in your freezer, or you can eat it. Whatever you choose, I'm not going to be the one to call you a cheap neo-con whore. Even though you are. </font>
  2. How about making it do what it says? Popup - "Oooh, that was a really dumb move. Wanna mulligan?"
  3. Not when you're on a roll. Was speaking more of the end game. When you're going to win anyway, what to do with the engineers? I usually end up with a line of forts that Vauban would have been proud of.
  4. Hey, you need something to build the fortifications. Calling it an Engineer unit works as good as anything else. I'm all in favor of adding more capabilities to the unit though. Making it the city/fortification nutcracker par excellence would be interesting. More in line with a combat engineer's usual functions. Also city/rail/road repair of course. As is, you start building grand Maginot type things as sometimes, there's nothing else really useful to do with it. Decisions, decisions on where best to use it…
  5. Bugger, and I laid the mines on the Crow. Please send a corrected iteniary next time.
  6. What if you limited it to an engineer at somewhat full strength? Then it would be bomber, bomber followed by fighter, fighter. Heh, here we are already play balancing something that's not in yet. As usual.
  7. Ok, nice to know you looked at it. On the other side of the coin, a guy could park an engineer in Cherbourg and keep the Allies from bombing it flat. You'd have to look at that too.
  8. Ok, was just wondering if there was someway to speed up the rebuild process. It might add something to the game if engineers could rebuild a city/rail/road. Lot of other games have it, would be an easy add-on.
  9. No, his bad side is when he pushes you in the back room to get your picture taken with a pregnant goat.
  10. Hubert, have you considered giving engineers the ability to fix rail lines?
  11. When this movie was originally released, I went to the cinema to see it with a GF. Within a few minutes of watching the beach landings and subsequent chaos, she asked if we could leave. Women. </font>
  12. Das Boot is probably the best naval flick out there Rambo. But try reading the book, it's waaaay better.
  13. You're right. Let's stick with bundrip. Fecal incontinence should be good enough for anybody and wouldn't want to start any nasty rumors, now would we? Would we?
  14. Honestly, is that the only way you can get someone to play them these days?
  15. Don't worry. We've gotten used to halfwittedness from Scum Sucking Newbies.
  16. Well, there is an obligation to let your opponent have his fun. Let's face it, it's fun to "clamchoweder" someone after putting that kind of time into setting it up. So stick around for that last two turns of banzi attack with what you've got left. Heck, you might even have fun.
  17. I'll play it out if I've got a shot at a draw. Don't need to win as long as you lose too. But when it's over, it's over. You can usually tell.
  18. That looks like one heck of a game. Sheesh, Russians in Casablanca...who'd a thunk it?
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