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Everything posted by thewood

  1. In CM1 I brought infantry along because they were better at spotting and hiding than an AFV. I do not find that in CMSF. I find that infantry can't hide effectively and AFVs are better at spotting.
  2. To me its kind of a worrying sign that it is difficult to find MP games.
  3. There are actually a couple of games that use SOP, specifically because they are wego. How comparable they are is another question. They would be TACOPS and POA2. All they old HPS titles, like Tigers on the Prowl, used them effectively.
  4. Maybe I am overly sensitive to it, but what I am struggling with is even though the bugs for pathfinding and LOS are reduced, they still happen just enough to screw up 30 minutes of execution and planning. Before someone says "That unpredictibility is part of real life", that is not part of the design. Build that in to the game if its needed. But when troops won't go through breaches or doors, troops get shot through walls, grenade launchers refuse to fire, etc., even 10% of the time, it is almost impossible to use "real world" tactics and trust they will work. Right now, even after 1.03, I am still struggling to see what is the true design becuse I am constantly thinking, is that a bug or was it supposed to do that. The whole thing of troops seeming to reorganize themselves at waypoints or at the end of moves is a great example. If I want troops to stop at a corner of a building, should I expect that three guys will stand in the street and get shot? Is that design or bug. If its a design, I guess I'll just have to use corners or assume I will lose three guys when they move. Strykers refusing to fire .50 at infantry 400m away. Bug or design, if its design, what should I be doing different. Sorry for the rant, but at this point I hear people talking about using real world tactics and want to know how they deal with the above issues or do they ignore them.
  5. The search button works well. I entered QB and menu and...voila! http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=52;t=002812#000000 There are several other threards there if you search.
  6. Did you one better... http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=poa2
  7. Only PDF, but its massive. Its in Word or PDF and can be downloaded before you buy.
  8. How tall is the stack of punch cards needed to run CMSF. That's how I judge a games's worth.
  9. I think the appropriate reponse is SOD OFF! Google is the other answer. Why should I wear out my fingers for ya?
  10. POA2, with all its patching is probably the best, most detailed, most like work simulation out there. You must be a semi masochist to play it. (2D also)
  11. Thats all well and good, but do you think BFC really built that in to the game, or are all rationalizing again? edit: Especially because Syrian tanks prefer HE over AT rounds.
  12. Anyone notice a couple f times referring to question marks showing friendly forces.
  13. OK, I know posting on the boards is not representative of a core market, but 5 people in two days on a pretty active board...not sure BFC is expanding much beyond thier core market. Maybe a people have heard the noise here and on other boards and are waiting to see what happens.
  14. I agree that it has improved quite a bit. Now the major problem is figuring out when it works and when it doesn't. I have found it unpredictable.
  15. Yes, but answering only yes hides many issues. I think a lot of the issues have been improved, but way more issues remain unresloved that are painful to play around.
  16. So basically, with no units on the map, a high density urban map chews up framerates, is that correct? I have the same issue as stated above on a blank flat map of over 2km. It "chugs". If I shrink the map to 800m, its fine. Says something is going on regardless of units and terrain. As they say "size matters".
  17. They do seem to encourage units to fire that are "normally" reluctant to fire. I am still testing that out.
  18. I sned them in too close, they get blown up, I restart the scenario. Thats as far as I get.
  19. I thought I saw someplace that units no longer unhide when units come into a covered arc. I have stopped bothering using CA's because they seem to be inconsistent in how they work.
  20. If you go back to the long(-winded?) thread that dorosh threw out right after release, I think the arguements were basically that. I have come to the conclusion, after much trying, I just don't get it.
  21. Lynnfield is between Lynn and Peabody. Its called the land that Boston forgot. Rural except Rte 1 and 128 cutting a corner each. Still has working farms and is surrounded by suburb cities like Lynn and Saugus. Moved here before it became expensive. You can literally go from a cow barn to Fenway park in 15 minutes if there's no traffic
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