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Everything posted by thewood

  1. Expect an email from me with an offer on viagra, dating, weight loss, and free money.
  2. I work in a job where i write articles that are published all over the place. I have an editor and a proofreader assigned to me. Go back and look at some of my posts for errors. And that is with me trying very hard. I've had one article go out without editing. My wife read it and declared I should be beaten senseless with a dictionary.
  3. It would be cool to see that in playback, but I think that detail actually may not be shown in playback.
  4. I tried it on my new laptop and it didn't work. It ran, but when I loaded a scenario, the main screen was blank. I only saw the unit info and menus. Went back to my 3 year old IBM laptop to play.
  5. The $0.50 I could have drawn in interest. What are you rich? I would also like to point out the time I have wasted reading forums to figure out whats going on with the game. Also the amount of time I have spent playing and testing and 9 times out of 10 ending in frustration.
  6. I spend a lot of time in China and lived there for a year. Chinese mothers get just as upset at losing sons as american mothers. Its just that american mothers can have more influence (both short term and long term) on political leadership than a chinese mother.
  7. I thought IDF tank-like APCs were used mostly for moving engineers into place.
  8. I repeat... Give us an hours notice before it goes up to give us forum whores a chance before masses catch on. Yes, My name is wood, and I'm a forum whore.
  9. What I am puzzled about is that more people are compaining about design decisions than the early release. To me, the early release is more troubling than the design concept. It really seems to go directly against BFC's core message about being an "indy" and being ready when its ready. It also makes it difficult for some people to seperate the bugs from the design. My vote is still out on some design things because I can't tell if they are actually working or not. Design decisions and bugs can be changed and corrected, but cred is hard to get.
  10. That gets pretty tedious after a while of doing it over and over in complax scenarios. I know it may be an unheard of concept, but making scenario building easier can mean a longer life for a product.
  11. second! I am heading over to refresh the patch page see you there.
  12. I agree on the WEGO kludge thing. Getting that straightened out will clean up WEGO quite a bit for me.
  13. Trigger fingers were mentioned already in another thread. That should hold you for a while.
  14. e_cred? Why is this the first I've heard of it. Do I have some? Can I get some? Do I have to complain to get some or is being a sycophant enough?
  15. I'm not sure there were Stryker-like vehicles in previous wars that weren't battle taxis or recon vehicles were there? The British used Saracen APC and Saladin armoured cars together with Ferret scout cars as a matter of course in all their low-level conflicts, with what seemed to be success albeit there weren't really alternatives at that time. </font>
  16. I'll tell you from experience, the patch for your wife won't make any difference. She's waiting on your patch.
  17. Hey Steve, no one looking right now...can you give a little inside on 1.03 and when its going to be ready?
  18. Believe it or not, there is a better model out there. Just gotta look. There's always a better model.
  19. Now someone can officially complain about me complaining. Makes it cleaner.
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