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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Yet, if I asked you what you did 3 days ago you'd probably draw a blank. Ahhh, the foibles of old age. Regards Jim R.
  2. I wouldn't necessarily assume that Wilhammer. The original Modern Naval Battles was a fairly "beer & pretzels" style card based game that was no where near as complicated as Up Front for example. It was highly abstract with a level of complexity not much more evolved than Naval War (yet still good fun!) Regards Jim R.
  3. Hmmmm, sounds very different from the old BTS games of Achtung Spitfure & Over the Reich then. More reminiscent of Richtofens War with its optional manouevre cards (although far more realistic than that I'm sure). Looking forward to more information on it. Regards Jim R.
  4. I'm hoping that Aircraft Carriers will be properly modelled in this game. Any confirmation forthcoming on this? Regards Jim R.
  5. Wasn't that after being submerged in mud for 3 months or is that an old wives tale? Regards Jim R.
  6. Yeah, I can imagine all those hits on a Ferdinand impacting at the same time would probably knock it out. Is that what they're getting at? Regards Jim R.
  7. I've been receiving the odd turn from Lindan but it's been pretty infrequent. Mind you, I can't really talk as I'm currently owing just about everybody a turn at the moment but it is the Easter break you know. Regards Jim R.
  8. Michael, the Aussies have never used the Sterling SMG in an official capacity from my understanding with the possible exception of the navy which may have used them but then the navy is not my area of interest. Regards Jim R.
  9. Yes, nice try Michael. Almost! It was an Australian designed SMG which had a top feeding magazine so even if the internal magazine spring lost its tensile strength the bullets could still feed through via gravity. The Australian Army grunts thought so highly of the weapon that they were still using them in the Vietnamese jungle during the 1960's long after virtually all other SMG's in other armies had been phased out. Regards Jim R.
  10. John, I'm home now & I don't appear to have received your return file. The last file I sent was no. 87 and that was over 24 hours ago. Regards Jim R.
  11. I second the Owen gun. Nothing was more rugged and reliable than this little beauty. Regards Jim R.
  12. Are you sure about that John? I thought we had at least 12 turns or so more to go. Regards Jim R.
  13. They're prisoners, not day-trippers out for a bus tour of the war! </font>
  14. Interesting info. John. BTW, what the hell is a "Spandau" cannon? Is that term used simply to distinguish it as being of German origin? Regards Jim R.
  15. What's to get excited about? It will probably be taken by someone like the Focker re-signing up under yet another nome-de-plume. Regards Jim R.
  16. I hope you're not quoting a "Dr Smithian" from Lost in Space. Such an abomination would surely condemn you for life. Regards Jim R.
  17. That first reference to the Lee still only mentions 6 crew members if you count the individuals mentioned. :confused: Regards Jim R.
  18. Only if you get the SdKfz 251/Sktr. (Sonderkrafftahrzeug 251 mit Skiträger.) </font>
  19. AAARRRGGGHHHH!!! John, you've just gone and blown the full lockdown on providing information on the scenario's. I propose you be banned, BANNED! :mad: I say from any further involvement with the tournament until you make a full apology for giving away such vital secrets on each battle. Regards Jim R. P.S. Just to let everyone know that I'm away over the Easter break so probably wont be able to send a return file until Tuesday. Have a great Easter. [ April 08, 2004, 12:10 AM: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]
  20. Not just CMBB. You can get ski troops for the Germans in Italy. Another thing came to mind, can ski troops be transported in halftracks (say) and still retain their ski's when the dismount? Regards Jim R.
  21. I've searched the manual high & low but can't find any reference to ski troops and their advantages over normal troops. Obviously they should be able to traverse snow terrain better than non ski troops but aren't there some sort of restrictions to which movement orders they can use? I'm guessing that they can only use the move and move to contact commands to be able to retain the ski's. Does someone know for sure whether this is the case or not? If they could use the fast move command while still skiing they should be bloody fast compared with normal troops in snow. Regards Jim R.
  22. So...what do you really think about these sort of people? Regards Jim R.
  23. Yeah, yeah, I've heard this before. Just wait for when my deadly Centurions hit you on the flank. Regards Jim R.
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