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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. So, how was it different to the bog standard Sherman? It still had vertical volute suspension didn't it? Regards Jim R.
  2. So he was the cause of WWII breaking out and not Hitler. Well, I never! Regards Jim R.
  3. Isn't Latin referred to as "Classical Italian"? Regards Jim R.
  4. John, please correct me if I'm wrong but I seem to recall reading somewhere that the main effect of a Heat penetration was the noxious gasses that would permeate throughout the tank in very quick time once the tank was hit. This would often panic the crew to want to bail out immediately for fear of being overwhelmed by the gasses the heat round caused. Did I make this up or have you read it somewhere as well? Regards Jim R.
  5. You know, I can somehow picture Homer saying this in some whacked out Simpsons episode in the future centered around WW II. It's a worry! Regards Jim R.
  6. I believe that particular AT gun was nicknamed "the peashooter" gun based on its miniscule calibre. Regards Jim R.
  7. Assuming you're refering to Churchill Mk VIII's they certainly are able to kill the big boys including Tiger I's & Panthers frontally but are extremely marginal versus Tiger II's & Jagdpanthers (and of course, Jagdtigers). This is all based on the assumption that your Churchill comes with a goodly supply of "C" rounds because if not....you're screwed. Also, don't expect to be able to duel with the Tigers & Panthers at much greater than about 700 metre range since their chances of hitting fall dramatically much over that range due to their low velocity howitzer style 95mm gun. Mind you, if you are able to hit the target the "C" rounds are still able to penetrate the armour at above that range. Regards Jim R. [ September 11, 2003, 03:01 AM: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]
  8. Those damn German atni tanks are buggers aren't they. Regards Jim R.
  9. That's a very interesting point you've raised. Come to think of it, I've played a game fairly recently where I had a Panzerschreck team obtain a full penetration on a T34/85 for no effect and then the following turn had a Panzerfaust do the same on the side hull of the same tank for a non killing hit (although a crew casualty was caused). I've also been on the receiving end of a favourable result of a non killing Panzerschreck hit on one of my T34/85's althogh it did cause a crew casualty. Clearly there have been some tweaks to the deadliness of Panzerfausts and especially Panzerschrecks in CMBB compared with CMBO as in the earlier version of the game, any hit with either weapon on virtually any tank was a guaranteed kill. Perhaps BFC are allowing for the shaped charged weapons being less effective against AFV's that have highly sloped aspects, although that certainly wouldn't apply in the case of an SU 76? Regards Jim R.
  10. That's not as weird as the sound contact an assault boat gives off when being carried cross country is that of a halftrack! Perhaps they left the outboard motor on by mistake? :confused: Regards Jim R.
  11. Another thing to consider is that the Tiger VIE achieved its good armour protection more from sheer thickness of metal rather than the actual slope on the armour contributing to the penetration resistance. Bear in mind that the Tiger was first designed back around 1940 compared with the mid forties for the IS2 & Pershing when it was well accepted by then that sloping the armour to achieve better protection was the way to go. The later heavy tanks were better shaped to resist AP shells but then they had the advantage of being the next generation. Regards Jim R.
  12. You know Mr Spkr. you had me all gooey eyed to begin with after your heart felt pleas to assist poor ol' what's his face, thingumebob, whojarkapivee etc, etc but then you blew it. You just had to mention that he went out and bought an Apple Mac and right there and then you lost my sympathy. Anybody who lacks the sense to buy a computer that can actually run more than maybe 3 games titles deserves no pity whatsoever. Now, if you instead start up a thread where one is asked to contribute towards buying him a whole new IBM compatible machine then we're back on track again. Regards Jim R.
  13. Yes you're right S.B. it is our battle. The crazy angle of the barrel as if its trying to shoot down a plane is what's so odd about it along with the really thin whisp of smoke every time it fires. I'm tempted to send the relevant file to BFC but they probably wont be interested as it's under ver. 1.02 of the game. Regards Jim R.
  14. Cannister rounds can't be it because I'm getting explosions and shellholes around the spot where the area target has been set. Also the target area is a good 500 metres plus away. I'm still baffled. :confused: Regards Jim R.
  15. I've just witnessed a rather weird movie from CMBB where my T34/76 appeared to be firing indirectly at its area fire target spot. The barrel of the gun was pointing way up into the sky and every time it fired a very small wisp of smoke appeared when compared with the standard large "pillow" of smoke one normally sees when firing directly at a target. It really was quite strange because I had another T34 firing at a location that was just in its LOS over a ridge yet it fired normally (and always short into the ridge) while the seeming indirect fire of the other T34 was pretty darn accurate at hitting the target spot I had nominated which also was just in LOS and over a ridge. Has anybody else ever seen such weird behaviour from a T34 or any other tank for that matter? Regards Jim R.
  16. Further update. Have managed to finish both Petroskov Bridge and The High Road while Koltov is a bit past the half way mark so hopefully all 3 games will be completed by mid September at the absolute latest. Regards Jim R.
  17. It looks like Juju has had a hand at helping BFC with their explosions judging by the visual impact those screenshots show when something goes boom. I'm guessing that the so called lowly Sherman will come into its own in 1942/43 when pitted against Pz III's and Semovente's. Will probably change a few peoples views on the Sherman after their experiences from CMBO. Regards Jim R.
  18. In that example the "T" would stand for target. Regards Jim R.
  19. Lemme guess. Right after this shot both Hetzers rotated 180 degrees to kill the "ghost" and ended up knocking out each other. Am I close? Regards Jim R.
  20. I still reckon I'd be quaking in my boots if I came across those Italian tanks in my Bob Semple! Still, I guess I could be one of the 8(!) "lucky" crew members who gets to lie on the matress in the tank which should cushion some of the blows from multiple penatrations. Regards Jim R.
  21. Let's just say that I miss Brits very, very much after having played with Soviets. Tch, you can't even understand what they say ! </font>
  22. Clearly, a future armour grog is on the rise. Regards Jim R.
  23. You're just full of <s>useless</s> useful information aren't you Hans. BTW, you don't happen to be an accountant do you? Regards Jim R.
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