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Everything posted by Lars

  1. No turns for no one till about Sunday. Been playing General Contractor. A much more amusing game, in some ways. Movement paths are all fubared there too though…somebody fix or do sumfink.
  2. Official Actor of the Peng Challenge. We've all done it.
  3. Actually, I thought this line was the best. Stuka butt yodeling in the Alps. It'll bring a tear to the eye. Of everybody downwind.
  4. Try upping the convoy run to max along with the Ind Tech and Prod Tech. You can build a Hellacious Bear if you're willing to accept a relatively weak US.
  5. May all your days be filled with rain and cold, gusty winds, and may your tires go flat in some god-forsaken wilderness where there is no one to help and you discover that your tool kit has either been stolen or misplaced. And while you are stranded there and shivering, may you discover that the last place you ate gave you the most horrendous case of the ****s in recorded history. May you be so weak in spirit that to end your miseries, you drag your useless carcass over to a 1000 foot cliff and heave yourself over. Amen.</font>
  6. Well, you're going to have a hard time proving it when the facts say otherwise. btw, you could argue that Ind Tech should give a bigger boost to the Germans. Would be a better case.
  7. Which is why you really shouldn't go with anecdotal evidence, when you have something better available. From the Strategic Bombing Survey.
  8. Well, I haven't invested in it that much. I'm sure you save, but how much? And on a "maybe" if you get it in time, plus with the opportunity cost of not investing in something else instead. I'm usually maxed out in other things, but I'll have to give it a try sometime.
  9. What are you doing awake in the daylight?
  10. Heh, well what's the point of anything we do? The war is over. I was just thinking that if you get to, say Infrastructure 2 or 3, there should be a chance of a couple of the Russian cities not getting knocked down to zero supply. Increase the effect for the more you dump into Infrastructure. Does anybody even really bother with that tech? Seems a bit of a waste of mmps to me.
  11. The dirty rat! SAVE THE MAN! SAVE THE MAN! SAVE THE MAN! Burning Man </font>
  12. Well, we'd all like the chance to kick the quartermaster's butt.
  13. I have a copy of the first season of ROME for whoever replies first and is willing to pay shipping. Anyone? Class? Bueller?
  14. Er, no. I still want soviet winter, but I want the ability to lessen the effect by investing in being prepared for it, if I so choose.
  15. I agree. So...which do you think will be easier for Hubert to code and get to us first?
  16. Seamonkey has my line of reasoning about correct. Weather affects more than just the front line troops, it affects everything up and down the supply chain. Infrastructure is simply the easiest tech under the current system to fold it into Stalin, nothing more. We don't have a Winter Mitten Tech.
  17. Hmm, as I do the math, other than the 7 mile jaunt, he never got 50 yards from the bottle.
  18. Wow, they even have shoes on. Must have been Sunday.
  19. Or the fact that it had skid marks. It was priceless, I tell you. We must feed Seanachai even more port next time. Maybe we can get him to wear tube socks on his ears to complete the ensemble.
  20. Well, I just had this mental bubble of a staffer writing down in the Big Book of Doctrine, "LandesWehr TroopenMitten - Verboten…"
  21. Mmm, Palace O' Meat...Yes, most definitely yes. Seanachai is going drowning on Lake of the Woods, so he'll be replaced by smarter dice. What about Papa Kahn? (not bolded because he always gets a pork chop)
  22. It is well known that we now have the problem relatively under control, and that it is the RAF who now suffer the largest casualties in this area.
  23. Odd doctrine. Ya know, Infrastructure Tech should be changed to lessen the effects.
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