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Everything posted by Priest

  1. Fire at the state department and evacuated and now a new plume on the eastern trade center. Another explosion. Possibly COLLAPSED!!!!!!
  2. The reason for the white house evac is because secret service saw a plane circling the white house. Treasury building also being evaced. Capitol building also! [ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: Priest ]
  3. I am watching CNN while I am typing. If you have an instant messanger I will type you info. White house evac is confirmed [ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: Priest ]
  4. Two planes within 18 minutes of each other crashed into the World Trade Center. One was a 767. There is a fire in the Pentagon on the west side. Another plane crash is the cause just verified. There is a fire on the Mall in DC. The President is enroute from Florida and he has issued a short statement. FBI is claiming it is a terrorist attack White House is being evacuated.
  5. Now the White House is being evacuated. WHAT THE HELLL!!!! Someone has done something very stupid. No Mercy I say!
  6. Head over to www.Combat-missions.net they have a mod list that is really good. To start out get a new grass texture. Then I would do terrain and structures first before moving onto vehicles. Also if you want a truly better experience download Scipios sound mods they are truly excellent! Hope this helps!
  7. Just an FYI. It is called reverse slope and is beneficial for any unit using it (for armor it is basically hull down).
  8. All things being equal, lets discuss what we can discuss. Terrain is going to change. That does not mean it is not very very important but for the issue of discussion lets all agree that terrain is important but a moot factor in this discussion because anything we say good or bad will be effected by terrain. This leaves unit diposition. When I look at a unit I see 5 things no matter the make up of the unit. 1.) a recce-screening element 2.) an AT element 3.) an assault element 4.) an artillery element 5.) a reserve force #1 can be any unit or units that you deem as your screening element. Their intent now though is to screen and recon the area. Half-squads and light AFVs do well in this role obviously. #2 are obviously AT minded tanks and TDs not to mention ATGs and personal AT weapons (shrecks, PIATS, zooks, etc. etc.). #3 Usually the majority of your infantry and support oriented AFV's. #4 FOs and onboard mortars. Important note, forming your onboard mortars into a battary with a spare HQ can be quite devestating and I count them in my artillery group. #5 self explanatory. The original post stated the following force: Infantry (we will assume a COY for arguements sake) Two tanks Two TDs Two AC's Two HTs No mention of artillery. Now this is hard because i do not know the side or unit composition so I will make one up. 1 COY British infantry 2 Sherman V's 2 M10 Wolverines 2 Dailmer AC's 2 M5a1 HT's okay with this force I would do the following: Recce Screening force: 1 platoon with all squads split. The platoon co would move to a rally point to recombine the unit at a later time. Attached to this unit would be the two dailmers. This unit would use a maximum spread formation 350m+ ahead of the main force witht he Dailmers trailing no less than 50m and no more than 100m. The spread would allow that spotted units not be on a straight course for the flags. AT Force: Both M10's would sit on overwatch preferably with a hull down position with interlocking fields of fire down 1 or 2 avenues of enemy armor approach. After decisive engagement the M10's could then manuever for kills. Assault force: The remaining infantry and the two Sherman V's. Note that the Piats would stay with this group including the PIAT team from the recce group. Artillery Force: With the absence of FOs I would form the three 2-inch mortar guns into a battary under the command of the COY Co. Reserve Force: The two HTs. Yep that is right, in a protracted fire fight of this scale some mgs in a nimble carrier could really contribute if committed late in the battle. If possible I would consider the reformed Recce group my reserve. The force size is small in this setup so this is the best I could hope for, not to mention that the recce force could be engaged first and not able to disengage throughout the battle. That is my view. DISCLAIMER: After observing and reading and playing FIONN I in effect converted to this system, it is no way my own or even derived by me for application to CMBO. Thanks FIONN! [ 09-06-2001: Message edited by: Priest ]
  9. Also once you receive the game (it should be the 1.12 version) you will find the tank AI much better even though when I played the Demo the whole concept of a workable TacAI was and still is amazing. Welcome to the addiction!
  10. Albow MG42 is just bitter Welcome to the addiction!
  11. Thanks Juju! Yes Username you would have to expand your horizons! It is just in fun, ignore it Ussy.
  12. I tend to stay away from the ones that have little potential in becoming somewhat funny. This of course means that I always read Username's posts because there is bound to be something laughable in there! Sorry Ussy that was uncalled for! Totally my fault!
  13. Got yourself a new sig slappy? Yeah it was a bit disappointing, but hey it had tanks. Did anyone notice that during the WWI segment that the British tank crew took a small black kitten into the tank with them! Someone rally the Animal Rights Groups and that crazy chick from the Peng thread! (HI KITTY!)
  14. If I had knowledge of FTP and HTTP I would do it but darn I do not! Only all this network engineer crap! Anywhoo since I already search and scour every site for mods it would fit right in! And yes I am a MODSLUT!
  15. Last time I checked the engine was great!
  16. Just to make one thing clear guys and gals, CM3 will be the first game after the engine re-write. Steve has stated that fact many times. After CMBB the re-write starts!
  17. This is what I thought I read (but could be wrong real real wrong!) CMBO and CMBB current engine CMBII engine re-write. CM3 Africa and Med CM4 Early WWII and CMBO redone in new engine with backwards compatibility with CM3. CM5 Remake of CMBB with backwards compatibility with CM3 and CM4. After that it is up for grabs. This is just what I thought I read but regardless after CMBB the engine rewrite begins!
  18. Here are some answers: A.) Blowing up buildings is not gamey by any means. It happened in the war. b.) "Exploding" buildings do not actually explode but may collapse or a wall fall down or many other things, but as an abastraction they put a "BOOM" graphic in. c.) Building Rubble is usually better cover then the building itself. d.) I am not sure about heavy/light building damage but you do take more damage being on the second floor rather than the first. Hope that helps.
  19. Gunslinger! Hehe, you are the only Mod artist that has his own folder in my Mod Archive! And while I do not use all of your mods as I once did I do still use your splash screen for the title menu! Simply the best. Welcome back!
  20. Ahh! the Chaffee. I really like that little tank. The Chaffee was a replacement for the Stuart and as such should be considered for roles as such. The 75mm is not the same gun off of a Sherman though, it is (IIRC) the M6 gun, used from the Mitchell bomber. The armor is only ~25mm but with good slope thus increasing protection. Also the Torsion Bar suspension also helps the tank in all the standard "good suspension" ways. Basically you can hunt light armor and threaten medium armor with the Chaffee. Also while this is far from the norm, in a freakish accident I had a Chaffee deflect a 88mm round from a KT at ~300m in a battle the other day! Sloped armor is good. Given a choice of armor that I would command in the war I think I would choose the British Avenger TD. Only a few were built and none served (the Comet superceding it) but a tank destroyer with 32mph and 100+ mm armor on hull and turret sounds good to me. Also a true 17lbs gun not the Hybrid on the Comet. Although quick second choices would be the Austrailian Sentinel, Pershing, and of course the ever popular Tiger.
  21. Lewis I thought you told me change is always good, allowing the Bren would be change would it not? Watch what you say it could come back and get you!
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