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Everything posted by Lars

  1. You're getting repetitious. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's probably the baby carrots. Next you'll be eating baby harp seals, I suppose.</font>
  2. And bad movies. Sheesh, Star Trek V... Sorry I didn't get a chance to abuse you over the phone Boo, but it was a target rich enviroment, I had to go with the immediate problems.
  3. Lemme guess, you thought you were getting into something totally different.
  4. Pfft. It's whiskey, try to have a little class. This clearly calls for the Hardee's cup.
  5. You see Lars, it's the unintended consequences that get you every time. You had planned to just wander over to dalem's, swill some booze and repair to your home in a pleasantly buzzed state. NOW you have to play games with not only dalem, bad enough in itself, but also Seanachai (and didn't I predict that) AND Papa Khann ... {shudder}. No booze is worth that. Joe </font>
  6. Er, hey dalem, up for gaming this weekend? {yeah, I know, shameless, but he's got really old booze...}
  7. I'd pay good money to see Peng sitting up in the cheap seats at both his daughter's attendance in a Moonie mass wedding. Wait a tick, the resultant mass shooting would make the evening news…I'd get to see it for free!
  8. Perhaps somebody should do a Tactics II type scenario. Even odds then.
  9. Oh yeah? Wait till you try to shovel it. Wet and heavy heart attack snow here.
  10. Nice title. Of course, I only like it because I did it first several years ago.
  11. Tell em what was in the trunk dalem. Go on, you know you want to. Bwahahahahaha.... [ March 14, 2008, 12:23 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  12. Oh, if you only knew. It's not the actual game, it's all the skullduggery and bitchin that goes on in the course of it. Think four-way Combat Mission with a heavy dose of Peng Challenge. I vote we get the Carthage expansion and force Shaw to play. He'd make a good rules slut.
  13. Gamey card flow bastage. Although, with my luck, I probably would have lost even if I had gotten to roll the dice. So there.
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